Re Snuggles....Really Julius? Are you pulling our legs here?
That squirrel must have fleas.....A close relation to the rat family you know.
Best keep the lid closed on the loo when 'Snuggles' pops in.
I'm not joking. He came in this morning, only on the window sill today. He looks in good condition. I gave him a Rich Tea biscuit, which he rushed away with.
I hadn't thought about fleas. I suppose he's a wild creature, but I actually don't mind him popping in. When I'm not at work I'm on my own most of the time and I quite welcome his visits, to be honest.
I phoned CS today because YET AGAIN Ms Horne came out with the incorrect information that hair dryers reach temperatures of 230 degrees - scale not specified. It was the first time I've had to wait for an operator, the opening message was about the Birthday voucher, but the man I eventually spoke to said he would tell the studio. She's so unprofessional.
Today Ms Horne said that hairdryers are about 230 degrees and straighteners are the same so using both exposes your hair to over 450 degrees. So in the summer if it’s 25 degrees when you got out and you go out twice during the day you were out in 50 degree heat?
Smokers are worse than pets. I have a tame wild squirrel, Snuggles, that comes in my flat. He likes to rush around and jump onto things. He's superb! I wish I could have him as a pet but it's not allowed.
On one of the Dyson shows, Jackie Kabler said "the trouble with normal hairdryers that I have used is, they just keep getting hotter and hotter and hotter" yeah that's sort of impossible you dozy mare. It will get as hot as the filament allows, and that's it. You don't get free energy from your hair dryer missus.
So today they were showing customer photos and one said she'd grown her hair a huge amount in 8 months all thanks to Dyson Hairdryer, she grew out her pixie cut to a bob. No mention of the umpteen products she used to get her hair to grow faster, it has been documented on her Instagram and Youtube, products included caffeine shampoo, hair burst vitamins, oils etc......:wonder::headbang::down::taphead:
She doesn’t have a physics CSE then ?
Or even extensions!
There were umpteen products involved but extensions were not involved.
Was there just blusher involved?