45 Minute Shows????


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Apr 27, 2009
Whats going on ? everytime I switch to QVC there is Abby bloody Horne in full spiel about the sodding Dyson - apologies for my language, but I'm getting really hacked off with this product, which appears to be tagged onto the end of every show. I switched to see Pru Leith and Lola Rose, but boy was I wrong.

Has QVC over ordered on Dyson, because like Ideal World and their Vibramaster (or whatever) they dont seem to have anything else in their warehouse.
Whats going on ? everytime I switch to QVC there is Abby bloody Horne in full spiel about the sodding Dyson - apologies for my language, but I'm getting really hacked off with this product, which appears to be tagged onto the end of every show. I switched to see Pru Leith and Lola Rose, but boy was I wrong.

Has QVC over ordered on Dyson, because like Ideal World and their Vibramaster (or whatever) they dont seem to have anything else in their warehouse.

acutally they had to end the hour early as it was all selling out
Whats going on ? everytime I switch to QVC there is Abby bloody Horne in full spiel about the sodding Dyson - apologies for my language, but I'm getting really hacked off with this product, which appears to be tagged onto the end of every show. I switched to see Pru Leith and Lola Rose, but boy was I wrong.

Has QVC over ordered on Dyson, because like Ideal World and their Vibramaster (or whatever) they dont seem to have anything else in their warehouse.

Yes I’ve noticed this it’s serves two purposes, one to try and flog a Dyson at every given opportunity and secondly now that people have come to get used to more and more repeats, it gives them a chance to get ready for the next hour and have a longer gab with their colleagues, 45 minute hours b, nice work if you can get it, bet the pay is still the same and the freebies keep on coming 😂👍
acutally they had to end the hour early as it was all selling out

They must be selling out all the time then because I’ve seen Dyson featured at the end of a lot of the shows. When it’s not on for the last ten minutes, then you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a one hour show on the horizon.

It seems to be on ad nauseum, so I turn the channel over. I’ve been doing that a lot recently.
I have read quite a number of complaints on their Facebook over the shows now only 45 minutes and have been for a while all shows. And its always Dyson in the last 15 minutes. Strange how they don't seem to sell out of those.

Yes, IW have been reduced to 45 mins shows for some time, and minus the adbreaks they are probably around 38 minutes in total. Are they struggling to get stock ? or perhaps the presenters are on reduced hours contracts during Covid, thereby making it cheaper to shove in endless repeats. I wonder if Abby Horne is paid by on screen air time because she should be coining it in with all the time we have to look at her shiny mug !
Yes, IW have been reduced to 45 mins shows for some time, and minus the adbreaks they are probably around 38 minutes in total. Are they struggling to get stock ? or perhaps the presenters are on reduced hours contracts during Covid, thereby making it cheaper to shove in endless repeats. I wonder if Abby Horne is paid by on screen air time because she should be coining it in with all the time we have to look at her shiny mug !

Yes IW have been 45 minutes for a while now but they’re billed as 45 minute, not an hour with a fifteen minute repeat at the end. They don’t seem to be struggling for stock because on the website they’ve got more items than they ever have 👍😃
I am male, so apart from 1 small shaving gel, a pair of expensive trainers and expensive shower gel, there's nowt for me either.
So true. They're not interested in us. I will happily watch an hour of car cleaning kits, pressure washers, men's grooming etc, but these are few and far between.
the quality is not good either
I recently bought the pack of 4 pairs of Mukluks fleece lined tights and I thought for £23.00 incl p&p they were pretty good value working out at £5.75 each because you can pay £8 a pair for just regular thick tights. I did perhaps think I could've probably picked up something similar in Primark, but I considered that having them delivered to my door instead of having to queue up outside the shop and at the tills was money well spent. Turned out that it wasn't. I bought the medium and whilst they fit, there's not a lot of wriggle room and they have bobbled like crazy - So yes, this hasn't instilled much faith in their quality.
I love slipper socks though and could do with some more, but the combination of Mukluks questionable quality, and QVC's questionable everything else, I think I'll wait until Primark opens their doors again!
So true. They're not interested in us. I will happily watch an hour of car cleaning kits, pressure washers, men's grooming etc, but these are few and far between.
You're probably right - They know women tend to be the watchers and the spenders. I know it's probably wrong to generalise but they do know their demographic. In my household, I'm likely to have shopping telly channels on all day whilst I potter, Oh will have the radio on in the background and if he settles, he's far more likely to read the newspaper or watch the history channel. IW tend to dedicate entire hours to diy, car care etc, and when this sort of thing is on, I immediately change channels, as would a guy faced with an hour of ladies fashion or cosmetics would do. I don't think they're particularly interested in anyone really - just the money. The C should stand for Cash..'cause the convenience ship has long sailed - IW has teamed up with Asda for click and collect. Though I've just a look at their website and am disgusted that they're selling toilet paper for extortionate prices...that is not on as far as I'm concerned!
I agree it’s after most shows . I don’t buy that they are selling out of other items . It’s obviously a strategy to push more Dysons.
No way I would waste money on this so it’s irritating when you tune in for something else and it’s cut short.
My trusty cheap hairdryer of over 15 years still does a great job.
I agree it’s after most shows . I don’t buy that they are selling out of other items . It’s obviously a strategy to push more Dysons.
No way I would waste money on this so it’s irritating when you tune in for something else and it’s cut short.
My trusty cheap hairdryer of over 15 years still does a great job.
I would also think it was something to do with it being xmas - and they're hoping that people will just bung one into their basket for mum or sister, even though they might already have a hairdryer - but it's not a Dyson.

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