Doesn’t play for me now as not on instagram it may do from the blog page:
I read title of the thread and couldn’t work out what it referred to!
I read it as 40 second turn over meaning you’d only hacked 40 seconds of a QVC show before having to turn over! (That has happened many times before for me - less even if I catch sight of a presenter I can’t hack!)
But now realise - I think! - from watching Jackies Insta video that it was a 40 second studio turn around?
I found the *awful* music was making it hard to watch or take in - had to turn sound off! - but if that is a real time video, it’s pretty impressive/efficient?!
Wonder who coordinates these things?
Think I saw Ruth getting in the way/trying to get on camera at the end!
Debbie’s blogs would be better if she didn’t photobomb every picture.
Really doesn’t add anything to the photos either - it’d be better if she just took the photos rather than trying to be in them as well!
Plus she does insist on featuring her grandchildren in her photos and on social media, despite their parents clearly not wanting their children’s faces shown, so pointless pics of their hats or backs of heads etc!
Borrrrrring. What IS it with grandparents wanting to inflict others with endless photos of their offspring ??? Delightful for you, yes, and so it should be, but FFS who else ****** cares ??? we don't know them, they are not in our orbit, but please, be 'proud' within the family, because everyone else just yawns.
I don’t mind!
I’m parent age not grand-parent so maybe I’m not exposed to many - it’s mostly friends showing pics of their own offspring - but so long as it’s *within reason*, I like looking at photos
Some people take it to extremes - especially now there’s Facebook and Instagram - and admit endless posts get tedious.
Unless I’m related to them!
Often ask friends to send me pics tho, as can’t be there IRL.
Didn’t know Debbie had another one (baby boy) but he does look adorable!