£63 for some detergent!


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Jun 18, 2012
I've seen it all now! £63 for some Miele detergent. Ok so you get 6 bottles, but it still seems expenses to me. I use "Easy" powder from the Pound Shop and it works just fine. Did anyone see Charlie Brook enthusing in his fake way over some stupid washing detergent like it's the most amazing thing ever!
They're trading on their name I expect. Miele products are meant to be top of the range so they have to present a top of the range detergent.Im sure some people will buy it.

I use a variety of detergents depending on how the finances are.I would never pay that price or anywhere near it.Im quite happy with a powder like Daz .My son likes his clothes to smell of conditioner so I make him buy the detergent which is usually a more expensive one .

Now if I could just get him to work the washing machine !
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Aldis detergent is all I buy, it's only a couple of quid and lasts me and husband for ages, it actually does clean clothes too which you wouldn't think considering the cost, I love Aldis. :mysmilie_14:
These company's must think people are born yesterday. Still some folks must pay that much or they wouldn't sell the detergent. Middle are definitely trading on their name. I use a Morissons own brand washing liquid in lavender. It lasts ages and you don't need to put in as much as they recommend either.l use half that and have no complaints. I wouldn't pay for the Middle detergent even if l had that sort of money.
Did Charlie (aka "the gannet") try to eat it? :mysmilie_17:
I've seen it all now! £63 for some Miele detergent. Ok so you get 6 bottles, but it still seems expenses to me. I use "Easy" powder from the Pound Shop and it works just fine. Did anyone see Charlie Brook enthusing in his fake way over some stupid washing detergent like it's the most amazing thing ever!
Brilliant shop, I agree. And if they are surviving and making profits, it makes you wonder how much profit's being made from the Q stuff. A rip-off and p$$s-take, I'd say, like so much of what they sell, IMO.

Aldis detergent is all I buy, it's only a couple of quid and lasts me and husband for ages, it actually does clean clothes too which you wouldn't think considering the cost, I love Aldis. :mysmilie_14:
Brilliant shop, I agree. And if they are surviving and making profits, it makes you wonder how much profit's being made from the Q stuff. A rip-off and p$$s-take, I'd say, like so much of what they sell, IMO.

Makes you think H doesn't it? Some people will always be name snobs though, it's like I always say, just because it's dearer doesn't mean it's better, just paying for the name.
I recently bought some Aldi dishwasher tablets not expecting them to be any good but they are every bit as good as the branded ones and cost less than £2.00.

Paying £63.00 for washing powder is ridiculous as it goes down the plug hole in much the same way as your Molton Brown. L'Occitaine and all the other expensive bath and shower gels. I love them but have stopped buying now.
aldi and lidl do excellent dishwasher tabs and washing liquid/powder for clothes.been using them for years and always win which? best buys year in year out.but the money saved which is considerable i use for my l'occy and molton brown :mysmilie_8:
I always use Surf, I have to be very careful about the detergent I use as I can react to so many of them, its odd, I can literally only use the yellow box of surf, I once tried the pink one and i came out in a rash... I've heard great things about the Aldi one but I won't risk it to save a pound or two...luckily for me, there is only me and my son so it doesn't get used as quickly as a larger household.
I buy aldi or lidl too and usually when they are on promotion or in the bulk packs. Really great and not strong scent.
Have always used Bold 2 in 1 in Ruby Jasmine but I think it's been discontinued....and I don't like the lavender version. I might give these Miele ones a try. Actually it'll be cheaper to just throw my clothes away and buy new!!
i assume that these are made by a detergent manufacturer,, I have read that it is Persil or made by the Kreussler company in Weisbaden Germany.
bee using aldi/lidl washing liquid powder for years. my daughter got me buying them. i always bought ariel in the past. even thier washing up liquid is good but i love waitrose own brand. still buy comfort pearl or lenor for the gorgeous scents
Brilliant shop, I agree. And if they are surviving and making profits, it makes you wonder how much profit's being made from the Q stuff. A rip-off and p$$s-take, I'd say, like so much of what they sell, IMO.

Love Aldi too, although can't always get all my shopping there.
I'm gonna buck the trend here...

I recently obtained a nearly brand new Miele washing machine for less than a third of the RRP - a sad victim of divorce. It had been offered around the family but no one wanted it as they all mistakenly thought they'd have to use the Miele detergent. Their loss has been my gain, as I love it.

The detergent is excellent, made even more so because it's automatically dosed by the machine. This has come in really handy as I've shown OH how to use it and, amazingly, he now will put the washer on himself (what is it with men and washing machines? They use complicated engineering stuff at work, but can't wash their own clothes?).

I use mostly the same settings so all he has to do is switch it on, press a button to use the self-dose system and away it goes. He'd previously washed with fabric conditioner, forgotten to put detergent in at all, used too little or (causing a huge bubble flood) way too much. He is the older version of the ad that had the young bloke left by his mum to do his own washing who pours powder all over the floor while reading the box. Only much, much worse.

I also admit that I used to use too much, too, as I tended to use the maximum amount recommended, but I'll only admit that here and never to OH. With this machine, I stick to the guidelines and have great results.

Back to the detergent. I have never washed with anything like it and I've tried it all. It's managed to get stains out of OH's working clothes that have been there for countless washes. It leaves the clothes fresh and fairly soft (though I do prefer using fabric conditioner with it - I also had a bottle of the Miele conditioner stuffed into the drum - Lenor may say that their conditioner's smell lasts and lasts, but it has nothing on the Miele version), and doesn't irritate my skin. I was shocked at how good it is and now save it for really dirty loads, OH operated loads or grubby-ish whites, as although I love it, it IS expensive. It does save me buying Vanish etc., though.

The machine itself came with a 10 year warranty that I had no problem transferring. Customer service was great as I had it unloaded out of a van as it was, filled with the bottles and ready to go but with no book. I was expecting to have to pay for one, but the CS lady sent me a link with the online instruction book. The book itself is a joy to read. Other machines I've had have had books that are either lacking in anything but the most basic info or obviously written by someone who is not a native English speaker, making following instructions tedious and confusing.

I've had the machine several months now and the bottles are still over half full as the dose is regulated by load size and how dirty the clothes are. If you have a Miele washer that takes these, I'd definitely recommend it.
I've seen it all now! £63 for some Miele detergent. Ok so you get 6 bottles, but it still seems expenses to me. I use "Easy" powder from the Pound Shop and it works just fine. Did anyone see Charlie Brook enthusing in his fake way over some stupid washing detergent like it's the most amazing thing ever!

Ah but you see this is the company that also sell Tumble Dryers and Washing Machines for 1K each, so lets face it the precedent has been sent!
i like to try new things so watch this space when my aeg dies. its looking a bit sad but still works 12 years later. as i am getting older i do like nicer things that when i had a young family was out of the question. i will not buy from qvc though as there are loads of deals on the dreaded high street
i like to try new things so watch this space when my aeg dies. its looking a bit sad but still works 12 years later. as i am getting older i do like nicer things that when i had a young family was out of the question. i will not buy from qvc though as there are loads of deals on the dreaded high street

My AEG tumble lasted 15 days, had been used for less than 3 hours then went bang - the motor had gone according to the engineer, so it went back for a refund. My old Hotpoint before that lasted 15 years and the one before that (inherited from my mum), 20 years. The two other Hotpoints in the family are awaiting the upgrades (have been for months). I'm hoping my new-but-old Miele will last quite a while with no dramas. Warranties are great, but who wants to get stuck waiting for engineers!

I asked for details about my new-but-old Miele and was told it was bought with a found-on-the-internet 15% discount, £100 cashback (already claimed, but at least they had something back) and a 10 year promo warranty. I don't feel so bad getting it for a bargain price now. I think it's just a case of looking for deals/codes and buying at the right time.

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