Another useless demo.
Not once did they show you how to put it together, and dismantle it (it is in 8 sections).
Nor did they show the storage bag.
It has 3 reviews, 2 of them are 1 star and they are returning it because it kept falling apart.
That's the added value....for them as it will increase the postage costAhh but you do get a carry bag and DVD........Another rip off...
It's a glorified stick:mysmilie_19::mysmilie_19:Well lets face it if she wasn't an advocate (and I mean a evangelising, radicalising one) of the bodyblade, starting their own facebook groups (oops we are no longer suppose to know about that are wethen I doubt that it would have done anything like as well in this country. I mean how beneficial can a 'blade' be to a fitness routine. I grant you I have never tried it but I can't really 'get the concept'!
I've found someone who uses the QVC hula hoopI've seen one similar on Amazon for a tenner, you could dismantle it and it was weighted. They must've thought all their Christmases had come at once getting QVC to flog it, because let's face it, the majority of die hard QVC fans would buy poop on a stick.