£1 Super Crash Event – This Weekend


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MB i am shocked to say the very least at this new low that gems have stooped to..OMG can you ever imagine this happening if the old crew were still there? NO of course it wouldnt have..Its just appalling the way that gems just see nothing wrong in doing such things to their customers.!!!

I have to say i agree with sammi ,trading standards need to be made aware of this and i hope they get pulled over the coals...I think it wont be long till we see the end of gems at this rate,its the presenters etc that i feel sorry for .I hope they can just jump ship before it goes under for good.!!!!!

Let us know what happens MB .xxxx
I just rang Gems and they said if there's 3 or more items left, you can play the £1 crash on the web. He said some of the numbers are very low so that's why a lot of them are phone only, which is the usual thing with them anyway.
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Someone mentioned on another thread I think, about being part of the Gems tv family - sorry to disillusion anyone, but they're not a "family" - it's all clever marketing! But yes it's easy to get angry and disillusioned (that word again) when they appear to be all friendly and caring but then seem to stab you in the back. But they are in business after all. Good CS is vital of course, but - sorry - but there seems to be a sentimental sort of element around which doesn't really sit right with a business...There are issues that need addressing, but personally I shall just stay around until it's put right - hopefully it will be.

Just from my old marketing background - my take on the 'family' thing.

I think it's possible to build a brand that feels like a family.

I think Gems TV actively followed a family business brand uptill late last year -certainly in their presentation style. It's a sales fundamental - people buy from people they like.

So I would argue people aren't reacting sentimentally - they are simply reacting to the withdrawl of the business model and the repositioning of the brand and it's values.

They feel disenfranchised from the 'family' they once belonged to. I know I do.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not in tears here* I'm just looking for another jewellery business to 'emotionally' and financially buy into.

* I am in tears but it's because I just saw the end of 'King Kong'

I played on the web won the item, it went in my basket, I checked it out but they said they don't have the stock, then they said it's only fair that phone buyers get allocated as it takes longer for them and there wasn't enough stock to honour our wins.

cabbages, please don't cry. you knew it couldn't ever work! I mean, just think of the sleeping arrangements lol

as to buying into a family business, we know one we can point you in the direction of....
Just read all this thread and am pretty appalled,underhand tactics verging on the illegal IMHO and their excuses as to why they have done this just won't wash.Spread the word about them and boycott them,hit them where it hurts.Hugs to MB and Cleo.
mmm ive just tried logging on to the website and i got this

Gems TV are currently having problems with a few gremlins.

We apologise for any inconvenience you may experience and would like to assure you that our team is working hard to resolve any difficulties.

We hope to be back to normal shortly but in the meantime if you have any urgent queries please contact [email protected] and one of our Customer Service Team will be pleased to assist.

See us on on SKY TV channels 646 and 660
Virgin Media channel 755 and 756

Please call 0845 612 2000 to make a purchase

anybody else having the same trouble???????? a bit convinient isnt it???????? :rolleyes:
This happened before - the web being unavailable during a promotion weekend.

I'm racking my brain to remember when it was - I think it was a weekend when one person every hour was given their jewellery free.

A cynic would say that they did it to prevent people putting every piece of jewellery into their basket and thius dramatically increase their chance of winning. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure people did that, but shouldn't someone have thought of that first and changed the rules so that only checked out jewellery could be entered for the prize draw?

I'm certainly getting more and more cynical.........
Yes mummybear me too, couldn't agree more. I assume you still feel the same way after asleep as I do my your posts.

Thanks snoopy

I would love to hear from anyone who has got and been allocated a £1 item that hasn't been taken off them by web bidding or telephone.

Any advice on what steps to take if it isn't resolved amicably will be greatfully appreciated.

:confused: have been following the thread and agree that if you won some thing fairly and its in your basket then its yours and they should not remove the item ,its wrong and not very sportsman like is it?? i popped in2 the channel a few times and on the web but always seemed to miss the £1 bargains so i thought id take alook this morning and Yep the Gremlins are in the house here as well,well my decision was made easy then "if i cant try i WONT buy"! hope you get it sorted soon they should offer it for free now as a sign of goodwill {sorry didnt mean to swear!]:rolleyes:
I woke up twice in the night thinking about all this fiasco - it just beggars belief. A company that used to pride itself on great CS and that we all used to think was the best thing since sliced bread is now behaving like a bunch of rip off merchants.

Ths changes at the top of the tree, Don, Debbie, Steve B, Steve A, Tony P - then some of the presenters and producers and those are just the ones we know about.

I am seriously thinking GTV won't be around for too much longer - and I really don't think the 'credit crunch' will play a major part. I truly hope that I have got that wrong as there are still some very nice folks involved and we were given a fabulous day when we went last year, but we'll have to wait and see.
I've just seen a colour change garnet drop to £1 and as soon as it did the game closed!

So it would seem you have to be lucky enough to already be in a game to have any chance of getting something for £1.
Hi everyone

The website has come back up and they have just had another £1.00 piece I snatched it and its gone in my basket, I have added it to my order and its showing stock ok. I have posted this straight away as I believe in being fair and honest and I hope they don't take another item off me. I'm waiting for a confirmation email. I still expect the other items to be resolved amicably and last time I checked my email I had not had a reply from CS from last night. Perhaps they have had IT problems that have now been resolved.

I wonder if that was half the problem? MB did you check it out straight away? As tecnically they could say there was no "contract" in place whilst just still in your basket.

Either way Gems attitude is totally underhand and unaceptable (sp). Hope you get things sorted Carla.

I did check my other items out and have confirmation, so technically there was a contract but it says stock no longer available. They didn't take them out of my basket. In the past they have said many times that they can't sell items while they were in peoples baskets thats why they tightened up on removing items and they usually send a reminder and final reminder

no i hadnt cheked out as i presumed i could have it in basket for a day or so before checking out. The point is why did the "system" allocate it to me if they didnt have the stock to forfill the order????? And why was it allocated to phone bidders first when were told webbesr have the same fair chance in games.

You are spot on, they have not said the rules for these games would be any different than normal, they have not followed their procedures, you won it fair and square and you should have it!!!!


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