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    Ken Paves shares his secrets!

    Haha! All about the Benjamin's.. Or queen lizes... Come on, we have doctor Kingsley, or eternally young lulu, or mr ojon the rainforest adventurer... Do we need more amazing and revolutionary hair secrets or tips? No - but they need more money apparently. Poor souls!
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    Jill Franks telling fibs!!

    Shameless. Not surprised somehow!
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    Alpha H and adult acne..

    Bless you fellow shopping lover - but I did all that - was on roaccutane at 16 and again at 26. no joy there sadly. It's been a fun journey and any change seems to be passing. Hey I'm not alone I know. Thank The Lord for make up! I tell myself we're all unique for our imperfections - and...
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    Jill Franks with telephone caller!

    Maybe - but when i see them mucking about with their tops, skirts, posture, make up.. No I don't think they're looking at all that stuff. Don't they have ear pieces for all that? I see it whenever I switch on! Makes me laugh. Either unprofessional and caught out - or the camera folk aren't doing...
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    Jill Franks with telephone caller!

    She is annoying - but you know what she does, in fact what all the presenters do, that really gets my goat?!? When you ****** always catch them looking at themselves in their monitor, as opposed to focussing on the presentation being given by the guest... So ****** rude! You look the same as you...
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    Alpha H and adult acne..

    Hello posters. I either step in to make a snarky comment or like now I actually have something normal to contribute! I too have adult acne, and lucky me - have from 13 to 30.. The joy! But I after years and years of watching qvc and listening to everyone preach about alpha h and my sorta...
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    Are TSV's 'sets' really value for money?

    Oh and all those other vital people in your life - sorry I forgot! Funny bunch aren't they?!
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    Are TSV's 'sets' really value for money?

    Do you reckon they scavenge all the samples and small sample sizes from the shops that they can't give away and chuck them in as fillers with the odd full sized product - for the tsvs and otos and birthday deals and founders day prices. Just to save their own costs!? It really is bad, I mean do...
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    Beauty Fix guest viewer

    Haha! Bet on my life you're right about the audition thing! The control in that place must be unreal! I get why too, but you can feel,see and sense the robotics just watching it! From the product reps to the presenters.. Why would they let lips loose from anyone else? ! Ruin the image! The...
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    Another bleeding 3 hours of Chuntley

    For my pittance worth, I love beauty shows alone - and can handle most of presenters but but but - its Claire sutton with her cheery happy go lucky, mumsy mess that gets my goat! I. Sure she is lovely,but she's one of those people that seem always happy and upbeat - and that just grates on me...
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    Beulah QVC Model has sadly passed away

    Very sad time - so all strength and best wishes for the times to come for her family. My thoughts and all the support here on the forum goes out to you. Xx
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    Lulu's Time Bomb TSV - 30/06/13

    You lot are hilarious and make the best observations! I'm new to the forum but have always watched, and think exactly whatnot lot dare to say! It's hilarious! As is lulus range - oh how ironic it is! But hey if it works for you.... Won't be getting my hard earned pennies and pounds that's for...
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    Gatineau Only nominated for One Beauty Award!!

    Oh so true! I wouldn't bother voting too.. As I bet it is as staged as towie or any other crap on tv nowadays.. As for what the experts say, I have always taken it all with pinch of salt too. I think that's why I'm loving this forum - people who question it all! All good tho - as we get the...
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    Gatineau Only nominated for One Beauty Award!!

    Hello people. New to this but have been following and reading for years! Love the forums for qvc - hilarious! It's all political isn't it- this award rubbish? Truly agree with the comments on here. Unless it is just me - some ranges never seem to not win certain categories every year ... Because...
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    Julia on 10pm Decleor show

    This is my first post on anything to do with Julia - and maybe unrelated, as much as I did see the show, but she is stunning for a mature lady. She really is gorgeous. She seems to get better with age. And I am a woman! Can I say a young woman?! (don't feel it). She does trip up with some of her...
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    Good Grief Alexis!

    Don't get me started on her... Pretty lady but like any sales person, god she goes on! Yes soaps are great, yes expensive face cream is the best, yes hand cream is rich, yes... We know! Don't they do any other products? It all seems the same. Just with different clothes. As for almond? I am...
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    Lulu - now she's doing jewellery.

    All about the Benjamins.. That's all it is! Greed! I'm sure it will be to some peoples liking, but when people spread themselves think like marmite on toast - it just gets boring. What next? Tena Lady pads? (or any other sanitary towel)... Mind you, if I were in her shoes, or any other ex-pop...
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    Wheres Anna?

    Carmel is ok!! No one seems to like her! They all make mistakes I have noticed that, and encounter those oops and embarrassing moments - but I don't see as too bad. She has definitely got better and more experienced from the first time I saw her when she joined. More TV friendly and like the...
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    Why do you watch Q?

    Personally, from being a university student, then from the mandatory following period of unemployment.. Now it is a guilty pleasure and I have to watch it to fall asleep too.. Maybe I have a problem now?!
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    Alison Young on Bobbi Brown show

    So true!!! Girl has go faster stripes! Sure she is lovely though!