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  1. flossie

    Tanzy & PT bonanza!

    Like GC I wandered onto RocksTV last weekend and spotted some cracking PT & Tanzy pieces so grabbed these two (hopefully the pictures will now attach and you won't all be saying what two??) :giggle: Trilliant cut Tanzy (3.06ct) & diamond (.19ct) set in 5.91g platinum £625. Love this ring, it...
  2. flossie

    Fab parcel!!

    After not having much luck on the keeper front with the previous orders made during the mega meltdown so low you cannot believe it clearance - (I ended up with one lonely little TP pendant bought after reading all your rave reviews of TP's - boy were you right, I love it to bits, so thank you...
  3. flossie

    Hee hee

    Derek just did an impersonation of the presenters on 'another channel' - went into hysterical meltdown at price drop and ended up on the floor! Made me seriously hoot and I think we may know who he means eh? :giggle: :clapping: :giggle: :clapping: :giggle:
  4. flossie

    Daft question alert

    think this is definately a daft question but I'll ask it anyway , is rockstv actually on tv, or is it just a web tv thing? Or is it on tv but you have to be on a specific provider or something? I've had a hunt around but can't find it ....
  5. flossie

    Tanzanite advice please

    Hi everyone, I've caught the gems bug and now have a real hankering for a tanzanite ring, white gold, not too many diamonds, fairly simple design and around 2 carat gem. I like the really deep colour so I'm looking at relatively expensive (AAA?) I guess, but any advice on what to look out for...
  6. flossie

    new sparklies arrived

    Hi guys, newbie here :hi: (thank you Sacha for the lovely welcome in previous thread). I tried to take some piccies of my new cinnammon zircon bracelet and uraguayan (is that spelt right?) amethyst pendant as I am so chuffed with them - but David Bailey has no reason for sleepless nights and I...