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    Andi Peter's Food Fest

    Cant stand him how big is his ego what a k**B HEAD and all that ive been on master chef ha ha ha was it for testing all the fast food he eats and why have they got him on anyway they must be desperate BIG TIME !!!!
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    Mally v Tarte?

    I cant stand Mally either she was on yesterday and the products look ok but to many browns for me but I have to turn over after 10 seconds she annoys me big time !!!! all that shouting and clapping like a seal bet the sound man on set must dreads her shows it might go down well with qvc usa but...
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    Centigrade Outwear TSV 30/08/16

    its bang on trend with a club as seen by one of the models wearing it today !!!!
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    JF and yet another of her blatant lies...

    Jill Franks is full of it not abit genuine but craig is the worst he says he has everything and loves it all whatever it is he must have a bloody big house to put it all in especially his yankie candles.
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    Centigrade Outwear TSV 30/08/16

    i agree with you best place for them is in a remake of the flintstones they don't do anything for the presenters or the models but they would suit Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble
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    Sick of the smokey eye !!!!!!

    Your right donna255 AY always looks awful the black circles show huge with her makeup but ive noticed shes either shinning like a bright light or shes that much makeup on she looks caked and she needs to sort her hair out as does JR they both need a dam good cut and restyle soo dated as the...
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    Sick of the smokey eye !!!!!!

    Have to say QVC and the makeup brands are the safest brands mally ,laura geller tarte,bare minerals doll 10 all the eye shadows are geared to the brown boring smokey eye and AY raves about it and they turn every eyeshadow into a boring smokey eye and most demo s are for it as well theres an...
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    Benefit Cosmetics TSV 24/08/16

    how crappy is that in cardboard at the price of it you would think it would be in a proper compact it wont stand much wear and tear in your makeup bag no good for me
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    bareMinerals TSV 18/9/16

    they must make pots and pots of mineral veil cos its always included in the tsv I have some don't like it usally end up giving it away I'm on tarte at the moment and its lovely my skin feels like its breathing but always use laura geller tinted spackle just love it
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    Lulu's Time Bomb TSV 16/08/16

    Makes me laugh she talked about john frieda like they had no connection that she was the brains behind the product and his team markets it the same as all his hair products she was married to him for years and has a child with him but I can' t stand all the spouting from her about not being...
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    hi moissanite is lab created by Charles and colvard the story is that it came from a meteor donkeys years ago and they have managed to recreate the same formula of the meteor in the lab that's why it costs a bomb due to all the investment into creating it , it is not a diamond and it is not...
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    TJC - Not As Good As It Used To Be

    I m also not a fan of the new bosses coming on screen and talking all the way threw the presentation and the Asian guy talks really quickly he is hard to keep up with and colin is just to smug by half come on jewelry channel lets get back to quality jewelry and stop all this under 10.00 stuff...
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    Will Peter Sherlock Give It A Rest?

    god pete your the buyer don't they tell you were else they are being retailed im surprised you don't know !!! just come with anything all the top stores you can think of it hasn't stopped you and the rest of the presenters before
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    I bought 3 machines yesterday from amazon at£ 29.99 each one plus free p & p so ideal worlds price is expensive !!!!
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    Hey Peter Sherlock...I smelled Shalimar yesterday........,,

    The problem with bid and peter Sherlock and presenters like peter simon and sally jaxx are the ones that cant help themselves but big up all these perfumes and beauty products with the line " we have got it first " and its" not available in the uk yet " now weather they are lovely or awful...
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    Hey Peter Sherlock...I smelled Shalimar yesterday........,,

    surprise surprise !!!!!!
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    Jill Franks's Autobiography!

    Her new book should be renamed "WORKING ON THE FRINGE " of shopping telly !!!!!
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    Loen Love

    I totally agree with you I think the ex model is now to big for her boots shouting in a "im the star of this show " way at everybody and always interrupting the guests shes another expert on everything its time to button it abit loen
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    steven gayford

    thought he was tommy and kates son !!!!
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    Pampering Day with free P+P - Well Guess What?

    thought he was with moet & muffins must have flicked her for katbaker dont forget kat tapes his hours "must be love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx