steven gayford


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I was watching St Peter selling the Gayford's tonight and l cannot for the life of me understand why someone would buy one??? They are absolutely dreadful. They look like something you'd buy on a market stall for about a fiver! Awful, awful stuff!
Taste is obviously subjective but let's call a spade a spade.

If you were an artist of any genuine real note would you be happy to see (prints) of your life work sold by people like Peter Simon, on a set of exceptionally downmarket shopping channels? Wouldn't it sort of dilute your brand?

I hope people enjoy the pictures (which is all that really matters) but are they really of the quality we are led to believe? Is Gayford the calibre of artist we are led to believe?

Who knows.
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Hello Fred. Welcome.

For me, Gayford is a really third rate painter. technically very good, but no feeling in his work. They are wishy washy daubs. Occasionally one turns up in an auction, and looks really out of place amongst better work. They don't go for much either. Of course, its all relative isn't it? One man's meat is another man's poison. However, really talented artists don't need to flog their work, even prints, on a shopping channel
I don't think Gayford's work is even that technically good. Most of his work seem to rely on boring photo shots. There is no expressiveness, no story behind the painting. At least with Thomas Kinkade, he has a sense of his own technical and expressive style - even if the 'light' inside his buildings is more like 'intense satanic fires burning' than a 'gentle warm romantic glow'.
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I don't think Gayford's work is even that technically good. Most of his work seem to rely on boring photo shots. There is no expressiveness, no story behind the painting. At least with Thomas Kinkade, he has a sense of his own technical and expressive style - even if the 'light' inside his buildings is more like 'intense satanic fires burning' than a 'gentle warm romantic glow'.


i like art and have a decent knowledge (i think)

Kinkade for all his personal life faults had a lot of talent and SOME of his work is actually very good (some of it on bid is not my taste but is still ok)

Gayford is the sort of bland artist who is two a penny in any local art dealer or even craft shop
Steve McDonald has promised a Steven Gayford fine art piece for just £1.

If you have recently bought any of the raspberry plants maybe it might be worth buying it to scare off the birds?
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I have heard it all now. McDonald has just said that he cannot even show us the £1 Gayford because it's already gone, 3 web bidders supposedly got it.

I am assuming they were probably trade dealers who know the true value. He gave the name of the winning bidders, i'm surprised there was no mention of a D Dickinson.
Thast £1 is a swizz to make a few hundred quid for doing bugger all as everyone calls up at £1.53 a time. Remember when they had 2ct moissanite rings being advertised they would go for £1?? Jewellery avalanche I recall. Anyway, my 1st post on here was to see if anyone had got one of these beauties, it appeared not. Then this Bid bloke kept going on about web bidders gettign them already. I scoured their internet site and evantually found a teeny link at the bottom of their homepage. If you click into it you can bid for items yet to be presented on air. Not bloody surprising they went then eh!!! Meanwhile the errr "presenter" proudly announced "400-600 people missed out on that one". Thanslated that's a way to make a grand +++ in a matter of 2 seconds, nice earner if you're a con artist!
Thast £1 is a swizz to make a few hundred quid for doing bugger all as everyone calls up at £1.53 a time. Remember when they had 2ct moissanite rings being advertised they would go for £1?? Jewellery avalanche I recall. Anyway, my 1st post on here was to see if anyone had got one of these beauties, it appeared not. Then this Bid bloke kept going on about web bidders gettign them already. I scoured their internet site and evantually found a teeny link at the bottom of their homepage. If you click into it you can bid for items yet to be presented on air. Not bloody surprising they went then eh!!! Meanwhile the errr "presenter" proudly announced "400-600 people missed out on that one". Thanslated that's a way to make a grand +++ in a matter of 2 seconds, nice earner if you're a con artist!

Easy pickings fiddling people out of £1.53 a pop 400/600 times scattered across the country. Imagine if all those people were in a room all together, it would be a different story.
The more you look at Bid's tactics, the more you realise how utterly despicable they are!
Kinkade's paintings have always given me the creeps! Even when QVC had his prints briefly some years ago.
I bought a couple of Gayford prints but that was when Bid 1st started. They were really cheap, the frames would have cost more in those days. The "limited" is also much more "limited" for mine than the numbers printed off nowadays.
I wonder if they have ran out of Gayfords, Mason is flogging a framed Empire Strikes Back print and jeez, he is giving it some serious spiel. He even said if he sees Medina from Newmarket (I assume that's his goddess) appear at the bottom of the screen he will be a happy man!

He dosen't stop for breath.
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