Thast £1 is a swizz to make a few hundred quid for doing bugger all as everyone calls up at £1.53 a time. Remember when they had 2ct moissanite rings being advertised they would go for £1?? Jewellery avalanche I recall. Anyway, my 1st post on here was to see if anyone had got one of these beauties, it appeared not. Then this Bid bloke kept going on about web bidders gettign them already. I scoured their internet site and evantually found a teeny link at the bottom of their homepage. If you click into it you can bid for items yet to be presented on air. Not bloody surprising they went then eh!!! Meanwhile the errr "presenter" proudly announced "400-600 people missed out on that one". Thanslated that's a way to make a grand +++ in a matter of 2 seconds, nice earner if you're a con artist!