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  1. W

    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/17

    My men's collection came today. The gift box in which the shower gels were placed was very damaged. It's a good job they were for myself and not a present!
  2. W

    QVC birthday

    Yes, that £5 off for new customers is extremely insulting. Why not give it out to existing customers once in a while instead of making us spent £100 for a tenner off. That was just ridiculous.
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    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/17

    Well I went and bought the men's set for myself. I absolutely love that Black Pepper , it's my favourite fragrance and I had a smell at the others instore the other day and liked them . I have had a really hard week at work and thought I needed a treat. I will be looking forward to having some...
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    QVC birthday

    Yes, I was hoping for some special postage prices please!
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    More annoying adverts / idents

    I think the Dyson hairdryer is a very expensive gimmick. .....oh but don't forget it comes in purple and nickel so you just have to get one! What a load of rubbish!
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    Christmas - Bored Already.

    I popped into Tesco on Saturday for a few bits and noticed the aisle with all he Christmas chocolates + tat had a big sign above which said "gifting." I could have walked out but didn't have the energy to walk onto Morrison's!!
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    More annoying adverts / idents

    Sick to the back teeth of seeing that Dyson hairdyer advertised! They are obviously not flogging enough if they are having to push it like this.
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    Molton Brown TSV 01/10/17

    Not bloody Ylang Ylang in it again!!!! I was looking forward to this but don't think i Will bother purchasing. I think it's a poor offering to be honest. Very disappointed!
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    Festive Christmas Lighting TSV 24/09/16

    I can't believe they are flogging this awful tat again this year. It looks cheap and sounds cheap.QVC go on about decking the halls, well I would go round + deck my neighbour f they bought one of these monstrosities!
  10. W

    Elemis Christmas TSV 12/11/17

    Well I don't think I will be bothering this year with this as I will be on the beach in Mexico when this is TSV. I can't be bothered tapping the app then worrying about the delivery while I am away! It will save me some money at least! I normally get my stuff delivered to work but as my place of...
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    TK MAXX- bare Minerals

    I am with you on this. I can never find anything in there. In fact it feels like a jumble sale whenever I go in. I agree it's certainly not cheap. My friends love it but I am not at all impressed. In fact I try and avoid going in.
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    Yes, I tuned in for the Joules show and thought what on earths going on. I was looking forward to something new on QVC. I actually bought a top from this range instore with 25% off. I loved the floral design on it but it's getting returned tomorrow. The sleeves came to the end of my fingertips...
  13. W

    Am Puzzled So Have To Ask - Why...

    I think it's laughable that Joules is premiering on QVC the very same weekend that that with Joules online or in-store you can get 25% off everything. Great timing!!!!
  14. W

    Who will present the premiere Joules show?

    Its a very horsey, country set style. Not really for me and it is expensive too. It reminds me of the hunting, shooting fishing brigade. I see a lot of what I call "yummy mummies" wearing it as well as middle age women. The striped tops with gilet and wellies seems to be the iconic Joules look.
  15. W

    Who will present the premiere Joules show?

    I have seen endless adverts for the new Joules show and I was just wondering, who do you think will be presenting this launch show?I personally cannot see one presenter on QVC who this range will suit!! Can't wait to see who they choose from to present it.
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    Mini Moderns

    I really liked the guests too. They were genuinely interesting and I enjoyed hearing about their inspirations. I am not sure I would buy anything as for me personally it was a bit too retro in style but good to see a new range nevertheless.
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    Live from the O2 Arena

    I found the whole thing cringe worthy and laughable. Who do all the beauty reps actually think they are? I really do think they believe they are stars of some sort. I was actually hoping someone would go arse over tit in their heels as they walked to see Alison in the other studio. Now that...
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    LOccitane TSV 02/09/17

    Not for me! My money is safe. I don't like the almond oil.
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    Chole Everton is 40 today!

    I think she said the other week that her birthday was in August.
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    Vionic TSV 22/08/17

    I had a look at the repeats this morning and was totally bamboozled by the sizing. Why should you have to go up a size? Why can't they make shoes that are true to size? Is it because they are an Australian company? Emu are the same, their sizing is all to pot. There's no chance I would risk...