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  1. debsie

    The latest delivery

    OMG I love the earrings - really really love them - being honest I think you'd regret sending the garnet ones home hunny - they are stunning. Love the blue pearls too and maybe a thought here - if you see a big silver disc pendant with a blue stone in it - maybe it'd work as a necklace? Dunno...
  2. debsie

    Anybody noticed ?

    I used to use the chat facility a lot but now when I go onto rocks I don't even bother to load it tbh. But, that said if you are on there Mand I'll wave from here to say hi!
  3. debsie

    Natural Yellow Diamond

    I didn't see it on aire, but it looks a stunner even in the piccie. I guess we could all club together, KB - yours on Mondays, GC - yours on Tuesdays, me on Wednesdays - any other takers!
  4. debsie

    Ojon TSV on Saturday 16/05/2009

    I absoultely 100% adore Tawaka but I won't buy because QVC still have Basso on their books. Real shame as I can't see Tawaka at John Lewis. If only they'd stock it elswhere!
  5. debsie


    Me too! kaftans and flea flaps!
  6. debsie

    I've joined the blue/black diamond cluster club!

    And bought a few other bits too - just so the ring didn't get lonely in transit you understand! I can understand why you love the blue/black diamond cluster ring so much - its really pretty irl isn't it! I will get OH to take some piccies of my haul, but I have been naging him since Sunday...
  7. debsie

    3 Bargains! And Keepers at that!

    After reading how low the prices were going on the falling web auctions I very gently decided to test the waters of TJC yet again, and am cuffed to bits with the results. OK - I can't post the links 'cos I'm carp at that side of things, but if any kind soul can be kind enough I'll be grateful...
  8. debsie

    FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.

    Hi Meerket and welcome from me too - hope you have many hours of fun here and speaking from personal experience, I' m sure you will find out bucket loads of useful information about gemstones along the way (Meesh is like a mini wikipedia on them - trust me!) I think sometimes, because we all...
  9. debsie

    Whats the best items you have bought from TJC.

    Mine has to be one of two things. I lovely Iliana Tanzy ring back in the early days. Its a lovely plain style - pear cut tanzy surrounded by accent diamonds that are lovely and white and sparkly. Or 1/2ct diamond earrings with no silly screw backs just good ole fashioned butterflies. I tend...
  10. debsie


    I could have been wosre! When I saw the title 'padders' I began to think of the reverse of 21st century corsetry! I wasd already feeling Julie's pain!
  11. debsie

    Capsule wardrobe lol @ IW!!!

    No - I've worked it all out! What they mean is you'll need to take some capsules if you decide to add any of those items to your wardrobe! I hear the said capsules are only available on prescription whilst stocks last and come in a one size fits all you know!
  12. debsie

    Hundreds line up with Derek Marks to support Macmillan

    I think you'd make him blush Argey! But isn't he just sooooooo sweet!
  13. debsie

    Some of my collection

    Katie - WOW WOW WOW gawjus taste in bling! Enjoy them all - they are all quite stunning xx
  14. debsie

    Outlet my Foot!!

    KB - I'm going daft I'm sure you said your hubby paid £30 less! Seriously what a bliddy shambles. Oh yes and I can't access the 'outlet' either atm - wonder if they have just read your post!
  15. debsie

    FURIOUS! Coincidence? I think not.

    I've only had one order from Rocks & Co. and can only say it was really smooth and I got a lovely little purple sapphire stacker ring - but it was under £50 and the stones small enough they couldn't window if they tried! The hard sell doesn't bother me too much - I'd prefer it if the presenters...
  16. debsie

    Check out the sex-wear on IW!

    Yes Yes Yeeeessssssssss Argey! You show 'em girl!
  17. debsie

    Check out the sex-wear on IW!

    Trust me Argey - he wouldn't have one left by he time I'd finished with 'im! Poor lad - I could smother him to death!
  18. debsie

    Check out the sex-wear on IW!

    Phwaaaaaaaaarrrrr! Blokey could check my pulse any time! Seriously my OH would p*ss himself laughing if I wore any of that stuff! He'd think I'd gone quite mad. He's much to used to seeing me in my pink thermal jammies! Or if I'm feeling lucky the red brushed nyon ones with the black bow -...
  19. debsie

    Sexy new flyflots

    And just when you thought Flea Flaps couldn't get any worse! You need to wear these with the patterned patchwork skirt, the satin animal print top and the hat thingy they had the other day. Stunning! And for the layered look don't forget the sex outfit underneath!!
  20. debsie

    Patchwork Flower Crinkle Skirts

    Gawd! They are 'orrible! I don't like the patterns, don't like the style and don't like the length so not a lot going for them I guess!