...Again, they've tried I suppose, but ain't quite made it. Gypsy skirts flatter no one apart from the super skinny, and even then, they need to be long and worn with flat strappy sandals (not flyflots or Birkis) or at a push flip flops! Worn mid calf with evening shoes just looks bliddy awful...specially in those garish prints!
I think they'd be ok if they were longer, and not worn with evening shoes...they just don't go...I also wouldn't wear a skirt like that with a stiff t-shirt. Like I said, IW miss the mark by a mile as usual. I honestly think that a longer version worn with a peasant blouse and a really nice pair of leather flat sandals would look lovely!
Corr - I could be tempted out of me trousers and into one o' them for a change, and I ain't been tempted out o' me trousers for many moons <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D4%252F4%255F18%255F6%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_18_6.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D4%252F4_18_6%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a>
Typical Ideal World, bless them. How ever do they manage to fall so wide of the mark with a simple gypsy skirt? Heels? :18: Length? :18: Pattern? :18:T-shirt? :18: LMAO.
I'm having one in each colour, they're perfect......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................