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  1. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Go to 22:30s on this video, where you’ll see the lovely Shaun Ryan flogging an adjustable bed- With papier-maché sincerity he begins to reminisce about his Nan, a woman he ‘always thinks about’, saying how she spent the last...
  2. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Talking of pressure and desperation... How’s this for a supremely clumsy and preposterously pretentious misuse of language:- “DeLorean watches represent the visionary symbiosis of sportivity, innovation, supreme technology and uncompromising quality.” This was the website blurb for...
  3. D

    Who is the worst chef?

    Spare a thought for ‘Chef’ William:mysmilie_46: when he appears on Ideal later. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s one of his biggest challenges yet, and he’ll need to call upon every ounce of all that hard won culinary experience. Tonight he grapples with that highly specialist kitchen...
  4. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Janice Phillips’ status as a tech guru and Apple genius is well established. I wonder how many people here knew that she is also a qualified pilot? (I am of course applying the Ideal World standard of 'expert' status, where there is no real need for the presenter to be qualified in their...
  5. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Her surname is Clutton. My advice would be to stay away from anagram makers such as Putting 'Clutton' in the search engine may return unexpected results. No, there's nothing to see here folks...:cheeky:
  6. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    He also announced that (with his new improved physique) he's become 'the new Chuck Norris!' Um, not sure about that one. Now if he'd have said he feels more like 'Charlie Chuck' ('Uncle Peter' in 'The Smell of Reeves & Mortimer) he'd have been on far safer ground
  7. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    I suspect Howard’s fat-shaming antics are rooted in his own fragile psychology, which causes him to project his own fears onto the world. Whilst he likely feels a certainly superiority concerning his own slender frame (the illusion of power and control), the flip side is his absolute dread of...
  8. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Should the worst happen at Ideal World, perhaps a privileged few will find a new career at Paul Brodel’s restaurant in Newmarket:- Peter Simon would be a natural choice as Maître d' and ‘Menu Promoter’ (“Just buy it!”); Chef Kinnelly seems eminently qualified for the role of Sweet Trolley...
  9. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    I agree that there’s a market for these products, and there was no intended price/product snobbery meant by my comment. I was simply agreeing with the general consensus regarding the channel’s increasing resemblance to bid TV. The £20 show with Simon and Vollebregt just seemed to capture a...
  10. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    I agree with all the observations regarding the dismal £20 sale. Offering products that aren’t even pretending to be good value does not bode well for this channel. Seeing Mr Vollegbrecht pushing that miserable battery vacuum cleaner around, it felt more like a tragicomedy than a...
  11. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    The question is: where will the ex-bid cum ex-Ideal lot go to if it all goes belly up? They won’t find a similar sanctuary at QVC, and I don’t think there are enough jewellery channels to sustain them. I suspect one or two of them might reappear on late night bingo/casino tele, but as for the...
  12. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    What a decidedly odd pairing it is with these two. I don’t know what’s more absurd: Peter Simon mincing around like a drama queen, feigning trepidation over a possible broken drill, or that caricature of a tradesman, who seems desperate for approval whilst feverishly drilling everything in...
  13. D

    Limited The Royal Reign Commemorative Book with Pete "I'm talking rubbish" Simon

    Whatever we may think of the ex-bid presenters at Ideal World, the idea that they are somehow eroding trust in the channel is perhaps a little far-fetched. I mean it’s not as if they would go to any lengths to get a sale (go to 3:30s on the video)...
  14. D

    IW product range, new lines

    How about the long-awaited publication of... Vollebregt's Ultimate Guide to Thomas Kinkade: with a Foreword by Peter Simon. *Comes with a free pointer and pair of novelty ‘art critic’ glasses.*
  15. D

    IW product range, new lines

    What about a Shaun Crawley (the bed man) fake smile kit, with free mattress bowling ball...
  16. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    Caught the last segment of the show with Dennice claiming that 'I didn't know coffee until I tried the Melitta machine'. This reminds me of the time when Chef William referred to a microwave oven saying that 'I didn't know cooking until I tried this machine' (or something similar). Unlike...
  17. D

    Who Hates Who At Ideal World?

    I imagine their regard for each other is about as sincere as their participation in the novelty Christmas song. All smiles and fake bonhomie, but no real family, friendship or where have I heard that word combination before?
  18. D

    Ideal's kitchen event

    I’m out at the moment but will certainly be tuning in later. I see he’s on five times today, so there’s plenty of scope for the culinary clangers (by the sounds of it, they’ve already started :mysmilie_17: ).
  19. D

    Ideal's kitchen event

    As Ideal World are having a kitchen themed event today, I thought I’d try and set the mood by presenting this little ditty about ‘Chef’ William... William Kennelly is a chef on the tele, Except the 'chef' bit isn't quite true, If you're craving fine dining, Then there's no silver lining...
  20. D

    Random musings and general banter.

    William Kennelly is a chef on the tele, Except the 'chef' bit isn't quite true, If...