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  1. OffMeTrolley

    YBF returning to QVC??

    I thought that too, it is all repeats on the Beauty Channel as far as I know. Unless they're going to start doing special pre-recorded shows just on there I'd have expected to see her showing somewhere on the normal QVC running order prior to this appearance. Didn't buy much from her range...
  2. OffMeTrolley

    LIz Earle Delivers

    I don't buy much LE now but do like the haircare/body wash/hand wash and always buy direct when I need supplies these days. The service is great ... and as has been already said t'is generally much faster than QVC. I don't think Q compare well at all on price for individual items from this...
  3. OffMeTrolley

    Makeup shades being renamed- frustrating

    I agree, it's really confusing and remember when Jemma Kidd first launched they all got in a dreadful tizzy with it all. Don't see why they can't use the same names , t'would be far more straightforward if they did. They must get loads of returns where people have simply ordered the wrong...
  4. OffMeTrolley

    Did anyone else notice?

    I didn't spot the tooth thing particularly (will look in future though) but they definately alter the lighting for any "after" shots ... the models hair colour is usually a more vibrant colour and even the background looks a different shade sometimes.
  5. OffMeTrolley

    Jessica Rabbit TSV sometime soon....

    Don't worry Frazzled, afterall ... a rabbit is not just for Christmas! :cheeky:
  6. OffMeTrolley

    Jessica Rabbit TSV sometime soon....

    "everything comes with batteries included so the lucky recipient can open it up on Christmas morning and use it straight away" :mysmilie_13:
  7. OffMeTrolley

    Sarah Chapman face sling..

    She didn't look very comfortable in it did she? T'was the hooking it over your ears bit that put me off ... sure I'd get in a dreadul mess with it. I love the Serum and Daily Defence but couldn't get on with that facial roller thing at all .... was agony and very quickly returned.
  8. OffMeTrolley

    Those Scrubby Things...

    We use the original white ones and they have saved my life more than once with a wall-scuff mark. They dont last that long though and do crumble quickly but are still a good buy. Not so sure they'd be up to a really heavy duty job ... like our oven :thinking: I was on the brink of buying...
  9. OffMeTrolley

    E-mail Easy Pay

    I normally get sent them but haven't had either the card or an email this time round. I didn't use the last one though so maybe that's why ... or maybe they just don't love me anymore :cheeky: Not too keen on EasyPays myself as they've a nasty habit of biting you on the backside when you least...
  10. OffMeTrolley

    One-For-Me, One-For-You

    I come at this from the other direction often buying something I really like as a gift for someone and then finding I like it so much I can't resist buying another one for me. More often than not it's jewellery .... the little Diamonique star pendant from a year or so back is a prime example...
  11. OffMeTrolley

    Nails Inc TSV 21st March

    I also have the Pappazzi set and agree it is totally gorge! :heart: Am also loving LD Crushed Grape Tinkerbelle ... fab colour, definately gets my vote for your next purchase! :nod: Having resisted all day I caved it at the last knockings for the TSV ... thats gotta be it for me ... no more...
  12. OffMeTrolley

    QVC's most over used phrases and words ..

    Really peeves me when they tell you that "easy pay is wonderful .. we remember to take the money for you, you can just forget all about it" Yeah, sure you can .... until it comes whizzing out of your bank account when you're not looking! :taphead:
  13. OffMeTrolley


    Hilarious Moth! :nod: Would love to hear that! :giggle: With me it's "a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y" that absolutely gets my goat! :dull:
  14. OffMeTrolley

    How long for a refund?

    Like Ruthmay I send things back Recorded too, for me its worth it to be able to track the parcel back to them on the Royal Mail website and see exactly when it's arrived. Some things get acknowledged really quickly within a couple of days of it getting there but recently some Fekkai products...
  15. OffMeTrolley

    Attagirl! Me, that's who!

    I have a massive stockpile of skincare, hair products and nail varnish so much so that Mr OMT had to build me a tall cupboard in our bedroom to store it all! :heart: I know the stuff that works for me so why do I keep on trying new things only to find they don't work as well? :confused: I...
  16. OffMeTrolley

    Eternal & Eternal Diamonique Premiers

    Yes :nod: I have my very own Basil .... and an Emily! :grin:
  17. OffMeTrolley


    I would say its worth a try particularly if we get a repeat of the previous few summers although I am praying thats not the case! :rain: I tan fairly easily and find Ultrasun fine for use in the UK sun but do need something stronger when travelling abroad. Personally like a lotion that smells...
  18. OffMeTrolley

    Eternal & Eternal Diamonique Premiers

    Love the Eternal Diamonique range and have quite a few pieces now ... all good. Muchly liking the look of the Heart Charm Bracelet ... hmmmmm thanks for posting! :nod:
  19. OffMeTrolley

    Thank goodness

    Golly! They're not good are they!! :thinking: Can't imagine they'll have the "front" to air those again! :tongue:
  20. OffMeTrolley

    Thank goodness

    *** Runs off to read the reviews *** :cheeky: