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  1. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    I have just emailed Steve Hofmann - QVC Chief Exec Lets see if i get a reply
  2. R


    I'd love one in Mocca do match my future forward coat - NOT !
  3. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    Just had a further discussion with QVC. At the risk of alarming anyone who hasnt yet got theirs, the guy who told me the other day that I "should" have it by Friday doesnt sound too sure now. He also said that I wouldnt know if it will come on Friday until it arrives. meaning, if it isnt...
  4. R

    Smashbox TSV December 17th

    Used to love Smashbox, now I find it boring, same old things and ridiculously expensive for what it is.
  5. R

    Secret Santa

    um, i dont get it......:21:
  6. R

    silver gifts tsv Friday

    oh my god, wasnt last years something like 20 pieces of silver all in their own boxes and worth like 10p each and you'd only give them as a present to someone your really hated. I think the suggestion was to give them as teachers gift but be warned, if you do our kids will all come home with d- !
  7. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    Does anyone know Charlie Brooks email address? he bought two white ones, maybe I can email him and ask him if I can have one of his, cos surely he got his the following day!
  8. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    ongoing update ... Had a call from Chris Costello - Customer Service Director. Said my replacement nc10 had been " expedited" by Samsung and "there should be no reason why I shouldnt have it by Friday". Asking if it had been despatched, he didnt know! what a crock of....... FYI - QVC say...
  9. R

    Is Amika.....

    just saw Amika on the George Simpleton oops Simonton show, yep, she looks like she has a mummy tummy baby #3 on the way?
  10. R

    Anne's nasty nails

    she has lost a lot of weight this year
  11. R

    Gossip TSV

    I agree, I got the last Gossip TSV in white and thought it look cheap and nasty, so gave it away in the end. I'd rather pay a little more and have Skagen anyday !
  12. R

    GHDs at QVC

    I have very curly hair so straightening has never been an issue - I'd look stupid BUT whats wrong with the old fashioned blow dryer and denham bush?:11:
  13. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    so here is the latest on Sunday at 9pm UNBELIEVABLE! So tonight i spoke with the lady from CS who said last thursday the replacement netboook had left Samsung on Thursday and should be with me the following day. Well obviously that didnt happpen ( as you know from my previous posts). NOW...
  14. R

    NC10 Notebook - arrived quickly and going back just as quickly

    for the latest on this saga goto the thread, the truth the whole truth and nothing but lies.......
  15. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    Please tell me if I am getting this all out of proportion....... Jus had a call from Customer services director. Full of apologies but unfortunatley my replacment hasnt been sent and is unlikely to be with me sonner than 7 days. However they will give me £30.00 credit by way of an apology...
  16. R

    TSV Wish List

    1) I wish they would deliver when they say they would 2) I wish the quality of products was as good as it is supposed to be 3) I wish they wouldnt treat us like idiots 4) I wish the presenters didnt go on and on and on and on and on and on 5) I wish they would charge us the same postage as they...
  17. R

    the truth the whole trust and nothing but lies!

    Sorry to get on my soap box over this damn notebook that I wish I had never ordered. Well the "very nice team leader lady" (lets call her jacki for now) wasnt being exactly honest about the laptop being dispatched on the way yesterday. Apparently, Samsung havent even been advised to ship to me...
  18. R

    NC10 Notebook - arrived quickly and going back just as quickly

    If its too good to be true...its usually not true seems my replacement may not have been shipped today afterall. Had a call this morning from the "tracking" departemnt asking me when they could come and collect my faulty laptop; oh and they had no record of any replacement. After much...
  19. R

    NC10 Notebook - arrived quickly and going back just as quickly

    I'm impressed so far Spoke to CS this afternoon and they informed me a NEW white one is on its way to me (dispatched today) for delivery tomorrow. I still have the one with the broken touchpad which they will collect at a later time. I asked them about the P & P and the CS surpervisor...
  20. R

    Feather bed question

    I agree with you a million%. The fluffing up got on my nerves as did the feathers coming out and poking all the way through the down top. I now have a Memory Foam topper and absolutely love it.