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  1. L

    Please tell me Cashmasoft is rubbish...

    Your wish is my command!! Don't buy it, it's rubbish. There. (Not that I've had any as you know!!) Hope all ok with you and the gang xx
  2. L

    Why does ...

    It's a lymphoedema compression sleeve. It's all to do with removal of lymph nodes in relation to the cancer and potential complications from the body not being able to get fluid around and out of the body. I have flesh coloured ones.
  3. L

    Alison Keenan and the Charge card

    Yeah, they did
  4. L

    Beauty Bash Prize Draw

    Perhaps they're making sure they have been able to contact me to say I''ve won.......some hopes!!!
  5. L

    Jill Franks dress held on with Bulldog clips!

    I saw this too and was certain fellow forumites would have seen it too so well done on the thread - you haven't let me down! QVC could be missing a trick here - I see a whole new clothing accessory range. They could do an 'Eeek version, Butler and Wilson......possibilities are endless.
  6. L

    Thorntons Chocolates TSV 25/11/12

    Thanks a lot for this. My sister had the tsv on advanced order but this deal is miles better and you can choose from a variety of boxes at 5 for £35. She's now getting 3 continental boxes and 2 family selections fir only £5 more than tsv but for way more than double yhe quantity of choc!!!!
  7. L


    My OH has never used an electric razor. He used to cut himself quite frequently but when Liz Earle brought her shave cream out, I got him some to try. He has NEVER cut himself since (and that will be a few years now), his skin is smooth after shaving and he won't use anything else now. He has to...
  8. L

    Stacey's Plea for Amica

    Sorry again guys but once the breast cancer has spread to other areas such as lungs, bones, liver etc, it is terminal as it is incurable. It is known as secondary or metastatic cancer and some of us with it are trying to make the public aware of this and get more research into this specific...
  9. L

    Stacey's Plea for Amica

    I hope I am not saying anything out of turn here and I didn't see this show. From what I gather, Amica's breast cancer has spread to her lungs. This is known as secondary cancer is incurable - some people live for a good few years with it, others don't. The best anyone can hope for in this...
  10. L

    New lows for Flint

    Would be interested to see how they monitor the sales 'made' by the presenters. Do they just look at the amount of stuff sold in the particular show on the day or do they then look at the actual figures after the 30 day MBG period, if they have the ability to do that? When I worked (in a bank...
  11. L

    New lows for Flint

    My biggest bugbear with her at the moment is telling people to order something on advanced order if you haven't got the money and can't afford it today. In my opinion that is against the responsible selling ethos and should have been stamped on by now.
  12. L

    Where do all the Ninja's go?

    Artdeco - but the Ninja wasn't BABY pink so not sure that's allowed!! Warn little one her auntie Liz has noted her shopping habits and excuses already.... My confession - I ordered the red one everybody. Will it arrive with snow made from ice cubes in it??
  13. L

    Another Planet

    They do seem to becoming ever more desperate to sell items and need to have a complete review of what they are selling and at what price. The value element of QVC has vanished and that seems such a shame. Over the years I've had lots of great items from them and been introduced to brands I...
  14. L

    Acer laptop TSV on Sat 27th October

    My OH dropped our small Dell notebook last week as he slipped when coming down some stairs. He is somewhat bull-in-china-shop. He was carrying it open and by the then apparently hit the table and bounced down our main stairs. When I came in, he was there trying to take it to...
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    Take a bow QVC

    KWC - don't apologise, I'd never even noticed!!!!! My friend has a little boy who is just turned 3 years old and he couldn't say my name properly and needed to distinguish me from 3 other Liz ladies in his life so for a while earlier this year I was Liz Eggs. Quite cute really.
  16. L

    Take a bow QVC

    I will try that, thanks!!
  17. L

    Take a bow QVC

    I had the Genius Air Fridge thingy from last November and recently noticed it appears to have stopped working. Assumed it was the batteries but changed these and still no joy - it seems to be a connection. Emailed them about it asking for a replacement or refund and here is their reply: Thank...
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    Something of possible interest for Lulu Guinness fans

    The two I ordered came today and I am very impressed.
  19. L

    Ali K and Amica on This Morning

    Aww, thank you all so much for your good wishes - you are all so lovely!! I am almost in tears at your kindness but won't get that soppy!!! x
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    Ali K and Amica on This Morning

    Missed it but will try to view on player. I think about Amica often and wonder how she is getting on. Good luck with the chemo, Amica and I hope it blasts the evil little cells to kingdom come. While on the subject, as some of you know from my other postings, I too have breast cancer that has...