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    No More Dicky!

    Apparently he is going to work at BBC News...that's what he put on his Twitter page, but I have no idea what he will be doing...probably what he has been doing at QVC.
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    Gaudy beads on elastic. Hola Lola

    I've trawled the web and cannot find any info as to where the jewellery is actually is probably China.
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    Gaudy beads on elastic. Hola Lola

    I'm another one who has a few pieces of LR...I like it:heart:
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    Marta Jonsson shoes

    The shoes are fabulous I have to admit, but I really do wish the models would wear tights when wearing the high heels...nothing worse than sat eating your breakfast looking at badly fake tanned, veiny feet yuk yuk. When did having bare legs all the time become the's horrible, except...
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    Jessica Rabbit TSV sometime soon....

    Plus remember it comes with our 30 day money back use it, enjoy it, but if you don't like it send it back
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    MMmmmmm here are mine..... Claire Sutton - Stand-in for Soo (the puppet on Sooty and Sweep)...definitely got the voice for it. Debbie Flint - One of those Cold Callers who try to tell you that you've won a holiday to Bermuda...that is if you turn up to one of their overseas property rental...
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    Catherine's WC Problem

    I agree too Graham...she can get a bit carried away sometimes, but at this moment in time I would NOT want to be in her shoes. Living out of a suitcase in a hotel ain't no laughing matter, but she does manage to have a laugh at her mishaps.
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    Lily O'Brians V Thornton's

    Thanks brissles Ooooops
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    Lily O'Brians V Thornton's

    I like Lily O'Brians chocs...very nice indeed, they get a thumbsup from me. I also like any other if anyone has any they can't possibly eat, pass them on to me:wink:
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    OMG! what is JR wearing tonight ?

    I just give up with the woman...DELUDED springs to mind. She reminds me of that Samantha Brick woman who thinks she is God's gift to everyone. I'd love to believe what she believes............:thinking:
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    the scary ladies of QVC!

    Jilly Halliday...aka Vicky Pollard
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    Kara Tritton Back At Q

    Now now, play nicely
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    Julia's book

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    Julia's book

    A bit like this then......
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    Kara Tritton Back At Q

    I quite liked her too...far better than some of the presenters they've signed up since she's been gone.
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    The Cooks Essentials TSV for Wednesday.........

    Catherine has just posted this on her's yet another shredder thingy, and will be less than £20. I'm getting bored with all these shredders to be honest.
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    So, waddya think?

    Anything that comes out of Jill Frank's mouth is cringeworthy, stupid and embarrassing...let's face it:grin:
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    A great day on QVC

    At least it beats Richard Jackson 24/7...only just though:wink:
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    Kipling Anniversary P&P 8p

    I used to watch the Kipling shows on QVC and really looked forward to them...however, I've got bored and tired of the same old same old. Yes, why don't they sell more luggage items?
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    I have a confession to make...................

    Well dreaming of QVC should have you off to sleep in no time:giggle: