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  1. F

    Here we go folks...

    Jill was extolling the virtues of an Origins moisturiser last week :thinking:
  2. F

    Michael Perry from Thompson & Morgan - Yum!

    Well he can keep his mitts off. I saw him first, and besides, I thought he was lusting after Mr Philosophy or that munchkin of a tech guest in the grey joggers - amongst others!
  3. F

    Michael Perry from Thompson & Morgan - Yum!

    What a hunk! I've suddenly become interested in gardening. He can plant up my hanging basket anytime :tongue: And what a refeshing change from that awful Richard Jackson.
  4. F

    My Mother's started watching QVC in the US

    I can ask! :giggle:
  5. F

    At home with Tova

    I'm sure the income Tova makes from QVC is very welcome, thank-you. It's all very well having the Hollywood lifestyle, but you probably need an income of a few hundred thousand dollars per year to maintain it. Those outfits of hers don't come cheap.
  6. F

    My Mother's started watching QVC in the US

    Only taken her about 20 years. Her husband purchased a camera and is very pleased with it apparently. She mentioned Susan Graver, who said in the week that she was coming over to London for the weekend - quite likes some of her items. Oh dear! B Makowski handbags and Mally make-up has also been...
  7. F

    Julia's Book

    You might all mock but I suspect she will shift a fair few. It will be the ones that send her Birthday and Christmas cards that she doesn't know from Adam :drunk: I wonder if it will merit a tsv on easypay? QVC wouldn't get involved if there wasn't money to be made for them.
  8. F

    At home with Tova

    Rather dated decor-wise. I know they had a house near Philadelphia so Tova could be close to QVC - perhaps that is were they spent most of their time.
  9. F

    Julia's Book

    It isn't just her ego - all those sycophants that have phoned in, texted and tweeted over the years have a lot to answer for. I am sure she has calculated that she has a loyal fan base that will be chomping at the bit to get their sticky little fingers on her tome - and perhaps she's right?
  10. F

    Julia's Book

    Well, if the book is a success then the next move will probably be a fragrance - 'JuJu' perhaps, or 'L'Air du QVC'?
  11. F

    Julia's Book

    When I said a tenner that included p&p! The QVC stories might be mildly interesting, but as she still works for the organisation they are unlikely to be explosive. Any mention of what is happening with the profits? If they are just helping to keep her in jeggings and toe-posts I might not...
  12. F

    Julia's Book

    Even as a Julia fan I think it a little OTT. :cheeky: Frankly, I assumed she would be signing copies as a matter of course and would be grateful just to shift a few thousand copies. Let's face it, it's hardly the launch of the new Jackie Collins, is it? I assume it's hard back, which can be...
  13. F

    Cowshed Range

    I've tried some of the products - didn't think they were anything special. They do the spa at the Virgin Upper Class Lounge at Heathrow - had one of the mini-eye treatments but was fairly underwhelmed.
  14. F

    Leighton Denny and "all them top tips"

    Still remember when LD did a show with Julia where everything was wrong - the camera angles, the set. He even started to move the furniture around. A right queeny strop.
  15. F

    Philosophy - its Thursday night at ten

    He's mentioned his partner - so he could only ever be a bit on the side (tho' quite a hefty 'bit')
  16. F

    Philosophy - its Thursday night at ten

    See they have inflicted JF on us again. Already had the first, 'oh my gosh' :drunk:
  17. F

    Julia fabulous at 50+

    Julia is lovely - just a shame she doesn't seem to be on that much these days.
  18. F


    Awful! :cheeky:
  19. F

    Antthony Fashion Designs TSV 15/02/13

    Debbie is wearing it for the launch of the Diet Chef tsv - well, I suppose it is only thirty quid.
  20. F

    JF on Origins

    See she is in full shouty mode tonight - plenty of 'oh my gosh', 'unbelievable' & 'incredible' :dull: As the range doesn't feature very often it would be nice to hear more about the products, but she is too busy prattling on and cutting across the guest with her inane comments. Silly moo :taphead: