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  1. MajorDalby

    what's happened to Glen Campbell?

    don't forget, that trouser will get you that whole nautical story!
  2. MajorDalby

    Nosy me.

    I like him, but that whole 'single' thing puts him in a different light tbh. Makes me feel slighly pukey tbh. I think I'll text in some time and tell him what I think of that attitude!:angry:
  3. MajorDalby

    what's happened to Glen Campbell?

    sadly, QVC's answer to Dwayne Dibbly was on yesterday, with that 'winning' combination of cardi, denims and correspondent shoes. Still babbling the same garbage, and telling us that £90 quid for a pashmina is wonderful-his cost £250 or something in 1995...
  4. MajorDalby

    SHOCK HORROR Julia has just admitted..

    I think she's great too-but I still enjoying laughing at big jugs hanging out of overstretched material :nod:
  5. MajorDalby

    SHOCK HORROR Julia has just admitted..

    c'mon-more like an overly generous 20 :giggle: her wassocks were nothing like they are now in any old clip you see. I think she's had implants-and I think they've used hanging basket liners filled with that moss they go on about. I can just hear Richard Jackson growling "phwoooarrrrr, look at...
  6. MajorDalby

    Remember Anita Harris flogging slendertone?

    Am I going mad or was Honor Blackman on QVC yonks ago? (don't worry-I probably am mad as well as HB being on QVC)
  7. MajorDalby

    p&p on more than one of same item

    He's ultra gorge!:heart:
  8. MajorDalby

    Jill Franks advert

    I saw Jill Franks last night-oh no, sorry, it was Iggy Pop. Apologies. To Iggy Pop.:giggle:
  9. MajorDalby

    Bob Mackie fashion anyone ?

    Wearable Art? ar** more like. I thought Kim Mendelson from her home in Montreal in Canada'z stuff was bad-this guy's stuff is even worse!
  10. MajorDalby

    What Happens When QVC Goes HD?

    trying my hardest to not think about certain peeps on pilates machines :26:
  11. MajorDalby

    Lulu's Time bomb? ha!

    going by her pudgy facedness in the old days, I think she's had loads done. She should trot out the old piccies from the Freemans catalogues while she's on air :D
  12. MajorDalby

    Toshiba Camileo TSV

    thanks folks-panic over, I can upload to youtube-so it's all fine. I think I was just used to previous cams that haven't needed any 'messsing' about with :)
  13. MajorDalby

    Oh Jill Franks.....

    :grin: Was the lips bag she was holding supposed to look 'rude'? 'cos it did to me
  14. MajorDalby

    What's going on at QVC towers ?

    there has been some madly dear stuff on in recent times. I suppose they think you have to just choose very occasionly (sp) or something like that.
  15. MajorDalby

    Toshiba Camileo TSV

    I don't know if I've been a mug, but I didn't know you had to download any other software to be able to play mov files on Vista. I love the camera-pic quality is fab, but for now I'm going to have to watch on the camera's own little screen.:thinking2::sad: (this is my first thread-be gentle...
  16. MajorDalby

    Yankee Candles

    I think I must have got your share of perfume-I can smell Evening Air halfway down my garden! :thinking2: Totally love Midsummer Night and the discontinued Siberian Silver Fir.
  17. MajorDalby

    George Forman Grill TSV Wednesday 24th June

    :giggle: I still use my Hulk grill-I love it. To be honest though, I am a teensy bit terrified of it :sweat: I always use one of those circuit breaker thingies :heart:
  18. MajorDalby

    Tova foot in mouth

    (anorak mode on) Maybe Leela from Tom Baker's Doctor Who was watching....:thinking2: (anorak mode off)
  19. MajorDalby

    QVC colour/production.... is it just me?

    LOL-I like it!
  20. MajorDalby

    QVC colour/production.... is it just me?

    thank the lord, it's not just me then! I've been flipping backwards and forward for a couple of weeks thinking it was looking kinda blurry. and it's about time they sorted the bit for scrolling texts-it's been rubbish for too long!