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  1. M

    More foul ups.

    Proving very popular I have to say. (Jill F's favourite phrase) To be honest It's the same old spiel everyday and it has become spool boring. Popular
  2. M

    Ruth Langsford

    Ruth's hair always looks the same, doesn't seem to get any longer or shorter. Do you think it's a wig?
  3. M

    Awkward questions!

    Yes you're right but I prefer the alternative definition of fabrication - a lie.
  4. M

    Awkward questions!

    Why do you refer to the fabrication when it is fabric?
  5. M

    Such a load of rubbish!

    I thought it said 'interviewing air head guests'. Maybe that's what it meant to say.
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    carla lazlo

    I watched Coast to Country too and I thought Carla came over really well. She always looks lovely no matter what she wears maybe I'm in the minority but that's my tuppence worth.
  7. M

    Things you would love to ask Alexa..

    "Alexa why does Jill Franks have a bulldog clip on her jersey"? "Because QVC don't do double zero size".
  8. M

    Miss Julia

    My goodness me what on earth does Ms Roberts look like in that rig out. Does she not have a full length mirror in her dressing room. There is dressing trendy and then there is mutton dressed as lamb, poor Julia please could someone have a word in her ear. The top is two sizes too small and...
  9. M

    Simon Wilson

    Not a fan either in fact I can't watch him. Does anyone wear those skulls that he churns out, I find them creepy. His so called couture jewellery is just over priced tat that I wouldn't give tuppence for yet somebody is buying or they wouldn't have him back so often.
  10. M

    Perfecter Pro Grip Styler TSV 10/11/16

    I'm not so sure about this brush. I watched the guest (very easy on the eye I must say) doing the models hair and it seemed to take him ages on each section and the results were dismal. I think I will give it a miss and go for the Babyliss brush but I would be very interested to know what...
  11. M

    Wonder if she's taking her eeek with her.

    I wonder if George Clooney even remembers her. The tabloids, when referring to her, always remind us of her fleeting dalliance with George. Maybe she will kiss and tell around the bonfire after a few tinnies.
  12. M

    Who makes up these obscure colours - Lola Rose

    The designer of the pieces will obviously have given them a descriptive name/colour so why do they not stick with that, then there will be none of this very unprofessional faffing about. They make themselves look amateurish and put me off buying their trinkets.
  13. M

    Julia Roberts - irritation personified!

    She was presenting the Radley show this afternoon and was in full-on mode. Silly faces, the flicking of her hair and the annoying laugh that she has perfected, just ruined the show. Why does 'my producer' not have a word with her, surely her behaviour has not gone unnoticed.
  14. M

    Own up who was it.

    Just a wee tip that doesn't cost a fortune - pour a couple of drops of Zoflora (59p a bottle) down the loo and be transported to a beautiful English country garden. :flower: There's lots of different fragrances and it really does work.
  15. M

    Magnitone Barefaced! TSV 26/10/16

    I have reached the same conclusion as you Shopperholic. After spending far too much money on the latest must have serum or cream I never felt my skin looked any better. Dr Bonner's liquid soap as a cleanser and a pot of basic moisturiser does the trick now for me and I don't look any worse.
  16. M

    How much ???

    I buy bird seed in Pound Land £1 for a kilo and the birds love it. £30 and then postage on top of that is ridiculous who would be that foolish to spend that? Get down to Pound Land and save yourself a fortune.
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    Kathy on Denim & co

    Well I think they have gone stratospheric alright but to give them the PC terminology, a load of spacers or put another way a crowd of space cadets.
  18. M

    For Heaven's Sake Alexis!

    We all have our favourite guest or presenter well maybe in my case they are few and in between. Surely if some want to vent about a particular guest that is their prerogative if a post offends you just skip it and move to the next topic - simples.
  19. M

    Lola Rose Jewellery Designs TSV 07/10/16

    I was caught out a few months ago with a pair of gold earrings they were so small when they arrived that I thought it was a joke. Someone mentioned the thumbnail as a guide but those little diddlers were kept well away from the hands while they were on screen. I was caught again with a Lola...
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    Honora Pearls

    These days it's all about the presenters the guests are only an add-on. They should introduce the guest, give a little bit of info about what the hour is about and then let the guest take over. Get rid of them all and start again some of us on here could do a much better job.