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  1. M

    MeMike Mason has time to finish his book now

    Her name is Medina.
  2. M

    What's Going On?

    I'm not Mike.
  3. M

    What's Going On?

    They did not get paid that. Some of them hadn't been paid for a little while and once you've taken tax off its obviously Less than that.
  4. M

    What's Going On?

    Noone said any presenter was being paid £12,000 per month.
  5. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Whatever your opinion, there's no need to start bringing his child into your comments. That's just plain disrespectful.
  6. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Tupper?? All I'm saying is that I sont see hum lyong. His son did use to be ok with the dark until recently when he became scared of it. See, not a lie.
  7. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    PJ, as you know, I have replied to you several times and again I will tell you that Mike is far from chauvinistic. There are very few men these days that will open a car door for a lady or grab her coat for her to put on, but Mike does. He's is a very respectful and chivalrous man. I obviously...
  8. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Don't be so cynical. Surely Mike is not the only person that has carpet, wood, laminate & tiled floors in his house? So he's not lying about having his carpets cleaned AND using a mop too.
  9. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Really? and how would you know that? I take offence to your comment, she's a close friend of mine and she's far from 'horrible' she's dedicated her life to rescuing animals and is a lovely, kind person. Have you ever heard of the phrase 'opposites attract? Don't judge people you don't know.
  10. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    and the ironic thing is that if you didn't all take him so literately you'd see him being the first person to jump out of their car to help the person. It's pathetic the way you judge people on here, not just Mike but all the Presenters. None of you know the first thing about them.
  11. M


    My thoughts come in the form of one question... What would everyone on the Bid Forum talk about if the Sit Up channels were to fold?
  12. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Yes, let's change the subject. It should never have been said in the first place. And yes, mike still has his wrist phone.
  13. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I wouldn't like to read on a forum that my partner had 'allegedly' slept with a work colleague especially when it's not true.
  14. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    No really strange, us ladies talk about all sorts! I'm guessing that comment was made to get a reaction as PJ is aware I am good friends with Mike's partner. Anyway, Mikes relationships are his business.
  15. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Because I asked his Partner. I don't see why PJ would even say something like that.
  16. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Nice to have you back PJ! Actually, yes I do have nice things to say about the assistants, I don't remember ever being nasty about an assistant ever (but I'm sure you'll let me know if I'm wrong). I think Marina is brilliant and i liked Helen Bates. I did not say I don't like Kiri, if you...
  17. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Lol! So true. She's supposedly a fashionista but always looks dishevelled and wears the most awful clothing. At least she's not contradicting the presenter these days, she seems to have very little air time.
  18. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    I must point out to you again that my friend did not start up Mikes fan page, she has helped the guy who set it up to co-run it but I know for a fact that she barely goes on the page as she doesn't have the time.
  19. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Something beginning with B and ending in X? By the gallon!
  20. M

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Where did this 'Neil' thing come from?. I've been told his real name is Hilary.