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    Crafty Family Connections

    If you want to know the answer why ask a forum that can only give you opinion. Perhaps you would be better off asking Leonie herself.
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    Another one bites the dust????

    It will be sad if they aren't going to stock it any more. However, try Amazon they have some in their "Home And Garden" section.
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    Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!

    Unfortunately it wasn't possible Burly. As people had met JJ and were used to seeing him/hearing him getting mentioned on air, Dawn had to explain why he was no longer part of her life. Sadly she couldn't "keep it buttoned" as you put it. I am sure Dawn would have liked nothing better to...
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    Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!

    Actually PinkPussyCat Dawn was hardly ever "Tweeting" and was constantly being asked to tweet. Same with the blog. Poor Dawn, another classic example of if she does something she'll be damned for it and damned if she doesn't!!
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    Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!

    As I said ...." passing unnecessary spiteful comments." Thank you for illustrating my point for me Burly Bear!
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    Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!

    Boris Bear..... you hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately there are some people who will not leave the subject matter alone and seem to feel that they have a "right to know" every little detail of Dawn's private life. I am sure that anyone who was going through a similar experience to Dawn...
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    Did anyone else notice Dawn Bibby last night?

    Please do not worry about Dawn. She is fine. Her weight loss is due to a diet and exercise and her mood is naturally always upbeat and happy, however it's not always visible on air due to pressures of the studio dictating intense concentration. Dawn's new years resolution was to loose weight...
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    Urgent Message From Dawn Bibby Re Facebook....

    Wednesday, 21 April 2010 re: Facebook. Just a really quick post folks. I believe someone is trying to pass off as me on Facebook...... even trying to become friends of my family members! please pass the word I AM NOT ON FACEBOOK AT ALL. This is not funny , appreciate your help in this. love...
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    Queen's Absolute Greatest Hits CDs etc

    Hi, I don't usually watch IW as I don't like their hard sell, market stall mentality, but was told by a friend that IW were doing the new Queen Cd box set so I checked on their website for the prices! Good grief! If anyone is thinking of buying this then don't get it from IW! Amazon are doing...
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    Another click-free TSV 31.10.09

    I never used to back up files etc but when I witnessed the anguish of a friend of mine who lost everything on her computer I did mend my ways! This does seem rather expensive for what is basically an extra hard drive....I've seen 1TB hard drives for only slightly more! Plus I have never found...
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    Another click-free TSV 31.10.09

    I was asking myself the same thing Pauline! It's crazy! I am sure that even the worst techo-phobic of computer users, of which I include myself, can back up their files on a flash drive (memory stick). I got mine for under a tenner and it took less than 3 mins to back everything up! If I can...
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    Well done Stephanie

    Maybe she's just heard that Leonie is joining IW! :giggle:
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    Just what a thing to say !!!!

    Sorry Bags I misunderstood you. Yes I meant Catherine's Steve.
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    Just what a thing to say !!!!

    In reply to your posts to me... I agree Sue! :D Bags: Yes he is smaller in height than Catherine and is in fact probably the guy you are thinking of. Has very short dark hair and does attend quite a few of the events with her I believe. BenFongTorres: Your quite welcome. Can I ask those...
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    Just what a thing to say !!!!

    Wow! What an active imagination you have! As far as your assertions about me.....oh you are so wrong on so many levels. But to clear up the main ones...I am not, or ever have been employed by QVC. As for criticising IW...who doesn't! QVC is a much better company than IW, which is of course...
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    Just what a thing to say !!!!

    Catherine doesn't know why she said it and was appalled at hearing it coming from her own mouth! She's desperately upset about it and has posted a sincere apology on her Twitter page. Whether you are a fan of Catherine Huntley's or not doesn't really matter, the truth is Catherine is a...
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    If QVC ran a book club..........

    To Kill A Mocking Bird...and Other Animals by D. Basso Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Craig Rowe The Awkward Age By A. Keenan An Actor's End by Sara G. Amateur Night by Jill Franks An Adjustment Of Nature by Richard Jackson...which explains why he always stands like that!
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    Create & Craft Club to be re-launched this weekend

    Possibly the reason you may find her voice irritating icr24350 is that it is, like most things about her, it's probably fake! It's not plummy to my ears. Joanna Sheen is, but not SW! I do remember reading on SWs bio (since changed), that she went to a finishing school in Switzerland! Well...
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    Catherine's blog

    Catherine will not see it at all if the moderators don't post it onto her blog. So it doesn't matter really on what or where she logs on. If it isn't passed onto her, she wouldn't even know you had posted. I have read on one post where she apologised to someone for taking so long to reply to...
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    Catherine's blog

    Actually Chess they don't have the powers to veto comments. The blogs are monitored by a web company and it can take 48 hours for the comments to be vetted and posted after which the presenters go and reply to those that get posted on their blogs. From what I've seen even the presenters...