Just what a thing to say !!!!


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She is the biggest pain in the ar$e on QVC and needs to get over herself!

I disagree (humbly!). I actually like Catherine Huntly, she's grown on me loads, and I'm sorry to hear that she's gone and said something so silly and crass.

The biggest QVC pains are Alison Young and Claire Sutton. I can't stand them. Alison Young makes anyone who has children instead of horses feel like they're sub-human, Claire Sutton is just too fluffy for me. And Pipa - her voice grates on me like nails down a blackboard.

Cheers, CountessK.
(Owner of 95,000 acres and a stable of camels. Ha! :tongue2:)
She said she had her hair extentions and was wearing flash set of Diamonqiue jewellery to give the look as she'd made it.


'Made it' as what? Hair extensions and fake jewellery...nail bar manicurist? :cheeky:
I wish the presenters would stick to accurately describing what they are selling and stop making everything about them. I'm not interested in what they have or who they know, it's all bullcrap anyway and extremely boring.

A large number of 'rough sleepers' are ex-servicemen with a lot of serious issues of one kind or another and it's an extremely crass and dumb thing for a QVC presenter to say.
Just to add my two pence worth. I have sometimes put some thing on and said something along the lines of, I look like a tramp in this. Does that make me a bad person? In my opinion I don't think CH was being disrespectful. I agree that if she didn't like the shoes she shouldn't have worn them.
I am starting to feel a little sorry for CH. Sure what she said was not right, but heavens: am I the only person in the world who sometimes has said things that came out wrong, or were taken diffferently to how I meant them, so someone took offense?
I am starting to feel a little sorry for CH. Sure what she said was not right, but heavens: am I the only person in the world who sometimes has said things that came out wrong, or were taken diffferently to how I meant them, so someone took offense?

It's kind of what I was saying in my post Star. She obviously didn't mean to cause offence.
Bags said she wasn't joking, so I think it was a crappy thing to say. I think most of the presenters on QVC are up their own arses
Catherine doesn't know why she said it and was appalled at hearing it coming from her own mouth! She's desperately upset about it and has posted a sincere apology on her Twitter page.

Whether you are a fan of Catherine Huntley's or not doesn't really matter, the truth is Catherine is a genuine, caring human being and no one is more upset about this mistake than Catherine herself so please stop and think for a minute.......sometimes, during any live television programme things are said that are not meant; but in the hectic rush of a studio plus wearing an ear piece, which means a lot of yelling from more than one person is going on in your ear as you are trying to string a sentence together; means that it's a nightmare trying to think straight let alone trying to talk over the chaos. How would you cope? I know I wouldn't!

Before you jump on me and start the....oh but why should I feel sorry for her, it's a cushy job and a lot of people have to deal with stressful jobs.....yes they do, but not many of them have their mistakes viewed by; or are made in front of millions of viewers making it impossible to make a comparison.

I've lost count of the number of times I have opened my mouth only to hear words come out that are the total opposite of what I meant! Who hasn't?! I'm only too glad that my mistakes aren't made in front of such a large audience!

So can we please just cut Catherine some slack on this. She didn't mean what she said and has apologised. So please, can we move on now?
Don’t you know Catherine doesn’t like criticism, that isn’t constructive.:bandit::smirk:

Here’s something constructivish Catherine, if you think dieting, hair extensions and diamonique signal someone whose made it, you’re wrong and very superficial.:devil: People who have made it, don’t need to walk round with a banner saying they’ve made it, as they have this quite confidence that exudes the fact that they’ve made it.:sun:

It’s the green hair she needs to be concerned about, not her shoes, grubby mare.:puke:
I hope the stupid bint apologies live on air!!!:angry::angry::angry:

<img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_46.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img

Leave Catherine alone!!!!!!! or I will take a flame thrower to this place and annhilate the lot of you.

I like Catherine,yes I do...so there.:tongue2:

And....I know Catherine as well as you can actually know someone who you don't actually know(wrap your head round that one)..and with this supreme knowledge of mine I can tell you she'll be beating herself up far harder than any of us could,so our comments are surplus to requirements.

And really? in the grand archive of effed up things i've heard QVC presenters say over the years,this wouldn't even scrape into the the top 50,so let's just put this one down to a momentary brain fart on Catherine's part,I don't believe there was anything malicious meant.

By the way the last time Catherine came up in a thread I posed the question of whether she was dating the CEO of of QVC whose name is Steve(summat?),I believe her new man is named Steve,can anyone confirm or deny?
I used to quite like her but she's gone right down in my estimation. It must be very easy for her to make such flippant comments when she probably gets a lot her goods as freebies from the various companies she promomtes on qvc. ( if she doesn't then she obviously earns too much, as every presenter would have us believe they own every flipping product they sell)
i'd have more respect for her if she Apologised on air not on her twitter page.
I used to quite like her but she's gone right down in my estimation. It must be very easy for her to make such flippant comments when she probably gets a lot her goods as freebies from the various companies she promomtes on qvc. ( if she doesn't then she obviously earns too much, as every presenter would have us believe they own every flipping product they sell)
i'd have more respect for her if she Apologised on air not on her twitter page.

I agree with you there but my guess would be that QVC would not allow her to do this - although I do recall when Tova was on last she made a remark that is apparently commonly used in the States and there was a sharp intake of breath and the presenter apologised very quickly at the end of the hour.
Well, I think it was a very silly, insensitive thing to say, but I really don't believe there is a single person on this forum who hasn't ever said something they regretted afterwards. I can remember wanting the earth to swallow me up on more than one occasion! Yes, people on air have a duty to be extra careful, but the occasional slip-up is inevitable. Some of the language used to describe her seems rather strong to me, we are all very eager to cast the first stone.
Well, I think it was a very silly, insensitive thing to say, but I really don't believe there is a single person on this forum who hasn't ever said something they regretted afterwards. I can remember wanting the earth to swallow me up on more than one occasion! Yes, people on air have a duty to be extra careful, but the occasional slip-up is inevitable. Some of the language used to describe her seems rather strong to me, we are all very eager to cast the first stone.

I think you've put it in a nutshell. Well said.
(mind you i was also suffering from shock at the time too, having seen that notice running along the banner, that QVC now take electron cards! only taken them xxx years to do so! lol)

Can you tell me what is the difference between electron cards and other debit/credit cards?
Sarah G made a apology when she made a large faux pau on air.

I understand the defending of Catherine and her slip up as we all do make mistakes in perhaps what we say or do the odd time without thinking.

If someone does really know her then it must be hard to read people talking about her in such a mannner, when they know of her differently.

I really do think if Catherine really wants to be taken as a kind, geniune person she should give that impression.

Perhaps ditching the look what I've got, what I've achieved and look my pussy cats are sleeping in LG £200 - £300 handbags etc etc would be of great help.

I agree

Well, I think it was a very silly, insensitive thing to say, but I really don't believe there is a single person on this forum who hasn't ever said something they regretted afterwards. I can remember wanting the earth to swallow me up on more than one occasion! Yes, people on air have a duty to be extra careful, but the occasional slip-up is inevitable. Some of the language used to describe her seems rather strong to me, we are all very eager to cast the first stone.

Hi :wave2:
I agree with you 100%. It was a crass remark, no-one has said otherwise, but she has apologised on a public forum i.e. Twitter and I don't think QVC would let her go back to it and apologise for it on air - that would be drawing attention to the error and they wouldn't want that. If she had realised at the time and apologised then, that would have been different and acceptable to QVC, I suppose. I am sure she really regrets what she said and hopefully will try not to repeat the mistake.
I would imagine the QVC management will have spoken to her about what was said too. They will be very worried about public perception of the QVC presenters who represent the company on air.
I hope people on this forum can get over it and cut CH a bit of slack.

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