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  1. Tabs

    Leighton Denny

    Not sure about anyone else but the impression i got was that he's selling 16 items for 16 year anniversary starting with a "one to own" on the 8th June
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    Rachel Galley show Today 4-5

    Just watched Rachel's show with a new presenter? Anyone know who or just a producer standing in?
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    Ideal world Peterborough contact number??

    Hi Guys Does anyone have or know the UK contact number for IW at Peterborough? Thanks :)
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    Go Clever Smart Phone

    Thanks Redraw, I'll take a look
  5. Tabs

    Go Clever Smart Phone

    Hi, Did anyone get the Go Clever Smart phone from IW last week? I got it home, looks great..but how the heck do you change ringtone? Anyone know please? :phone::phone:
  6. Tabs

    Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?

    Perhaps your comment is exactly why CR has not gone? I'm sure Julian wouldn't kiss butt. :)
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    Peony Auto delivery

    Not sure when yours was despatched but they do take a week to 10 days as direct despatch from Peony.
  8. Tabs

    HP Laptop TSV 25/05/13

    Hope so Ian, could use them this time lol, Max easy pay would be great :up:
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    HP Laptop TSV 25/05/13

    Do we have any idea if this could be on Easy-pays? My Lappy has decided to give up the ghost Today :confused::down:
  10. Tabs

    Charlie bears

    Good grief!! How harsh do you sound?? "Dear X Please stop collecting something you take great pleasure from just in case i have to dispose of it when your gone":confused: There is nothing wrong with collecting any item that you like our gives you pleasure, and as for Charlie Bears, I'm with...
  11. Tabs

    No excuse these days in all honesty....

    Must be fantastic to be so wonderfull one never gets a slightly damp armpit mustn't it? :thinking: I'm sure you would if you had been excercising too :taphead:....give the woman a break for crying out loud :down:
  12. Tabs

    New presenter eh...

    Not sure if this has been mentioned in previous comments, but Chloe= Everton i believe her surname is.. has been on shopping channels before, formerly of Sit up channels and also Sky sports news. She seems ok to me, not too difficult to watch (or listen to).
  13. Tabs

    Are the people selling these stuffed toys all there?

    Totally agree! There are many and varied items and presenters on QVC, which we all love or hate due to personal taste. If you don't like whats on, switch off or over, Simples!
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    Charlie Bears

    Nothing wrong with that. Charlie bears fans may be very interested in this..just because you don't like it does not mean its wrong.
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    Que Sera Sera

    So sorry to hear this very sad news. Sweetpea was a lovely person and someone i considered one of my closest ST friends, another life tragically taken too soon. RIP Cindy, sweet dreams Lancylovely xx Wishing Mr Sweetpea all the best with his battles too.
  16. Tabs

    Help please b4 i crack up

    If all else fails phone the UK office and ask to speak to CS or customer relations, worked for me when i had troubles earlier this year.
  17. Tabs

    New Presenter Leah Charles is great!!!!!!!

    So sorry my delay in responding to your post, It took me so long to read all the other posts singing her praises:thinking::down:
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    Caller on the Charlie Bears's TSV show

    If the lady in question wants to buy and collect 400 bears, or anything else for that matter, and it makes her happy and she has the funds to do it...i say GOOD FOR HER...its her choice, her money, her business!
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    Current CEO EMAIL address

    If you get no response call directly to the Head Office in Chiswick Park and ask to speak to someone in Customer Relations. Good Luck getting some joy out of them.
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    New Presenters- Not impressed

    Just flicked on to TJC to see "Leah" the new girl presenting, Terrible isn't the word! Shouty over the top voice and market stall selling approach. I had the misfortune to tune into see her presenting last night, equally as bad and wearing a top that didn't remotely fit where it touched:puke...