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  1. Tabs

    Gold Tarnishing

    Hi Pepsi, Sorry to hear of your probelms with your gold items. Have you tried purchasing an anti-tarnish cloth, Or some anti tarnish "cream"? I use a kit from another shopping tv channel and that is good at restoring both my silver and gold items and is also quite gentle on the items....i'm not...
  2. Tabs

    For Tabs :)

    Thanks Phill, I've been having a look, but have been a bit sneaky with todays under £10, grabbed sets of beads that i intend to "mess around" with to start off with. Thanks tho :)
  3. Tabs

    For Tabs :)

    Thanks for letting me know BB, missed the sets. Hopefully wil be some more soon. Thanks for thinking of me x
  4. Tabs

    Starter kits?

    Ok, just phoned JM to place an order and the large tool kit is out of stock for upto 14 days. Guess my new hobby will have to wait a while.
  5. Tabs

    Starter kits?

    Both sets are gorgeous, obviously i'm a mere amateur so not sure i could produce something like that easily lol. I thought perhaps the bigger tool kit to start and liked the colours in the smokey rose set. Thinking cap needed i think. If i think of anything else i'll be sure to ask....ty for...
  6. Tabs

    Starter kits?

    Thanks BeadyBelle, Can you tell me which of the tool kits is best, the small or the large? (silly question i know) Could you also tell me if the Smokey Rose kit would be suitable for beginners too? Many thanks again for your advice :) L x
  7. Tabs

    Jwellery making starter kit - prices far better than elsewhere!

    IS there anywhere that TJC are showing the kits online? I can't find any on the regular website and have no clue when they are due on air.
  8. Tabs

    Photo of my mystery ring

    As Meesh says its allmost impossible to say for definate just by a photo what a gemstone is, but my gut instinct is that its emerald also.
  9. Tabs

    Starter kits?

    Hi Guys, I've decided i want to give making my own jewellery a try, so can anyone suggest a good starter kit? I'll be starting from scratch so any help greatfully received. TYIA :nod:
  10. Tabs

    Are QVC breaking the refund rules under Distance Selling Regs?

    I think this only applies to initiall P+P costs incurred, so if your p+p is free in the first place i dont think you would be able to claim. Also you cannot claim for your own costs of sending the item back as i understand it.
  11. Tabs

    How many ways can they mess me about in one order?

    Aww PQ, Hope you get some form of satisfaction from this whole debacle. Also missing your blingy posts and pics hun, hope your well x
  12. Tabs

    disappearing presenters???

    Good Riddance to the cretin i say! You weren't liked and you certainly won't be missed Mr Russell!
  13. Tabs

    Rockstv presenter Carol

    While i find Carol funny "at times", she's allso too loud and overbearing to watch for any period of time. Sorry, just my opinion.
  14. Tabs

    Gatineau TSV??

    I'm considering this TSV, hoping it will work on age spots. Can anyone advise what type of skin its best for, and how easy would it be to slot into an existing regime? TYIA :)
  15. Tabs

    Charlie Bears Marathon!

    Some of us feel the same about 3 hours of beauty shows with Ms entertainment AY. I know which hour i would rather be watching.:tongue:
  16. Tabs

    Charlie Bears Show Sunday 13.6.2010

    Glad to know your on the case Ian :nod: Thank you x
  17. Tabs

    Great Customer Service! :D

    They are on the whole pretty good with CS and deliveries...its just the occasional blip that spoils things.
  18. Tabs

    Charlie Bears Show Sunday 13.6.2010

    Hiya, I see Charlie Bears have a 3 hour show from 12 o clock on Sunday. Has anyone managed to track down any new item codes please? :wonder:
  19. Tabs

    QVC At It Again- Decleor Mens Facial Care Trio....

    Exactly the same as me SuziQ, apart from that the line they are spinning me is that the item is on "backorders".
  20. Tabs

    QVC At It Again- Decleor Mens Facial Care Trio....

    Thanks all, The long and short of it appears to be that they have oversold on this kit. I haven't got the manager to use those words..but "owing to the phenomenally succesfull event day", seems to say it all i think. No word as to how they are going to provide me a kit, but they say they are...