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  1. petpixie

    Margarine Burgervan...

    I've had my pilates machine for over a year and it's been one of my best buys. I use it for 15 mins every day and it's made a real difference to my strength, balance and tone. I credit it with helping keep me slim despite struggling with the menopause. Margarine isn't a great advert for it as I...
  2. petpixie

    CH - here we go again........

    They do around about where I live LH! As I say I can't ever recall being refused a refund with a receipt and I think it's very disingenuous of CH to make these sweeping statements in an effort to scare people into buying from QVC. IMO she's the very worst for misleading sales patter. She spends...
  3. petpixie

    CH - here we go again........

    Never in all my days have I been refused a refund with a receipt. If I've lost the receipt I've always been given a credit note with no quibble. The woman talks tripe and I feel she would sell her soul for a paltry sale.
  4. petpixie

    Has Craig changed his name?

    I've always wondered how much the presenters earn and who earns the most ~ any ideas?
  5. petpixie

    My Best (I mean Worst) Christmas Present, thank you QVC

    So happy for you Graham! xx Is it safe to stop my boycott then? I've saved a small fortune but my clicky finger is starting to itch!!!
  6. petpixie

    Back in the UK

    Just seen this! I hope you're well on the mend now Julia and you enjoyed Xmas. Come back and join in again soon xx
  7. petpixie

    Has Craig changed his name?

    You stalking him BB? How do you source this info? What's next? Jill Franks' side line in shitzu grooming?
  8. petpixie

    Has Craig changed his name?

    Admit it BB ~ it's there's love/hate thing going on (and don't say he loves you and you hate him!)
  9. petpixie

    CH - here we go again........

    Typo! I meant CH
  10. petpixie

    QVC Female Presenter Of The Year 2012

    I voted for Kathy Tayler ~ she's the only one who never annoys me. She's like a breath of fresh air compared to most of them.
  11. petpixie

    CH - here we go again........

    SH is unbearable imo. Any time I've seen her (and that's not often because I switch her off asap!) she's making outrageous claims and lying through her teeth. She really shouldn't be on Q as the channel loses credibility due to her untruths. Dreadful woman.
  12. petpixie

    R.i.p ruby

    So sorry MM. ((Hugs)) xx
  13. petpixie

    Happy Birthday Mitzi ...

    Hope you have a wonderful day Mitzi xx
  14. petpixie

    Graham - wishing you a peaceful Christmas and thanks for a great website

    Merry Christmas Sazza and Graham. Thanks for all the hard work you do. I hope 2013 is very happy for you both and Graham's troubles are all resolved. This is a fantastic site and I'd miss it terribly if it wasn't here. Graham should be very proud of it! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to...
  15. petpixie

    Peter Simon

    I saw him saying this and wondered how ~ if what he says is the truth that all the cards and letters etc helped him so much ~ he could treat those same people with such contempt by telling such whopping great lies and selling them cr** at hugely inflated prices. I don't know how he sleeps at night.
  16. petpixie

    Lies, damn lies, and sit-up tv

    How much lower can they sink???
  17. petpixie

    1/2 ct ring OMG!

    I'm no diamond expert but unless the colour and clarity are graded and clearly stated how can you possibly know what pile of crud you'll end up with? It's so sad that people are being misled like this and for such huge amounts of money. I'm hopping mad!!
  18. petpixie

    1/2 ct ring OMG!

    Well two poor souls have just bought the crappiest 9ct gold ring for nearly £500. It's scandalous! With any luck they'll come to their senses when they see what they've bought in the flesh, but that still leaves them over a tenner out of pocket.
  19. petpixie

    Strictly 2012 The Final 22nd December

    I think any of the last 3 is a deserving winner and I don't have a favourite to win. (I kind of hope it's Denise though due to the bad press she's endured.)
  20. petpixie

    Strictly 2012 The Final 22nd December

    Louis ~ what a dance! I think he'll win it with that.