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  1. C

    Closing Down Sale

    This is what it's saying on the channel. What a shame, it was an honourable thing to set up this channel in the hope of helping some very poor people.
  2. C

    Anoushka Leaving TJC

    Oh dear Anoushka is completely wasted on this channel. On TJC her fun personality was allowed to come to the fore and the lighting and production made the most of her stunning looks. On Pavers she just sits there playing second fiddle to an older lady and the frumpy looking shoes that my...
  3. C

    Anoushka Leaving TJC

    So it is and thanks for the heads up, but what a shame it's a channel devoted to selling womens shoes. Much as I like Anoushka I can't see myself sitting through her doing presentations of budget footwear for women of a certain age. Now if she was going to be modelling some high end stilletoes...
  4. C

    Anoushka Leaving TJC

    Nooooooo.!!!! My favourite presenter on any shopping channel's just announced that tonight's her last shift. The beautiful and bubbly Anoushka is moving on to who knows where? Bye Nuks x
  5. C

    Sisters Bake It Up From Anoushka's Twitter feed. Her sister's blooming hot stuff as well.
  6. C

    Phone Call

    Well I'm sure Steve Bennett will take on board your constructive criticism about the production values of his channel. How much does the channel you work for do for charity? How much free time do you and your colleagues give to help desperately poor people? At this rate you'd be better off...
  7. C

    Phone Call

    Maybe you want the presenters to wear hair shirts and flog themselves once they've finished turning all the lights and heating off? What's up with you people? Steve Bennett doesn't need to do this. How often do you hear about rich businessmen actually putting something back and helping...
  8. C


    Anoushka has a lovely warm personality and is full of fun. She also happens to be hands down the most gorgeous shopping tele presenter.
  9. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Oh I've worked with my share of olympic standard know it alls believe me. :mysmilie_17:
  10. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Oh there's lots believe me but I don't think there's any shortage of posts about the negatives.
  11. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Whatever you think of him, I challenge any of you to talk for 30 minutes solid about anything, let alone a shite cleaning brush, it's not easy. Credit where it's due.
  12. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Purlease! Yuk!
  13. C

    Bidtv relaunch: the do's and don't

    Do have Jenny Topp modelling underwear. Do bring back Marina Berry modelling underwear. Do keep Peter Sherlock (not sure why he's such a hate figure on here) but for God's sake don't have him modelling underwear. Do bring back Lynn Taylor as a presenter but encourage her to model underwear...
  14. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    All of the above is true. However you fail to recognise the simple point I'm making that people volunteer to buy their crap products on their expensive phone lines and with their expensive postage costs. The same people are completely free to shop at QVC. I had a look at the QVC product range...
  15. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    So in essence you're saying that Bid use clever sales techniques to get mug punters to part with their cash? Who knew? QVC don't ever do that then? Or are they must a tad more subtle? Personally I can't get excited about it all in the way some of you seem to. It's not like the P and P and...
  16. C

    Random musings/no argument zone

    Lol guys girls and Chad. Cheeky!
  17. C

    Bid Vax deal of the day - not a bargain

    Fair comment. What I don't get is the faux outrage expressed by some posters here.
  18. C

    Bid Vax deal of the day - not a bargain

    To be honest I don't remember a halcyon day. I did rather like Lynn Taylor when she was on, very professional and rather cute too. It's always been fairly naff from what I remember but that said, I've never felt the need to stick the boot in like some seem to enjoy. I work on the basis that...
  19. C

    Bid Vax deal of the day - not a bargain

    I wonder how you'll fill your days if that happens? :mysmilie_12:
  20. C

    Bid Vax deal of the day - not a bargain

    Why? As for price comparisons, I'm willing to bet that there are lots of products available on Amazon that are cheaper on Ebay and vice versa, and also that retail outlet A sells the same product a lot cheaper than retail outlet B but doesn't tell it's customers to shop at the other shop...