Random musings/no argument zone


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I actually used to like old Mike Mason in the old days of bid, when he had hair and had a laugh on air, before he became a know it all/worlds proudest dad/hardsell salesman
Whatever you think of him, I challenge any of you to talk for 30 minutes solid about anything, let alone a shite cleaning brush, it's not easy. Credit where it's due.
Oh believe me Chad I can talk utter utter shite for hours on end (ok I do like a shandy) but still I sound like good old Mr Einstein compared to that Gollum freak, So full of it so so so deluded its sad.
I lost it from FreeSat once. Needed to rescan to pick it back up. Worth a try?

Tried retuning. Still bid (and only bid) is blank. Channel 23 says it should be bid and what the current theme is e.g. 'For the Home' but the picture is blank. Maybe someone up above :mysmilie_50: has decided enough is enough and made sure I do not spend any more of my precious time on this planet watching the utter dire rubbish that is bid, sorry, Shop at Bid.
Tweet about Mike Dude @bidtv just threatened his imaginary wife with brush with a sponge on the end? "You can have some too, love. Go get the BBQ on" See his mask slipping again, like the mutant comment from the past. Look forward to Sparking Wine and Cake man defend this.

Also on Twitter

One thing I have noticed is that the lies, misrepresentations , false claims and passing off that were the hallmark of Bid in the past seem to have been virtually eliminated. There is not much now that makes you want to file a complaint with the ASA and that must surely be a good thing.
The white lies-bogus personal anecdotes- are still around although not to the extent that they once were.
If they really have reinvented themselves as an honest shopping channel then they deserve the chance to survive.
Whatever you think of him, I challenge any of you to talk for 30 minutes solid about anything, let alone a shite cleaning brush, it's not easy. Credit where it's due.

You haven't met a lot of boring, know-it-alls have you Chad?
Actually, no Wirral, I haven't. It's probably true what you say. Boring and a know-it-all he may be but with a great sense of style. This is a man who could, quite literally, bore you to tears, but he could do it with claaarsss! Monogrammed cuffs and a dragon tatt...... Who else could carry that off? The proudest dad in the world, that's who!
Actually, no Wirral, I haven't. It's probably true what you say. Boring and a know-it-all he may be but with a great sense of style. This is a man who could, quite literally, bore you to tears, but he could do it with claaarsss! Monogrammed cuffs and a dragon tatt...... Who else could carry that off? The proudest dad in the world, that's who!

I think he brings a certain gravitas to the proceedings.

He'd be a welcome addition to any Golf Club.
I remember years ago I used to flick through the shopping channels just in evening, didn't know any presenters. I remember seeing this common little man dancing around, he then had a vile rant about an ex girlfriend alongg the lines of I'm a success and brilliant and may she rot in hell. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Years later I watched more regularly and saw Mike Mason with less hair but I recognised him immediately. Strangely I've never liked him since that time. I always thought the presenter was thete to sell not to slag people off from their past.
I think he brings a certain gravitas to the proceedings.

He'd be a welcome addition to any Golf Club.

He definitely brings a certain something to something to an occasion, though I would have said more in a lowering of the tone kind of way.
Muttley, he is just as you say. He cannot help letting his mouth run away with him. If he measures success by appearing on a third rate shopping channel, then I'm lost for words!
Muttley, he is just as you say. He cannot help letting his mouth run away with him. If he measures success by appearing on a third rate shopping channel, then he's made it

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