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  1. C

    QVC App problems!

    Just checked mine and it's ok. - except that I got the ghastly Craig with her from decleor!
  2. C

    Simple Simon's 4x 230g Quiche Selection Try Me Price

    The awful thing is, if you check out the Simple Simon website the pies are about the same price but if you spend less than £30 with them, P&P is £9.95!!!
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    Gems TV USA

    Blimey, didn't know Abby Surgeon was such an expert in so many areas! Ideal World carp, QVC technology among other things, now an expert on gems - hmmm.
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    Message for Steve Bennett

    I don't know if he even still reads these pages but anyway.... Mr Bennett You really are going to have to get a grip on the issue of deliveries from your company. If your website tells someone they will receive an order on a certain date, they should be entitled to expect it then. Excuses...
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    Howard The Letch

    He's probably thought that since Nigel May is admired for that approach then he can get away with it too!
  6. C


    Mummy Sutton on just now - Gawd, she could put you off it!
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    Julia's book

    Maybe they'd mix her up with the other Julia Roberts!!
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    Track and Trace

    Good to see QVC introducing a tracking facility for deliveries now. A link appears in the delivery notification email. I've just got my first where the parcel is coming by courier but Royal Mail also have a track and trace facility now so hopefully we'll be able to follow RM parcels as well.
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    Good grief, and I thought Ideal World presenters were bad!! Apparently this Vicki woman is just back from maternity leave. If she'd been on when I discovered JM recently I'd have spent a lot less money. What a complete clown - and as for that braying that she thinks is laughing, well I'm just...
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    Ideal World Christmas Song

    And is it just my TV or is the soundtrack completely out of sync with the video? It's gruesome anyway - yet another example of their monstrous egos getting the better of them.
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    Creating Jewellery show

    A fairly new jewellery maker here. I too have discovered - fatal!!! I was seriously ticked off with the show on QVC thanks to Claire baby talk Sutton who had NOOOOOO idea when to shut up and bury her own ego. Poor Carolyn was hardly allowed to demonstrate anything. I don't...
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    Beauty Bra

    Sorry, but this has really tee'd me off. I know we talk often about befores and afters, but this afternoon must be the biggest fake ever. The model Linda is supposed to have paid £40 for a bra which she is spilling out of from EVERY angle. The manufacturer should sue Ideal World for gross...
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    Through the round window

    Have to say that at the moment I am really enjoying this channel. I can tolerate the antics because the presenters clearly know their stuff, are obviously able to talk from knowledge rather than having everything fed to them like the robots on IW, and, most of all, they can sustain a four hour...
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    Any One Else Sick Of The ......

    I reckon their passion is all business-oriented. Don't know about the last few months but once they got in tow with QVC they started treating at least some of their stockists abysmally - failing to deliver orders anywhere near when expected etc - retailers had to deal with very unhappy and...
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    Last diary entry 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hairstyling TSV - Mon 5th Sep

    Claudia, you're so right about the Big Brush - I don't know what I ever did without mine. And not to start JR bashing but if she's an example of the effects of the rollers and spray she's put me off completely. I don't think I've seen her hair look so bad for a while.
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    OMG Ricarda M skincare

    Remember "Beauty and the Beast"? Well, she sure as heck ain't the Beauty!
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    Catherine Huntley

    Totally in agreement - I just find her revolting to watch now. And am I the only one who thinks it was extremely thoughtless to wear such massive heels that she must have towered about a foot over LG? Not that I think LG can't stand up for herself - only saw a tiny bit of the show but did enjoy...
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    Nail varnish colour?

    No 7 have one called "beanie", but it's quite a dark taupe compared to supermodel.
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    JR clothing

    If you read her body language very carefully, I think that though she'd never admit it, she's actually quite uncomfortable in herself. I like the phrase "happy in their own skin", which applies to people who are at ease with who they are and with other people, and I don't think she is. She is...