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  1. M

    Alexis from L’Occitane

    When she was on a few weeks ago flogging her TSV, I thought she had jumped ship and was working for Chanel. On one show she was wearing a Chanel necklace and the next show a double c Chanel broach. Clearly there is plenty of money to be made in 'stuff' that goes down the plug hole.
  2. M

    How much???

    Found mine in Tesco but most of the large supermarkets stock them, very limited stock. I'm sure Mr L will love it x
  3. M

    How much???

    Every year we have a Tunis cake (not tuna cake!) , takes me back to being a child and missing my dear late nan. It has become a 'thing' to acutely find one in the supermarket in the run up to Christmas. 🍰
  4. M


    That hair reminds me of the old tom cat across the road 🐱. As my brother says, all the gear, no idea.
  5. M

    Jill Franks

    I was just thinking the same thing.
  6. M

    The Festive Food Hall TSV 12/11/20

    My rant continues, I notice she is also wearing nail varnish, I get this is a demonstration but I really would prefer her hair tied up and no nail varnish. 🙄
  7. M

    The Festive Food Hall TSV 12/11/20

    Two things: 1, Is qvc currently suffering from a power cut and they are using lights plugged into an emergency generator? 2, the lady demonstrating her piping skills, please put your hair up. I understand this is purely a demonstration but her hair is hanging down over her shoulders. This does...
  8. M

    Christmas candles: what do you burn?

    Sadly I'm not a yankee candle fan, I find them strong smelling and they give me migraines. However I have discovered the candles on gemporia, I now have a cupboard full of them and love the variations. I used to buy white company candles but now prefer the gemporia ones, highly recommend.
  9. M

    Prai TSV 26/10/20

    Is she stuck in the 1970s? Men falling at your feet, bottles of pink champagne being delivered to your table. The bottles are cheap and nasty looking and I can only imagine what the perfume smells like, migraine inducing.
  10. M

    Your crisp, white shirt

    🤭 oh Mrs......
  11. M

    Your crisp, white shirt

    I don't know about you andik, but I can't wait to go on my next cruise and sit at the captain's table.
  12. M

    Your crisp, white shirt

    Do you dress it up or dress it down? ;)
  13. M

    High Prices

    My bugbear with Q, amongst many other things, is when they harp on about this or that being a great stocking filler and it costing around £25 before p&p, that isn't a stocking filler that's a present. You can tell its Saturday evening with nothing on the telly box, I have just had a sneaky peek...
  14. M

    A Taste of Christmas TSV 09/10/20

    Completely agree about M&S, have you seen their snowglobe bottle of gin? It is beautiful, it has gold flakes floating in the gin and the bottle lights up....oh yeah... it's the little things that make me happy. I don't drink and I have bought a bottle 🎅🤶
  15. M

    New M&S Beauty Box coming up

    I love Nuxe dry oil, a little tip I picked up on using this, add 2 drops of the Nuxe oil to your moisturiser mix them together before applying to your face...honestly it not only smells devine but makes my skin feel so soft. I have very sensitive skin and I haven't had any issues using the...
  16. M

    Winter Fashion Heroes TSV 06/10/20

    Heroes.....Q you need to look the word up!
  17. M

    Practial Presents TSV 08/10/20

    If my partner bought me these for Christmas he would be cooking his own Christmas dinner, which would probably be beans on toast. Of all the items in QVCs inventory they pick this? I'm now going to sit down with a cup of coffee and start flicking through the Boots Christmas gift guide. 🎅
  18. M

    QVC show home....

    I believe it was sheep wash or sheep dip something like that. I think we've all seen the lovely Angela rippon shopping in Tavistock at some time or other, what a lovely lady☺
  19. M

    QVC show home....

    Just watched 5 minutes that was enough for was all me, me, me. I'm just pleased she has final left Devon 🥳
  20. M

    Does anyone else............

    The most recent thing I have seen is a setting spray for your makeup! After you have primed the face, put foundation on then added contouring you now have to set it in place with a setting spray. Sorry life is short and I can't be bothered🤯