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  1. Sarah&AmyG

    Does Anyone Know Why Shaun Isn't Presenting Consumer Choice

    Wonder Why Andy Was On Consumer Choice Again Tonight.
  2. Sarah&AmyG

    Does Anyone Know Why Shaun Isn't Presenting Consumer Choice

    :mysmilie_474: Don't Know if anyone Can Help me on this Query,But Does Anyone Know why Shaun Ryan no Longer seems to be presenting Consumer Choice now-days it's Andy Love Today,Martin Parker last Sunday,I used to Love Consumer when the Late Steve Whatley Presented it,& the Same with Shaun,but...
  3. Sarah&AmyG

    New to all of this but not very happy

    :mysmilie_698: I too have ordered the Nintendo DSI XL on Wednesday,I rung QVC to get the Tracking No & have tracked the Item,by looking on the Tracking Section of the Company who are Delivering it,I Know & can see the Nintendo DSI XL will be delivered Tommorow.So speak as I find have had no...
  4. Sarah&AmyG

    Ubisurfer Carry Case

    Thank you very Much for your best wishes for my pending surgery next week at Guy's Hospital in London.Have tried to get onto the Internet for the Past Couple of Days & at the Moment all that comes up on my Ubisurfer's Screen is that It cannot connect to the Server as there is No Network...
  5. Sarah&AmyG

    Ubisurfer Carry Case

    Thanks for the reply,wonder when It will be in stock at IW as am going into Hospital next week for Major Surgery & was Hoping to take my Ubisurfer with Me.
  6. Sarah&AmyG

    Ubisurfer Carry Case

    Have just entered that number in on the IW Website & it's coming up with item number not recognised.Is IW the only place that I can buy the Ubisurfer Case ?.
  7. Sarah&AmyG

    Ubisurfer Carry Case

    :mysmilie_687: I am Hoping that someone can Help me I have just Purchased the Datawind UBISURFER & was wondering if any one Knows the Item Number for the Carry Case that was a seperate Item for Purchase on the Last UBISURFER show that was on Ideal World TV The show was presented by Dave Bradford...
  8. Sarah&AmyG

    Bose In Ear Headphones with Case

    Have just switched on to the sound Innovations with Bose Hour & saw part of the Presentation on the Bose In Ear Headphones with Case & was wondering if anybody Knows if they Can Be used with a 3G Apple I Phone (8gb),as I really have problems with in Ear Headphones trying to fit them In to My...
  9. Sarah&AmyG

    Kipling TSV 4th January 2009

    Bag too small for me as well so won't be buying.Would have liked to have treated myself to a Kipling Bag as have not brought a new Kipling bag for a Couple of months or so!!
  10. Sarah&AmyG

    Kipling TSV 4th January 2009

    My 42nd Birthday is on the 5th January so If The TSV is a Largish Bag with loads of Pockets I Think I may be tempted to buy myself a Birthday Pressie & add yet another Handbag to my Collection as one of my Hobbies is Buying Handbags when I have the Cash of Course.
  11. Sarah&AmyG

    I Wonder....

    What Howard has done to his Arm or Wrist as I saw him presenting the Fitness Hour Last Night with the Pilates thinging & the I Joy Contraption & His Arm was either in Plaster or a Splint anyone know what has happened.cos being an ex nurse I am curious as to what he's done.
  12. Sarah&AmyG

    New Kipling Items

    Have gone on to the QVC Website to look at this Bag but there is no pic available does anyone know what it looks Like?.
  13. Sarah&AmyG

    Wonder Where Shaun Is.

    I thought that especially if Norman Wisdom Hasn't Died,which I certainly Hope he hasn't one of the Best Entertainers of his Era.
  14. Sarah&AmyG

    Wonder Where Shaun Is.

    Glad to see Shaun back on Consumer Choice which I only watch when shaun is presenting,I agree that he doesn't look all that Brown for someone who has just come back from a Cruise.
  15. Sarah&AmyG

    Merry Christmas Everyone !

    Merry Christmas Everyone Same from Me Happy Christmas Everyone who contributes to these Forums & I also will take this Opportunity to Wish Everyone A Happy & Healthy 2009,from Sarah & Amy G,Amy is my Jack Russell whose Photo is my Avatar.:1::1:
  16. Sarah&AmyG

    Wonder Where Shaun Is.

    Cor,it's alright for some to be on a Cruise for their 40th i expect i shall spend my 42nd(on the 5th Jan) the same as every other year in Hastings Oh to have a Birthday in July or August.
  17. Sarah&AmyG

    Wonder Where Shaun Is.

    Have just switched on Consumer Choice & Andy is presenting yet again has any thing been mentioned about Shaun's Continuing Absence from our Screens?
  18. Sarah&AmyG

    Wonder Where Shaun Is.

    Have been switching on for Consumer Choice the Last 2 or 3 Weeks & it's not been Shaun Presenting it,wonder what's Happened to Shaun,or if he has even left Ideal World.
  19. Sarah&AmyG

    Is Amika.....

    Is Amika.... I know I am changing Subject but please can you tell me who is Sian Williams?
  20. Sarah&AmyG

    joanne married or not

    Joanne Married or Not I have been wondering for some time if She is no longer Married,on the IW Website Presenters Section on Joanne's Profile her Husband is not mentioned but yet I have heard her mention Him in the Last Few Weeks