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  1. LipstickCherry

    Did you miss your OTO dress ?

    Haha! Very good. I think Sharon had been using Dawn Bibby's dressing room as she was covered in glitter.
  2. LipstickCherry

    Mystery man

    Snooker player.
  3. LipstickCherry

    Glen Campbell - who is he?

    Oh my, I need a laugh this morning, and you've just given it to me Mrs James. Thank you. :up:
  4. LipstickCherry

    Which would you prefer 4 easy pays or free P&P

    I really don't like easy pays at all. I'd rather pay for something and be done with it rather than having amounts still coming off my credit card one, two, or three months later.
  5. LipstickCherry

    julia's such an opinionated bit*h

    Thanks for the link. I think Julia came across really badly in it, both in regard to the colours of the bags and the name issue. I think Luna is a truly gorgeous name and would love to have named my daughter Luna if I'd had a surname that went well with it, but sadly no. "This time La Luna, I...
  6. LipstickCherry

    Hmmm Leighton

    Tbh I've always found Leighton irritating - I don't know why, but I've just never enjoyed watching him. I think the "3 month" thing is probably a northern/regional thing.
  7. LipstickCherry

    Alpha H Show 4pm

    I really like the balancing cleanser. It's the only thing that I can use on my skin that involves water that doesn't leave my skin feeling really tight afterwards.
  8. LipstickCherry

    Elemis TSV Sunday 29th of August

    So a lovely soft flannel wouldn't do the job? hmmmm... :rolleyes:
  9. LipstickCherry

    QVC Models

    I've seen her on either gmtv or This Morning in the last few weeks modelling clothes.
  10. LipstickCherry

    Who are you?

    Haha! Yes! Wrinkles are in my genes, but I'm not going down without a fight!
  11. LipstickCherry

    Who are you?

    I reckon the average age of a forum member here is in the 45-50 age group. What an ancient bunch we are. :wink2:
  12. LipstickCherry

    Kelly Hoppen - could she love herself any more ?

    I was just going to say the same thing! Simon le Bon or any member of Duran Duran sleeping in ripped sheets? As if! :wonder: (except maybe the "ex" Andy Taylor :giggle: )
  13. LipstickCherry

    Manky models feet!!!

    I agree about the models' feet. On the other hand (or foot) Debbie Greenwood was presenting Birkies earlier today and she has lovely feet.
  14. LipstickCherry

    Has anyone used Alpha-H Liquid Gold?

    I bought the small try me kit about a month ago and I really like the Liquid Gold. The first time I used it I just put it on my chin and then the next time it was chin and forehead, and then only after I was fine with those did I put it on my sometimes sensitive cheeks. I use it 2-3 times a...
  15. LipstickCherry

    Julia's Hair

    Yes, that has crossed my mind too. The problem is I really like the warmth from the chestnut/caramel browns. I will turn to the ash browns in a few years when I start seriously thinking about giving up "the bottle".
  16. LipstickCherry

    Julia's Hair

    Me toooooo, apart from the fact that I'm nowhere near ready to go natural yet. About a year ago I started using light brown shades as opposed to mid brown so that the roots are less noticeable, but I reckon I've got about another ten years of colouring every 3-4 weeks before I think about...
  17. LipstickCherry

    Debbie Flint's Muse

    You might say that, but I couldn't possibly comment. :wonder:
  18. LipstickCherry

    is JF really 45? a joke surely

    I think you should have clarified the bit that I have highlighted in red, galaxy - that some of the comments are far from acceptable TO YOU. It is your opinion only, and not fact. It annoys the hell out of me when someone states what is only their opinion as fact.
  19. LipstickCherry

    Julia looks unwell

    I saw Julia on the Elemis show and thought she looked terrible. Her face looked haggard and her hair was really quite straggly and flat on top.
  20. LipstickCherry

    Dale's Sales Patter

    Didn't you know? High street shopping is a bloomin' dangerous business. :rolleyes: Rolling my eyes at Dale, not at you Ciociaria.