julia's such an opinionated bit*h


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Thank you Scouser for the video link. There stands Julia, smug and overconfident but really only succeeding in looking foolish and rather unpleasant! Glad I'm not her!
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Thanks for the link. How very rude. I think JR is good at describing products and she shouldn't exceed her remit.
Thanks for the link. I think Julia came across really badly in it, both in regard to the colours of the bags and the name issue. I think Luna is a truly gorgeous name and would love to have named my daughter Luna if I'd had a surname that went well with it, but sadly no.

"This time La Luna, I light my torch and wave it for the New Moon on Monday" - Duran Duran :blush:
Julia seemed shocked about the plum colour and then said it was more of a Damson. Damson are plums!

Now this I didn't know, but you are quite right, so thanks for that fact!

Julia tried to be smart, but appeared to be ignorant, both in knowledge and manners. She needs to reign herself in as I think she presents well, when her gob doesn't get the better of her.
I have to put up with rubbish like Julia went on with over my name and it's very boring as well as rude. I love the name Luna.
What an out and out old B****, how dare she make such a rude comment and be allow to get away with it !! Whats wrong with the powers that be at QVc to allow her to get away with such rudeness, time she was pensioned off!
Perhaps baby Luna was born at the time of a full moon or on a Monday and her parents thought it was an appropriate name to give her instead of Moon, which I know is also used as a first name.
Perhaps baby Luna was born at the time of a full moon or on a Monday and her parents thought it was an appropriate name to give her instead of Moon, which I know is also used as a first name.

Exactly! Luna is the Italian word for moon and the French word isn't far off either; Lune. In fact it is probably the word for moon in a variety of languages that derive from Latin. I think it is a pretty name. I saw the repeat of the Kipling hour too and, though I don't usually mind JR, I could have slapped her. Not just for what she said but for her smug expression; as if she was the be all and end all on name choices.
Luna may sound like looney but Sophie also sounds a bit like soapy or sofa. Just about any name can be made to sound silly if we try really hard.
Hhm, did watch the link and thought that Julia was only trying to discribe the colour of the bag accurately as "plum" can give an impression of a specific colour and if it is not quite that then it must be a presenters responsibility to point that out. If she did not point out the colour difference she would be slated for advertising it as a totally wrong colour and people would accuse her no doubt of being colour blind.
Worked with children all my working life and have seen how cruel they can be to anyone with a funny name, so I think she really has a point with that. Did not come across to me as nasty, arrogant, bitchy or any of the other comments on here. I have no special view on JR, Craig annoys me far more, but I can not get my head around why the woman gets such a bad press on here.
I always had the impression that most people on the forum liked JR and thought she was an attractive woman for her age but now she has lost weight and looks really slim everyone has started slagging her off. I don,t get the connection really but I have always thought she was an opinionated beetch.
I didnt think it was that bad,having just watched it.Yes she did shrug and look into the camera but was pointing out that it was a 'funny 'name and maybe the child would be teased for having a more unusual name.I have to agree with her although I will probably be slated for having an opinion.
She cant seem to do anything right .Why shouldnt she also be proud of her own kids ? Some forum members on here are being just as cruel as you say Julia is .
Hhm, did watch the link and thought that Julia was only trying to discribe the colour of the bag accurately as "plum" can give an impression of a specific colour and if it is not quite that then it must be a presenters responsibility to point that out. If she did not point out the colour difference she would be slated for advertising it as a totally wrong colour and people would accuse her no doubt of being colour blind.
Worked with children all my working life and have seen how cruel they can be to anyone with a funny name, so I think she really has a point with that. Did not come across to me as nasty, arrogant, bitchy or any of the other comments on here. I have no special view on JR, Craig annoys me far more, but I can not get my head around why the woman gets such a bad press on here.

I've also worked with children all my life and i found that although they may snigger initially when they hear an unusual name they tend to forget it very quickly and accept it.
I think she came across as extremely arrogant and nasty because it was an unecessary comment to make. The people who she directed it too were not there to defend her comments(not that they should have too) therefore IMO it was a cheap shot, it looked to me as though it was done purely to make herself look clever. She should have kept her mouth shut and her opinions to herself.If someone dared to criticise anything about her children on air, I'm sure she would have been equally upset.
This is not meant at all as having a go at you star234 it's just my opinion of why i think she gets so much stick
I've just watched it. Well all I can say is how bloomin rude. She really is getting to big for her flip flops. She's always thought she was queen bee and i for one switch off whenever she is presenting as i find her unbearably smug. There are others i don't like namely CS AND CH but they are never rude or derogatory to the guests. If I'd have been MF i'd have given her a right mouthfull
Maybe next time either of the Lulu's are on she'll ask them if they ever get teased about their names. Oh I forgot they're famous and need fawning over at every opportunity and poor MF is just the sales girl for Kipling. Shame on you Julia

I bet she wouldn't be brave enough to comment on Bibi Bijoux or the bloke from Pampoos !
Oooooh that was so MEAN and totally uncalled for! She really lets her tongue run away with her sometimes and not in a good way!
Imvho she needs to pull her head out from up her own butt and come out a better person. Sorry just how i feel about her.
I've also worked with children all my life and i found that although they may snigger initially when they hear an unusual name they tend to forget it very quickly and accept it.
I think she came across as extremely arrogant and nasty because it was an unecessary comment to make. The people who she directed it too were not there to defend her comments(not that they should have too) therefore IMO it was a cheap shot, it looked to me as though it was done purely to make herself look clever. She should have kept her mouth shut and her opinions to herself.If someone dared to criticise anything about her children on air, I'm sure she would have been equally upset.This is not meant at all as having a go at you star234 it's just my opinion of why i think she gets so much stick

Very true. Glen Campbell once had a go at her, (more of a playful tease really), saying that Daniel would probaby prefer to be a Manchester United supporter, and that she had bullied him into watching Crystal Palace. She was extremely annoyed with him, asking how dare he suggest that Daniel would not make up his own mind. The powers that be went straight to a break. It was quite amusing, really :giggle:

A few years ago, I had an interesting conversation with a QVC presenter who didn't think very highly of JR. They said that her persona on set made them feel very uncomfortable. So it isn't just the people on this forum who dislike her attitude.
I have just watched that clip for the first time - and actually JR has made me very sad.I don't really have an opinion on JR really,one way or the other - but also having worked with children all my life - Luna is actually a very popular now as was Keira a couple of years back.

I've always presumed the popularity (sp) of some names is down to film stars,celebrities etc.....and can link the name Luna with Frank Lampard's daughter,and wasn't it once the choice of the Beckhams (and i don't even follow football!!)

I am really sad that JR should poke fun at anyones name or their parent's choice to give them that name.In my experience,small children accept things at face value - and anything can raise a snigger in a junoirs playground.Its not nice for adults to do it.
Couldn't believe my ears when she was on with DB and she said she couldn't try the coat on ''because it's a medium'' WHAT???? How much weight does she think she's lost................

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