Random musings and general banter.


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Ghastly lumber cushions. Surely it should be lumbar, unless they are meant for the wood cutting market. 🤣
Oh it might be. I can see Pedro as a lumberjack.
The Monty Python kind…

Altogether now…
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I sleep all night, I work all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavatory
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have buttered scones for tea

I cut down trees, I skip and jump
I like to press wild flowers
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars
Oh it might be. I can see Pedro as a lumberjack.
The Monty Python kind…

Altogether now…
I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I sleep all night, I work all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch
I go to the lavatory
On Wednesdays I go shopping
And have buttered scones for tea

I cut down trees, I skip and jump
I like to press wild flowers
I put on women's clothing
And hang around in bars
I cut down trees, wear high heels
Suspenders and a bra
Wish I was a girlie
Just like my old Papa!
Morning world, I've just watched a programme on my catch-up feed called " The dark side of the 90's, infomercials: shams and scams " about the early days of infomercials and shopping telly, you know the cheap gadgets, miracle cures, cleaning products etc, like setting a car bonnet on fire, they were all the go in the 80's on US tv. It was like watching ideal world all over 😁. It was very eye opening how a lot of these presenters and "experts " made a fortune. A few ended up in jail too, but it was/is a lucrative career. If you get a chance to watch it, please do.
Thanks for getting this far 😁
I’m sure David Ades used to do the ‘car bonnet on fire’ thing on selly telly over here. Used a mini’s bonnet, from memory…
Welcome back to all the saddo’s on here who watch IW!
Yes we are sad but it has a purpose. We see all the deception/sales tactics..’if you will’
And it lightens the day to have a jolly good laugh. It’s like watching Monty Python at times as it just makes no sense and is surreal…I only dip in and out like the rest of us(shows how poor telly is these days).
Coming up…a badge for Peter…View attachment 29971
Does he have a fwend ?
And what might her name be?
Yes. Remember the reviews that they did juice quickly but were absolute bastards to clean. The cost of the sheer volume of fruit needed to make a glass of juice was astronomical. Cheaper to buy good quality fruit juice from the supermarket.
No I didn’t buy one as I’d rather just eat the fruit.
I had one, and you are right, they weren’t easy to clean. They were very, very good juicers though. I’d had others previously and they just weren’t as good. My favourite juice was apple, carrot and ginger. Mmmm.
Would love to know the demographic of people that regularly buy this stuff they hawk? I am trying to design the imaginary image of a typical buyer of theirs? Male and female ones..
Well,here’s part of the demographic,all with their new purchases and probably all of Ideal Worlds viewers captured in one shot..Mavis,Betty,Gerald,Rod,Evelyn,Christine,Margaret,Gladys,Mavis again,Hammy,(sadly Muriel couldn’t make this group photo as she was too busy buying Ideal World”s terrific,fantastic,delightful,never to be seen again products).

Muriel has promised to join them for a photoshoot if she can get out as she is pretty much housebound now. Can’t move for air fryers,mattresses,rattan furniture,blue tooth headphones,Swan & Edgar watches…folks will be delighted to know that she has left everything to Peter and Mike of the Makesitupashegoesalong in her Will..

They will be chuffed I’m sure
q 2
View attachment 30008Well,here’s part of the demographic,all with their new purchases and probably all of Ideal Worlds viewers captured in one shot..Mavis,Betty,Gerald,Rod,Evelyn,Christine,Margaret,Gladys,Mavis again,Hammy,(sadly Muriel couldn’t make this group photo as she was too busy buying Ideal World”s terrific,fantastic,delightful,never to be seen again products).

Muriel has promised to join them for a photoshoot if she can get out as she is pretty much housebound now. Can’t move for air fryers,mattresses,rattan furniture,blue tooth headphones,Swan & Edgar watches…folks will be delighted to know that she has left everything to Peter and Mike of the Makesitupashegoesalong in her Will..

They will be chuffed I’m sure
I can see a few Muriel’s there
View attachment 30008Well,here’s part of the demographic,all with their new purchases and probably all of Ideal Worlds viewers captured in one shot..Mavis,Betty,Gerald,Rod,Evelyn,Christine,Margaret,Gladys,Mavis again,Hammy,(sadly Muriel couldn’t make this group photo as she was too busy buying Ideal World”s terrific,fantastic,delightful,never to be seen again products).

Muriel has promised to join them for a photoshoot if she can get out as she is pretty much housebound now. Can’t move for air fryers,mattresses,rattan furniture,blue tooth headphones,Swan & Edgar watches…folks will be delighted to know that she has left everything to Peter and Mike of the Makesitupashegoesalong in her Will..

They will be chuffed I’m sure
Some of the walking canes in the back row there.
It's not me she's disagreeing with, it's biology 😂.

You cannot ingest a collagen pill and have it stay as collagen, let alone "move" collagen to where it says on the bottle. The digestive system (and the human body) does not work like that. Anymore than you can swallow some emu oil and have that travel undigested to your skin.

Preformed collagen (collagen isn't a miracle patented ingredient just a chain of bog-standard amino acids found in most food) gets broken back down into amino acids. Those amino acids are then used to make a lot of proteins and things which keep the body working - including collagen.

My point is not that amino acids don't make collagen - they do - or that more collagen helps the body work better - it does - simply that necking a couple of animal-derived collagen pills a day to get those amino acids (largely proline, alanine, glycine, and hydroxyprolin) is not necessary. You can find all of them in much larger quantities in everyday food. They're not magical, exotic, or rare. A single amino acid extracted from cow bones will be identical in form and function in the body as the same amino extracted from, idk, a soya bean.

And my other point is that if you do want to get those aminos from preformed collagen under the misguided notion that 'ingesting collagen makes collagen' then, er, don't be surprised if that doesn't happen. The body uses amino acids for pretty much every single function that keeps you alive. Neither you, your wife, IW, Numi, Proto-Col or anyone else can choose if they're used to make collagen, or if they are, where that collagen ends up.
Wife doesn't take bovine collagen tablets. She takes 10000mg(?) marine based liquid stuff like Mikey of the Masoeons was selling last night.
She started out on the bovine based liquid collagen but that wasn't popular with her as it tasted pretty foul, a bit like cold gravy.
The stuff she gets, not from IW, is about £11 cheaper for a similar size and strength bottle including delivery.
Mikey was selling it for £29.99 last night saying of course if you bought it elsewhere it could easily be £79 or more. 😂😂😂
Given the fact she makes 10 bottles last a year we reckon it probably costs about 50p a day.
Definitely not me, they're all tooo happy and smiling to be me, i'm easy to spot in a crowd, just look for the mean faced grumpy old git. :ROFLMAO:
You're Scottish in Aberdeen aren't you?
Would be hard to pick you out in a crowd of locals... 😉

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