What in God's name ....?


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I hope she is happy and proud of herself. Too many women suffer needlessly about perceived issues about their bodies and appearance. We should all stop worrying about what others think.
In my very small opinion, women should stop picking on other women for their appearances.
She looked clean, tidy, groomed and was concentrating on doing her job.
Her taste in clothes and shoes is nothing to do with me.
I hope she is happy and proud of herself. Too many women suffer needlessly about perceived issues about their bodies and appearance. We should all stop worrying about what others think.
In my very small opinion, women should stop picking on other women for their appearances.
She looked clean, tidy, groomed and was concentrating on doing her job.
Her taste in clothes and shoes is nothing to do with me.
In the workplace, for example, it would not be right to pick on others about their appearance. It would lead to big trouble. But Julia and the other presenters and BA's on QVC voluntarily put themselves on the firing range for praise and criticism. It's going to happen. Julia seems to have bags of confidence, which is never a bad thing, but she is a show-off and brags about herself too much.
But it is surely if she's trying to persuade you to pay her commission while she's demonstrating stuff.
I agree that she is in a public facing role, so needs to be professional. She wore an appropriate outfit, no excess flesh, no revealing tattoos or body jewellery. People don’t wear business suits any more for smartness. Look at Biagi and Charlie wearing trainers and open neck tops.
In my opinion, I do not think women should keep attacking other women about their appearance .
But it is only my opinion. Having taught teenage girls for nearly 40 years have unhealthy relationships with their bodies.
I just think we should all be a little kinder to each other.
It wasn't an attack, it was an observation. Julia's trying to sell clothes most of the time so you'd think she would wear things she looked nice in so we all might be attempted to buy. It's like a fat person trying to sell you their expertise at fitness and healthy eating. You'd be a bit dubious.

It wasn't an attack, it was an observation. Julia's trying to sell clothes most of the time so you'd think she would wear things she looked nice in so we all might be attempted to buy. It's like a fat person trying to sell you their expertise at fitness and healthy eating. You'd be a bit dubious.

There have been some practically bald men on QVC selling hair products or vutamins that encourage hair growth. Did anyone fall for it? Doubtful.
In the workplace, for example, it would not be right to pick on others about their appearance. It would lead to big trouble. But Julia and the other presenters and BA's on QVC voluntarily put themselves on the firing range for praise and criticism. It's going to happen. Julia seems to have bags of confidence, which is never a bad thing, but she is a show-off and brags about herself too much.
Also trying to persuade people to buy the rubbish "fashion".
I must try to watch Julia more often as I haven't seen her looking well-groomed in any of the shoes I've watched recently. Her hair is a big let-down - too dark, too long. It's been her style for decades but is now very unflattering. And as others have observed, the leggings and shoe-boot things just look wrong.

However, as CC said, she's not going to be told by anyone.
It wasn't an attack, it was an observation. Julia's trying to sell clothes most of the time so you'd think she would wear things she looked nice in so we all might be attempted to buy. It's like a fat person trying to sell you their expertise at fitness and healthy eating. You'd be a bit dubious.

The thread started with a comment about Julia’s choice of outfit to sell Julian MacDonald candlesticks which is not fashion. The title of the thread implied to me, just my opinion, that it was an exclamation of disbelief and disapproval. I, personally do not say “ in god’s name” when making an observation. I would use it when there was some emotion. Just my opinion, just my viewpoint.
she may have been a dancer( at least i havent't seen her do the one routine that Ellis Ward on Gems does when she is called on as a cabaret dancer)..but that was many many moons ago...and im guessing not for very long...i just wonder if the donkey sanctuary would benefit from her cast offs..those shoo boots in particular look well suited to donkeys.

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