Random musings and general banter.


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Jacks selling some ghastly tuppenny-ha'penny fragrance called Greed - makes Gammon sound chic and Old Spice for the social elite. "It doesn't matter what you look like," she says - 'Put this on and you become attractive to me." Peter Simon?? Are you listening?? Are there no depths she'll sink to in order to try to flog tat?
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Jacks selling some ghastly tuppenny-ha'penny fragrance called Greed - makes Gammon sound chic and Old Spice for the social elite. "It doesn't matter what you look like," she says - 'Put this on and you become attractive to me." Peter Simon?? Are you listening?? Are there no depths she'll sink to in order to try to flog tat?
Sounds classy. Its all very 1980s, Wall Street movie "greed is good". Glad their products have an up to date vibe about them🤔
Rob was on late last night flogging a portable turntable, with a free greatest hits of Elvis LP. He couldn't play it of course, but the muzak coming out of it sounded like what my late Dad would have called "a bag of hammers". A real quality item at £59.

Ideal World - Home of Big Bric-a-Brac
Rob was on late last night flogging a portable turntable, with a free greatest hits of Elvis LP. He couldn't play it of course, but the muzak coming out of it sounded like what my late Dad would have called "a bag of hammers". A real quality item at £59.
The turntable should have been the free gift.
I'm going to have the song from the advert in my head all day now🙉😂
Always think if you can remember a jingle from an old advert then the advertising agency have done there job. I remember some going back to the 1950s, Pepsodent toothpaste, Hoover and Murray Mints.

He’s said every year this will be my last.

Saw Natalia selling the Vibration machine earlier, fair play on her she asked sensible questions
Did she use it and if she did, did it vibrate out her lip fillers?
Tell me something, SaintsLad… Do you think presenters misleading viewers with incorrect information is acceptable?
You will be delighted
I’m just curious, galesgal. I see SaintsLad for exactly what they are. I simply wonder how that question would be answered and if they possessed even a shred of integrity.

I think we all know the answer to that already though.
Goodness, reading your posts and you really have it in for me. Charming.

You know nothing about me, so please stop the pointless attacks.
Not the fan again, Or is it a fan heater now as I’m freezing my nu..….fingers off here. Oh….30 degrees in the next seven days, and even hotter, the Beautiful Bald Fella says…£400…£300…£200…50p….Who does their weather forecasts? The BBC app states temperatures of around between 19 to 26 degrees in central England until the 29th July…
You will be delighted

Goodness, reading your posts and you really have it in for me. Charming.

You know nothing about me, so please stop the pointless attacks.
This is the last time I’ll be responding to any of your posts. That you say ‘pointless attacks’ tells me everything I need to know about you as I’ve never done anything of the sort. Antagonising and trolling here really is your ‘modus operandi’ - how sad. I’ll be joining the ranks of all who completely ignore you from here on in.

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