Alison Young and Skin Generally


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She used to talk about a niece or nieces way back late 90s or early 00s.

It was the Elemis Milk Bath and said applying neat on the skin, and it was the niece she mentioned. She always gave I do not want children in around about ways. Oh, give me horses and dogs.
Back in the day AY would always squirm if someone mentioned babies 😯she was insulting to guests particularly American ones telling them how to pronounce words and very rude to models, I remember her telling the lovely Amika that she didn’t have a proper dog because it was small, this whole Fairy Godmother of Beauty doesn’t wash with me because she’s certainly changed her tune.😡
She used to talk about a niece or nieces way back late 90s or early 00s.

It was the Elemis Milk Bath and said applying neat on the skin, and it was the niece she mentioned. She always gave I do not want children in around about ways. Oh, give me horses and dogs.
Yes she did when Ultrasun was first on she said they didn't believe her when she said it only needed to go on once a day.
He never played for any of the big league clubs, and I don't recall him having any major sponsorship deals so AY was probably the higher earner. Nevertheless, she'll have had a good lawyer. The validity of pre-nups aside, I read that when Paul McCartney and Madonna divorced their respective partners, they used the same lawyer who had the settlements restricted to wealth accrued during the period of the marriage.
Didn't JR introduce them as she knew him as she is a big fan of Crystal Palace??
I remember when she used to order the cameraman up onto her salon bed, and have them roll their trouser leg up so she could demonstrate those waxing strips she was always raving about. She used to flirt with them shamelessly. Never have I seen such and utter look of relief on anyone's face as theirs, when she'd tell the viewers they were not for use on intimate areas.
Back in the day AY would always squirm if someone mentioned babies 😯she was insulting to guests particularly American ones telling them how to pronounce words and very rude to models, I remember her telling the lovely Amika that she didn’t have a proper dog because it was small, this whole Fairy Godmother of Beauty doesn’t wash with me because she’s certainly changed her tune.😡
Awful woman. Couldn't stand listening to her voice telling people off either.
I think using a mild cleaner and a quality cream will protect your skin if you have a routine from the start. That is as soon as you can walk some type of cheap barrier cream will make a difference. We had a school reunion OMG it was shocking how old some had aged.
Sometimes, when you see someone from a long time ago, it seems like a cruel joke how they look today. (They are probably thinking the same thing about you, though!!)
JR was on instagram at the w.e completely make up free and looking very different indeed. I know we all look different without make up but some definitely more than others!!
I saw her wash her face using LE C&P. And thought indeed how brave of her, and what a very good demonstration of the product! And she looked great with her makeup off!
I wish they’d do it regularly. I saw SJ doing a makeup ‘demo’ just a couple of days ago and she was basically wafting a brush across a fully made up model. She’s a makeup expert but there was no point in her being there as far as I could see. The models are almost always already made up but if we’re lucky they’ll wipe away a corner and reapply the product. It’s a bit of a joke because we have no idea what other products they might have used to get ‘the look’
I think using a mild cleaner and a quality cream will protect your skin if you have a routine from the start. That is as soon as you can walk some type of cheap barrier cream will make a difference. We had a school reunion OMG it was shocking how old some had aged.
I know exactly what you mean about school reunions !

My sister and I (now 66 & 69 respectively) attended one a few years back and I thought one of the ‘girls’ from my sister’s year had sent her mum in her place for some reason.

No, it was the girl herself. Not only did she have very ageing lined rough skin, she was dressed in tweeds, pearls, high neck blouse and brogues. To The Manor Born but far from Penelope Keith chic.
I don't know how old she is - around 50 ish? She's ageing normally, I would say, but fast weight loss shows on her face and neck as it would on everyone. None of the beauty items she promotes do a damn thing to permanently tighten the skin. Perhaps they have a temporary effect and they probably smell nice and soften the skin, but that's all. Anyone who says any different is delluding themselves. A haircut would give an improvement to her total look, and an eye lift would benefit her as she has eye bags and eye lift surgery is less invasive than face/neck lift. I had it done quite a few years ago and never regretted it. All in all, though, she's an attractive woman.
Pretty sure she, and Jill Franks, are my age... 60 next birthday.
Genetics and lifestyle probably play a bigger part than what you slap on your skin.
Jill is, or was, a runner. Ali spends lots of her time outside with her horses and dogs.
All the UV light exposure will have played a role in their skin condition.
Jill, to me, has a look of someone who controls her eating to maintain her figure. That could also impact her skin.
Ali has a number of health issues, so medication could also play a part.
Then there are lucky people like Julia Roberts and Debbie Flint who seem to have had excellent skin for years. Debbie's allergic to the sun so has never tanned. Julia does tan, but has largely maintained a youthful skin despite that and medication for her health conditions.
There are claims that you can use fasting to deal with loose skin caused by rapid weight loss, but if you love food, that's a non-starter imo.
If Ali doesn't want to go down a surgical route, I think aall she can really do is keep her face and neck toned and moisturised and try to maintain her weight and not yoyo up and down.
Sometimes, when you see someone from a long time ago, it seems like a cruel joke how they look today. (They are probably thinking the same thing about you, though!!)
No I have to say I look younger now than I did when I was younger. Lost half my body weight for a start. That alone took years off me. Then I could wear trendy clothes rather than sacks.

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