Recent content by vectra


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  1. vectra

    Smashbox TSV - Wed 11th November

    i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo disapointed my money is defo safe what a pile of CARP
  2. vectra

    Diamonique on EastEnders

    the same thing happened in Emmerdale andy sugden gave jo a dimoneeeek engagement ring lol looks like QVC have there fingers in a few soaps .................
  3. vectra

    From QVC US BB - New Smashbox TSV details

    me too me toooooooooooooooooooooooo (if i have any money left when it comes to us)
  4. vectra

    Battersea Life Episode 6: "Smoke And Mirrors"

    again fab i can't say any other
  5. vectra

    Elemis TSV - 14/12/08

    i will be having this one:32::32::32::32:
  6. vectra

    Smashbox tsv on sunday the 28th of september

    i got my sample yesterday :35: but no ez pay code's:12:
  7. vectra

    Received 'birthday surprise' voucher from QVC

    thats not fair i haven't got one boo hoooo
  8. vectra

    Just Received a Laura Geller Customer Return

    what a shame OFJ but as you say at least you dont have to wait untill you have sent the other one back befor they send you out the new one BTW i have just looked at them and they are georgous you lucky thing
  9. vectra

    Lg tsv

    thanks Sazza xxxxxx
  10. vectra

    Lg tsv

    any ideas LG tsv number??? the title says it all lol has anyone any ideas about the number yet :33: thanks xxx
  11. vectra

    Lg tsv

    it look's like the picture i got throughy the post this morning but ours has only 6 product's in so i am guessing no foundation or mascara
  12. vectra

    Sarah Griffiths and Nationwide?

    she ia also the voice of choice,great universal and littlewoods debtalog's
  13. vectra

    How to make things wrong AGAIN

    well i am just pleased i haven't got the money to spend at Gem's lol sounds like they are getting like QVC in the CS / management area hope you get a satisfactory outcome Meeshoo
  14. vectra

    Gale Hayman Lip Lift Problems?

    i can't use it either when i did the same thing happened and it was the aloe vera that dosen't aggree with me so it went in the bin
  15. vectra

    L'Occitane TSV 12/7/08

    mmmmm wonder what it is going to be?