Recent content by Price Plunge


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  1. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    Switched on tonight's Ideal World watch show for the first time in many months and Peter and Kevski definitely appear subdued compared to what they used to be. Same old GTLS tubes in the same old (now discontinued) Anchar watches, Peter getting excited with the torch for the millionth time; it's...
  2. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    If you were watching Ideal World during its previous incarnation you may have been aware of the Mathey-Tissot watches that they frequently sold. Some of them might have been OK but this particular watch YouTuber has recently given the brand a good kicking: Anyway I don't really bother with...
  3. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    When selling this don't-call-it-an-air-fryer tonight Mike talked about "saving dollars". Well the last time I checked the UK was still using pounds for currency so where does Mike get his dollars from?
  4. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    Simon Peters on now selling a cheap 5-head electric shaver with accessories. Don't know about this particular shaver but the cheap Chinese shaver I bought from Amazon 5 years ago had loads of 5-star reviews but the one thing the reviews DIDN'T tell you was that after three months the battery...
  5. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    It's worse than that; it's 'Rose Gold Tone' according to the description. Not even plated, which if it was they surely would have made a big deal of that.
  6. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    Amazed they're still perservering with this brand; they must have had loads stashed away somewhere after the previous Ideal World incarnation went pop. Or they're stupid :ROFLMAO: (Or indeed both.)
  7. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    Just switched on Ideal World and Mike Mason was in the middle of explaining something when he was abruptly faded down and some music was played instead :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  8. P

    It's coming back!

    With the cheap Aviator watches, although not explicitly mentioned on-air they're not hiding the "Assembled in China" text on the back of at least one of the watches...well what do you expect for a watch costing £59.99? Plus Ideal World now at least looks like a reasonably professional shopping...
  9. P

    It's coming back!

    Could be worse; it could be six hours of "Christmas Gifts With Mark" over on TJC. Indeed the 'new' Ideal World is now following the TJC pattern of (brief show description) 'with' (first name of presenter) in the TV guide, with presenters often on-air for hours at a time, presumably because that...
  10. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    Watch a monster run amok in a creepy environment at's either Alien on BBC Three or Mike Mason selling watches on Ideal World... :ROFLMAO:
  11. P

    It's coming back!

    Whilst they were in B&Q they should have borrowed one of their "display kitchen on a sled" units that some stores seem to have which would have given them a small kitchen backdrop. Even if it wasn't plumbed/connected into anything. Though to be fair the broom cupboard they're currently using...
  12. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    Think it's likely that Swan & Edgar watches will turn up on IW at some point, especially as TJC already has a working relationship with its supplier and TJC may want to hang on to Gamages as a TJC-exclusive. Though of course it's still possible that Gamages will appear at some point... Anyway...
  13. P

    It's coming back!

    That walking stick looks as if it would snap if leant on by anyone who's slightly heavier than a bag of sugar. There's only been a week between the initial TJC announcement (22 September) and yesterday when they first went back on air and it shows. Seven days to do practically everything to...
  14. P

    It's coming back!

    They're still having technical problems such as no sound during segments (they've launched too soon haven't they), and they're now selling pink faux rabbit fur slippers looking as if they've been fashioned out of those furry tribbles from Star Trek. Plus those Homesmart plastic dehumidifying...
  15. P

    Random musings and general banter.

    At least they're selling these cheap fashion items at cheap fashion prices which is more than could be said for the rubbish the old Ideal World used to try to flog at ludicrous prices to unsuspecting viewers. You can see the TJC ethos at work here where they sell relatively large quantities of...