Recent content by Crafty Beauty


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  1. C

    Gatineau TSV 7/3/10

    Any more clues as to what's in this TSV?
  2. C


    Now I'm intrigued - I'd love to know what you were trying to post - it would be interesting to see what they thought was a profanity:thinking2: Mind you, it might be an over-zealous filter they are using - even on this site, anyone living in S****horpe has four letters of the place name ****'d...
  3. C

    Quidco cashback increased to 6%

    I love quidco and only wish I'd discovered it years ago. I only joined last November but have already made over £100 just on things I was going to buy anyway (quite a bit from QVC). We got £45 for changing our car insurance to a cheaper provider - good news all round :)
  4. C

    Aveda Coming Back To QVC

    They don't make Elixir any more :( I loved it too.
  5. C

    Gatineau TSV 7/6/09

    The eye cream is not an option on the card I've got - where did you get your collector card from?
  6. C

    Aveda Coming Back To QVC

    And I have a loyalty card so shall carry on buying most of my Aveda at my local Fenwicks. But I will be looking out for any TSVs - they might tempt me :)
  7. C

    Just how safe is this??

    I wouldn't have thought it was legal? Most petrol stations have signs saying you can't put petrol into anything other than "proper" plastic or metal containers. Or am I missing the point?
  8. C

    Gatineau TSV 7/6/09

    Hmm, not my kind of thing at all - I'm not a fan of fake tans etc. But, if the rest of the TSV is good, I'll just get rid of that bit on Ebay :)
  9. C

    Gatineau TSV 7/6/09

    Looks like I'll be buying this one - sounds like it'll be right up my street :) Strangely, I didn't get a card and I've bought quite a bit of Gatineau lately??? Maybe they think I'ma sure bet and don't need encouraging with a card :lol:
  10. C

    Beauty Tools & Accessories TSV?

    I agree. I bought the same epilator after recommendations on this forum and would recommend it to anyone - light years better than the Emjoi one I got from QVC a couple of years ago.
  11. C

    Founders Day FREE P&P Items

    Me too - with free P&P plus the Easypay option, I'm happy to add it to the stockpile - would have needed to buy it in a couple of months anyway :)
  12. C

    Laura Geller TSV - 30/04/09

    I agree, it looks very tempting, although I wish it didn't have the brushes (and had a lower price to reflect) as I already have them. I love all the LG makeup I've had so far, except for the mascara, so I hope this one is better. But Balance & Brighten has to be my best "find" - I love it so...
  13. C

    CRAFT TSV 23/24 March 2009

    You've got my vote :lol:
  14. C

    Lock & Lock TSV

    Mine has just arrived (is it just me, or have QVC speeded up their delivery? I used to have to wait ages but the last two TSVs I've bought have been here in super-quick time) and I'm really pleased. My pasta cupboard is now nicely organised and you're no longer in danger of having half-open...
  15. C

    Can anyone help me re: Gatineau Activ Eclat Gommage?

    Yup, I agree with the above. About a broad bean's worth and it liquefies after about a minute or two. I then leave it on for another minute or two and then rinse off.