beauty baloney?


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Jun 24, 2008
Tuned in this morning to check out the TSV and it's a Neom set consisting of a large candle, a bath foam and a pillow spray. It's very expensive but it looks lovely, so other than the price I'm not knocking it. (would be very chuffed to receive it as a gift). However the BA, a Julia Roberts (film)/Ellie Goulding hybrid starting talking about how you could light the candle in the bedroom a couple of hours before bed, then have your bath, and spritz the pillow..I liked that she said that the spray is not water based so it doesn't leave the pillow wet..The one I have does and I really don't like that it does that. What got me, was when she started referring to the burning of the candle as "Treatments" ie the candle gives you about "x" amount of treatments...Treatments - my backside -It's not a medicine, it's a lovely candle that smells nice and might, (but probably won't) help you sleep better. I know there is such a thing as a beauty treatment, but I really don't like the way they dress them up in medicinal looking bottles, and even worse than that, when Ali Young "prescribes" jars of moisturisers to customers when they've texted in. Why can't she say " I recommend that you use" instead...she's a "beauty expert" not a GP!
To be honest, I tend to ignore what they waffle on about on beauty shows. I know what suits my skin and it’s not any of the overpriced brands. Let’s face it, if there was any one product that solved the ageing issue then there wouldn‘t be so many brands touting for business.

How the skin looks as we get older is, in my opinion, down to drinking enough water every day, a sensible diet, not sunbathing without protection etc etc, but it’s mainly down to the genes. Getting enough sleep is also important but, luckily, I crash out as soon as my head hits the pillow. You can’t look make yourself look years younger just by sticking cream all over the skin, although moisturising the skin is obviously good. But, as I said, I don’t use expensive products to moisturise mine.
.....and there's nothing anyone can do about the loss of definition around the jawline unless you have a facelift. They can "prescribe" what they like, or have you pummelling and fiddling with your face for hours on end with your hands, or the latest contraption and it's not going to make a blind bit of difference - That's aging for you! I agree with everything Toril says! To be honest all these demos blur into one, but the last one I saw featured a girl who'd be no more than 25, slapping on some kind of serum and manically massaging it in - Of course her skin looks good...A. She's a model and B. She's a youngster. Ok, if she's actually 75, then I'll take it all back!
Just lit my Harry Slatkin candle...I reckon I've still got a few "treatments" left in it! and going off at a tangent, OH came home the other day with a knock off lemon scented yankee candle from Aldi..slapped it down on the table and said £2.99!....I stuck it in the smallest room, and blow me..the throw was every bit as good as the HS and the smell just as divine!
I would never leave a lighted candle in my bedroom for 2 hours before I went to bed. My brother is a retired fire-fighter and has lectured us for years about fire prevention in the home.

Indeed. Nearly all candles actually bear the warning sticker 'Never leave a lighted candle unattended' someone should complain.
Indeed. Nearly all candles actually bear the warning sticker 'Never leave a lighted candle unattended' someone should complain.
They talk a load of twaddle & a fair amount is dangerous, I'm sure that the unattended candle dangers have been pointed out to them before. One of the worst things was K Tayler, mother & grandmother, selling the benefits of a string of lights that could be draped around all sorts of things in a child's bedroom 🤬
I would never leave a lighted candle in my bedroom for 2 hours before I went to bed. My brother is a retired fire-fighter and has lectured us for years about fire prevention in the home.
I totally agree EM. I heard the BA for Neom suggest leaving the candle burning near a cot o_Oo_O No, no, no and never. Also said light it in the bathroom 40 mins before you run a bath to scent the room. Now, I thought all candles came with a warning not to leave them unattended. She really should not have been saying either of those things. I love my candles but I tend to use melts now or faux candles because I forget and go to bed leaving them lit and it is an accident waiting to happen.

I totally agree EM. I heard the BA for Neom suggest leaving the candle burning near a cot o_Oo_O No, no, no and never. Also said light it in the bathroom 40 mins before you run a bath to scent the room. Now, I thought all candles came with a warning not to leave them unattended. She really should not have been saying either of those things. I love my candles but I tend to use melts now or faux candles because I forget and go to bed leaving them lit and it is an accident waiting to happen.

Did she say that today? Both QVC & Neom need to be told about her gross stupidity.
Yep. No idea of BA's age but it seems that the internet in the form of 'influencers'/Insta/YouTube has bred a generation of stupids with no responsibility for their own actions.

I hope someone has complained and that a warning is issued but I can't see that happening.
On a fire training course at work some years ago, the retired fireman doing the course asked us what we thought was one of the most dangerous items in the home for causing fires.
We were saying chip pans, lighted cigarettes etc, all the usual things.
He said yes, but there was another one that no-one ever thinks about....plug in air fresheners!
He said they should be banned, and if any of us had them to please throw them away when we got home later.

Yankee Rosa often says she has one near her stairs, so she is welcomed home by the fragrance if she has been away, unattended in other words
On a fire training course at work some years ago, the retired fireman doing the course asked us what we thought was one of the most dangerous items in the home for causing fires.
We were saying chip pans, lighted cigarettes etc, all the usual things.
He said yes, but there was another one that no-one ever thinks about....plug in air fresheners!
He said they should be banned, and if any of us had them to please throw them away when we got home later.

Yankee Rosa often says she has one near her stairs, so she is welcomed home by the fragrance if she has been away, unattended in other words
A neighbour of a work colleague left a plug in on whilst out in the garden and a fire broke out, luckily not too much damage but if they had gone any further than the garden it might have been a whole different story.

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