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THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE F*****G TUNNEL! Just saw a physio for a chat about time frames and it appears I was slated to go on 27/07. I have a Fracture Clinic appointment on Thursday which she thinks I should do as an inpatient then all being well it's home on Friday. Probably a nightmare there but can it be worse than a dementia ward??🙉🙊🙊😨😨😨
Go girl go! Well not too much otherwise you will go t&t over bum and be back to square one. And remember no wee drinkies when home until you are100% steady on the old pins.
Tangent alert !

Talking of cats, it’s nearly a year since I lost my Eric, my dear friend of 21+ years (see my profile pic).

ive decided that the time is approaching when I want another cat. The rescue centre hasn’t re-opened for fostering or adopting cats yet but it’s only a matter of weeks now.
I'm so pleased, for you, & the one you take into your heart & home. Bless Eric, your always cat.
Tangent alert !

Talking of cats, it’s nearly a year since I lost my Eric, my dear friend of 21+ years (see my profile pic).

ive decided that the time is approaching when I want another cat. The rescue centre hasn’t re-opened for fostering or adopting cats yet but it’s only a matter of weeks now.

I’m really excited for you. That’s a lovely thing to have to look forward to, especially at this time. Please can you post a photograph (or six) in due course?

(You will of course always be Eric’s Mum and I love looking at your forum profile pic.)
Actually May I really am. I haven't cried for a few days now which must be a relief to the staff. I have been relieved to adapt quite well to crutches and feel I must just struggle as best I can to get home. So a bit of a turnround from utter despair to positivity! 😀

yayyy that’s great news Mazza ... keep on going 🤩
Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to reply properly on this new site!

Good to hear you're feeling better, Mazza, and will soon be home, to some peace & quiet!

Also happy to hear that you're almost ready to welcome a new kitty, Eric's Mum.

Our older boy, Jamie, has been at the vets' this morning, having some dental work done. Mr E is due to collect him at 3.00. Can't wait to get him back. His little brother has been missing him, too.

Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to reply properly on this new site!

Good to hear you're feeling better, Mazza, and will soon be home, to some peace & quiet!

Also happy to hear that you're almost ready to welcome a new kitty, Eric's Mum.

Our older boy, Jamie, has been at the vets' this morning, having some dental work done. Mr E is due to collect him at 3.00. Can't wait to get him back. His little brother has been missing him, too.

View attachment 19211

Beautiful! Such photos of slumbering puddies without a cat care in the world make me feel very relaxed myself.
Actually May I really am. I haven't cried for a few days now which must be a relief to the staff. I have been relieved to adapt quite well to crutches and feel I must just struggle as best I can to get home. So a bit of a turnround from utter despair to positivity! 😀
Pleased things are looking up.Never worry about being tearful it is the emotion at a particular time often a reaction to stress.Try and stay positive! I am the sort of person who can give myself a real talking to and can actually listen to myself and turn my thoughts around.True but there is a man in a white coat at the door!
I've had a busy day! MEXIT is still on for Friday!. Had the OT kitchen and bathroom tests and equipment discussion. Walked 150m this morning on crutches! Had another supervised walk this afternoon which was about twice as far and am done in now! Have had to ask for pain relief preferably morphine! (Just received!)
One oddity. They have changed my clinic appointment to a virtual one. He will review the files then speak to me. Yet no Doctor has examined me here in 10 days and no fresh x rays have been taken. So WTF they plan to review defeats me. The OT lady took it up with the doctors when I mentioned it!
Actually May I really am. I haven't cried for a few days now which must be a relief to the staff. I have been relieved to adapt quite well to crutches and feel I must just struggle as best I can to get home. So a bit of a turnround from utter despair to positivity! 😀

Well done you xx

Actually May I really am. I haven't cried for a few days now which must be a relief to the staff. I have been relieved to adapt quite well to crutches and feel I must just struggle as best I can to get home. So a bit of a turnround from utter despair to positivity! 😀
It's saddening to think of you in tears on the ward alone - or anyone for that matter. Did a nice nhs-er bring you tea & biscuits, or say nice things? I'm guessing no visitors allowed?

I'm trying to imagine doing this with our Sox, of course I'd have to catch him first 🏃‍♀️
My cats would have just given me 'the look'. Then I wouldn't dare 'dress them' Not that they's have ever hurt me - not even a tiny scratch. I miss them soooooo much.
It's saddening to think of you in tears on the ward alone - or anyone for that matter. Did a nice nhs-er bring you tea & biscuits, or say nice things? I'm guessing no visitors allowed?
No visitors allowed except in say a duty of care meeting for a dementIa patient. There was a little bit of TLC yes but not a huge amount. This is the pit face of geriatric care here and quite frankly I find it pretty f*****g shocking.
BTW after my innocent little query on what exactly the doc would be reviewing I now have an x ray booked.
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No visitors allowed except in say a duty of care meeting for a dementIa patient. There was a little bit of TLC yes but not a huge amount. This is the pit face of geriatric care here and quite frankly I find it pretty f*****g shocking.
BTW after my innocent little query on what exactly the doc would be reviewing I now have an x ray booked.
Apparently I have Gerascophobia, a horror of ending old & decrepit, & your experience has reminded me why I feel this way. I'm so pleased that you'll be getting out & I'm sure you'll be very inventive about how to do things once you get home.
Tangent alert !

Talking of cats, it’s nearly a year since I lost my Eric, my dear friend of 21+ years (see my profile pic).

ive decided that the time is approaching when I want another cat. The rescue centre hasn’t re-opened for fostering or adopting cats yet but it’s only a matter of weeks now.


OMG i'm going to be scouring the rescues now, for suitables (for you) Finally a genuine reason to view my 'cat porn'.
Unfortunately it seems that many pets have been
Sorry, I still haven't figured out how to reply properly on this new site!

Good to hear you're feeling better, Mazza, and will soon be home, to some peace & quiet!

Also happy to hear that you're almost ready to welcome a new kitty, Eric's Mum.

Our older boy, Jamie, has been at the vets' this morning, having some dental work done. Mr E is due to collect him at 3.00. Can't wait to get him back. His little brother has been missing him, too.

View attachment 19211

Apparently I have Gerascophobia, a horror of ending old & decrepit, & your experience has reminded me why I feel this way. I'm so pleased that you'll be getting out & I'm sure you'll be very inventive about how to do things once you get home.

'Inventive ways....'

Tip: In the absence of massive pockets, & the old cinema ladies ice cream tray, when 'carrying stuff upstairs' use a long handled tote type cloth bag around your neck & fill up. Or a gardening/farriers/carpenters/similar waist apron,or even a household pinny.
So my clinic appointment which became a virtual appointment reverted to a physical appointment. Cue the need to reinstate transport. I still insisted they did the x rays here though as at least I could contr that. Anyway the woman just rang and said the Consultant would in fact do a virtual! I said not bother. I'll come over and he can look at it in person. What a f*****g joke shop!
So my clinic appointment which became a virtual appointment reverted to a physical appointment. Cue the need to reinstate transport. I still insisted they did the x rays here though as at least I could contr that. Anyway the woman just rang and said the Consultant would in fact do a virtual! I said not bother. I'll come over and he can look at it in person. What a f*****g joke shop!
My husband was talking to a customer today who he hadn't seen for some months; she had a knee replacement in February, it wasn't done properly & she needed daily visits from the district nurse, then 24th March dawned & the service was suspended, no contact & no contact number. After two days her husband phoned the gp surgery who said they couldn't give out the nurses' number & told them to go to A&E, they did & were told they couldn't help because it was a community health concern. Where do you go if A&E turn you away? With her in severe pain & delirious they went to the gp & fortunately a nurse saw him in reception & went out to the car - immediate call to A&E telling them to expect this couple & nurse & gp followed them. This lovely lady had to have her lower leg amputated due to gangrene, as LATI said no joined up thinking. I can't believe that I've heard of so many awful things happening to people we know & all of them were avoidable.

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