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Just letting my lovely friends know that MEXIT HAS HAPPENED. However I am too tired to write anything else really! I hope the district nurses turn up. I have been assured an instruction or whatever has gone in but who knows.... Panic!!!!!! No, too tired.

PS as I was leaving the lady in the next bed gave me her daughter's number and asked me to call her to let her know how unhappy she is! So I did that but had to be careful not to vent too much and cause distress in the daughter.
There you go, thinking about others after all you’ve been through. You should be so proud of yourself x
Lovely chocolate lab :love:

Here’s our vanilla one from 12 years ago
You got the vanilla one, my earlier post was a chocolate one and here`s our own girlie Bronte who`se a liquorice one.
You got the vanilla one, my earlier post was a chocolate one and here`s our own girlie Bronte who`se a liquorice one.
View attachment 19236
Oh a lovely black lab 😍🥰 Bronte sat with her Dad 🤗

Just letting my lovely friends know that MEXIT HAS HAPPENED. However I am too tired to write anything else really! I hope the district nurses turn up. I have been assured an instruction or whatever has gone in but who knows.... Panic!!!!!! No, too tired.

PS as I was leaving the lady in the next bed gave me her daughter's number and asked me to call her to let her know how unhappy she is! So I did that but had to be careful not to vent too much and cause distress in the daughter.

Brilliant news so pleased for you and glad they have arranged the nurses to call.
Your GP should be helpful with providing their contact number to get in touch with them or leave a message. At least it’s should be the same nurses calling which will be able to keep an eye and monitor how things are going. Hope you are managing to get some decent home cooked food, and plenty protein if you can will help with wound healing. (Sorry I used to be a surgical staff nurse)
Do take care and know we are always here 🤗 🤗 🤗
So, near me on the Ormeau Road is a building site, new apartments and a middle-sized supermarket. I belong to a neighbour site mainly it is lost dogs/cats or found, people moaning about people doing stuff. On on Thursday, someone put up the building site had three confirmed covid19 cases! Yet the other builders all still working away, of course, all hell broke out. There are local shops which the builders use to buy food etc. One said they spotted men out spraying the nearby street it was pointed out councilmen doing the weeds growing. Quite a few residents opposed the apartment building to start with anyway. Screams of phone the police and council local people need to know.

Now it seems someone also posted this on Facebook, not sure if it came from there originally?

So I asked for confirmed facts of this and not whispers. Then one woman replied saying she phoned the council health department and there are no confirmed or suspected cases on the Ormeau Road. So the thread was deleted. But shows how mass panic can start over someone said well I heard!
Good morning. Well I had quite a good nights sleep. Woke up early and when you have to put a bloody great boot on to move it is tempting just to stay up. So I did! I cannot use the shower as both the OT and the physio thought it was too risky but I DID use the Molton Brown Rosa Absolute. That perked me up no end. Then I washed my hair so I did feel a lot better by the time breakfast was ready.

I found a number for the Wandsworth Community services and rang this morning to see if my DN referral was in place. The chap reckoned I am due a visit today so lets just hope that happens. I always go into major panic mode if things stay open for a while.

I am still pretty low after the amputation comment TBH but at least able to watch telly to take my mind off it. 18 episodes of Merlin recorded!!!!!!!
Good morning. Well I had quite a good nights sleep. Woke up early and when you have to put a bloody great boot on to move it is tempting just to stay up. So I did! I cannot use the shower as both the OT and the physio thought it was too risky but I DID use the Molton Brown Rosa Absolute. That perked me up no end. Then I washed my hair so I did feel a lot better by the time breakfast was ready.

I found a number for the Wandsworth Community services and rang this morning to see if my DN referral was in place. The chap reckoned I am due a visit today so lets just hope that happens. I always go into major panic mode if things stay open for a while.

I am still pretty low after the amputation comment TBH but at least able to watch telly to take my mind off it. 18 episodes of Merlin recorded!!!!!!!

I now it’s not easy when a comment like that has been made and far too easy for me to fire back a comment. But believe me in my experience it’s not an option that is readily sort Mazza if thats of any help.
Just try to stay as patient as you can and doing the best you can to help with the healing process. Which I do feel will have a much better chance at home in your own environment eating and drinking well.
When the nurse calls have a chat with him or her, but allow yourself space to recover. I don’t know what you feel is best for you to be aware of the condition of your wound or not to force yourself to look but to give it time to improve.
Its easy for me to say since finishing nursing I’ve been the other side and I know just where you are coming from.
I just hope for you in time, being at home will allow you to relax and feel a little more comfortable about things as the days pass.
Good morning. Well I had quite a good nights sleep. Woke up early and when you have to put a bloody great boot on to move it is tempting just to stay up. So I did! I cannot use the shower as both the OT and the physio thought it was too risky but I DID use the Molton Brown Rosa Absolute. That perked me up no end. Then I washed my hair so I did feel a lot better by the time breakfast was ready.

I found a number for the Wandsworth Community services and rang this morning to see if my DN referral was in place. The chap reckoned I am due a visit today so lets just hope that happens. I always go into major panic mode if things stay open for a while.

I am still pretty low after the amputation comment TBH but at least able to watch telly to take my mind off it. 18 episodes of Merlin recorded!!!!!!!
I'm so pleased, I was awake at 3am & thinking about how you'd coped since getting home. Being really personal because you can't shower can you get someone to buy baby wipes? Boots sell their own non-plastic ones that smell divine & my husband takes them on climbing trips - the fragrance doesn't last long but makes him more people-friendly, your need will be less pungent than his! As for the consultant's comment, he's not worth thinking about but defo needs to be dealt with by his superiors; just before I retired I saw an FY1 at our surgery, I went with a question & came out with the information that she thought I needed an urgent referral for pancreatic cancer. As a newly qualified doctor she could be excused her insensitive gaffe, the person you saw can't. Have a peaceful day 💐
Some consultants can be complete ar*eholes. It`s as if when you reach a certain age they always presume either the worst diagnosis or the worst outcome. Mr V has had a couple of occasions where medical professionals have put the wind up him and predicted he could possibly lose a foot or a leg. He`s diabetic and faithfully takes his meds, keeps all his appointments and looks after his feet as best as he can. One time the podiatrist pointed to a man in a wheelchair who`d obviously had an amputation and said to Mr V if you don`t have your ingrown toe nails seen to then you`ll end up like him. The ironic thing is Mr V had already agreed to have nail surgery and it was THEM who cancelled it twice.
The worst consultant I ever had was a German man. He was loud, rude, abrupt, impatient ,arrogant and acted as if we should all salute him and kiss his backside. Even the nurse who was in the examination room with me rolled her eyes at him when she was standing behind him.
Of course there are many caring professionals and its always the minority who get a bad name. My ENT consultant is wonderful, I`ve seen him every few months for nigh on 10 years and he listens, advises, is patient and most importantly he`s an excellent surgeon who knows his stuff.
I was once examined the curtains pulled back and in the process of finishing getting dressed. With the consultant at the same time writing in my notes with his head down, proceeding to tell me he thought I had ovarian cancer and was referring me for a scan.
Some consultants are awful, I saw one about a year ago who was taking my intitial notes and turned round and said, so you have a kidney problem. This was a neurologist and I had no idea about my kidneys, I said do I? I was so shook up, really hit me hard. Very scared, I went to see my GP 2 days later and he was furious with this neurologist, it turns out my kidneys were fine and my numbers on my last tests were ever so slightly down as my bloods were done during a heatwave so slightly dehydrated, they have since retruned to normal, my GP said some just don't think before they engage their mouths and she didn't have the right to say that to me in a neurological appointment. I really didn't like this consultant anyway as her manor with me was so robotic- going through the motions so automatically and fed up. Both my hubby and eldest work at our hospital and say there are a lot like that sadly.
Thanks one and all for the kind thoughts and tips. Actually Twilight I did remove some wipes from the hospital and when kind neighbour asks I shall request some more. She got me a lot of Nivea Micellair face wipes and when I got home there were a further two packs! I dont use wipes as a rule but they are just easier at the moment. I can manage to wash properly but it is nice to use a proper body wipe on my feet just before getting into bed!

Anyway the main thing is that the District Nurse came so big whoop for that. He redressed it, took pictures and will now report back to the team when I should get a call telling me the schedule which might be every other day. He said they usually come between 9-12. He wouldnt be drawn on my comment to the effect that this foot doesnt look remotely in need of amputation does it, but nor did he recoil in horror. He just said there is a lot of slough.

Gosh. Just read the 2 posts above this one! What a bunch of bastards there are in this role it seems!
I was once examined the curtains pulled back and in the process of finishing getting dressed. With the consultant at the same time writing in my notes with his head down, proceeding to tell me he thought I had ovarian cancer and was referring me for a scan.
That's brutal & I hope he now suffers from persistent & incurable orchitis.

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