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Even female doctors can be dismissive of women if it not a “female problem” and male doctors even young ones have little interest in us.

its my birthday on Sunday, I’ve got a decent haircut , more colleagues are returning to work so I’m marking Monday a new start to get back on the straight and narrow of eating and excerise and generally smartening myself up both physically and mentally.

Going to have a bit of a binge first though!!😉🍸🎂
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Good to hear you sounding more positive. Did the little drinky help?;)
You mean yet another cup of orange squash!

Alter Ego. So sorry to read your story. What a nightmare.

Now on a POSITIVE note (for once) I had a really good physio session. Up and down a flight of ordinary stairs on crutches twice. I can't actually believe I managed it but I did! And in a mask and gloves. I was baking!
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Yes life’s definitely going to be different, every little symptom, even something unrelated and we think it’s our time to get it, yesterday I said to the husband I don’t feel too good you know, he said why what’s up, I said I feel really warm, he said you will do sorry, I turned the heating up by accident, and there was me thinking I had a temperature waiting for the cough to appear 😜😷😳
Yes life’s definitely going to be different, every little symptom, even something unrelated and we think it’s our time to get it, yesterday I said to the husband I don’t feel too good you know, he said why what’s up, I said I feel really warm, he said you will do sorry, I turned the heating up by accident, and there was me thinking I had a temperature waiting for the cough to appear 😜😷😳
🥵 Bless, I've got one just like him!
He's got about 12 days left before Boris / BBC wants his TV licence money, for the first time in 25 years.

Cartoon Tom Moore TV licence 109575110_2668868436716.jpg
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Apparently there was a terrible to do in the night as the woman who talks NONSTOP did just that and a frail lady just cracked at 4.00. I have sleeping pills thank Christ although the noise did wake me.

We have a really unhelpful (could one say lazy....) HCA on our bay today but I thought the nurse might have a bit of compassion so asked her to supervise me walking on crutches which she did. So homework completed as best I could.
I had my hair cut at last on Friday. I wore a mask throughout, had temperature taken on arrival and used hand gel. Felt as safe as I could. They used a plastic cape which I did find very hot and had to keep dabbing my chest with a hankie! Sweaty Betty not a good look. My hairdresser wore the face shield. It was so good to have my hair cut again, and I feel on a bit of a high since then. My hair was driving me mad before after 24 weeks of growth. When finished I had to put the cape in a bin. I just paid my usual amount for the hair cut, which surprised and pleased me. Was very pleased to take off the mask when I left the shop, but I guess I am going to have to get used to them.

I hope you are feeling better soon Mazza. x
THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE F*****G TUNNEL! Just saw a physio for a chat about time frames and it appears I was slated to go on 27/07. I have a Fracture Clinic appointment on Thursday which she thinks I should do as an inpatient then all being well it's home on Friday. Probably a nightmare there but can it be worse than a dementia ward??🙉🙊🙊😨😨😨

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