Made in ChinašŸ˜”


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Jul 19, 2014
South Ayrshire
When I buy something online, I always enquire if it is made in that country. I strongly resent not having the choice. This is me, and a personal choice.

it seems to me that from pinheads to just about everything large and small, it us either in whole or in part ā€œmade in Chinaā€.

I am against everything the Chinese government is about. They have the most horrendous and barbaric treatment of animals, right a ross the board. Their treatment of dogs, large and small, puppies too, I feel so helpless that I canā€™t do anything about, despite years of trying.

if you like cosmetics, beauty products and skincare, and it is sold in China, it must be tested on animals before it can be sold to the Chinese people! Therefore, I wonā€™t buy those brands some of which I used to love, because they sell in China. Make no mistake, if itā€™s sold in China, it is tested on animals.

As for Covid. This horrendous virus should have been contained within China, and they should have been honest with the rest if the world.

This post came about because I have discovered many of my QVC fashion purchases were made in China. So I wonā€™t buy again.

the Chinese want to be held in a high place throughout the world, but they have ruined the population, and industries in the process. I recently contacted Amazon to ask i& s9mething I was interested in was made in China, they replied that it was, so I told them I would not purchase.

I wish everyone would do this.
Yes, I agree, and I think most right minded people do. The great Chinese revolution began years ago with cheap labour, thereby undercutting every manufacturing company in the rest of the world. Look at our own country, we had a tremendous manufacturing industry from fashion, electricals, cotton and woollen industries, engineering, printing, pottery - literally everything. Then with high business costs, wages etc the Chinese pounced, and with their tooling machinery could make excellent copies of everything made around the world, and with British companies relocating abroad to India and China for greater profit, we are where we are now - a service industry country, and apart from tourism and jobs, not a lot of good to people living here !

Sadly China are not the only ones guilty of animal abuse. Romania is notorious in its lack of animal welfare, and equally is Spain - where we all go for holidays. How many of us have seen dead dogs in the road, and feral cats by the hundred. Not forgetting the bull runs in Pamplona, and the endless adverts with donkeys barely able to walk. So we don't need to go across the world to find evidence of abuse and neglect. A friend of mine spent a couple of thousand pounds getting a young dog off the streets in Alicante to get her back here. She is now thriving and ecstatically happy.

As you say, most of QVC products from fashion through to Julian McDonald homewares, to Alison Cork christmas decorations, are all made in China. Thing is, if all this 'stuff' was actually made in the UK, would we be prepared to pay the price if it was ? Eg. A Julian McDonald fancy glass candlestick for Ā£40 from China, could cost Ā£140 if made by glass blowers in this country. That's the trade off sadly.

China is not called a 'super power' for nothing, they have infiltrated Africa now, and wont rest until they have world domination I fear, but I wont be around to see it.
I try to only buy products that are BUAV approved and have done for a long time it is getting easier to find most things that it was even just a few years ago.
You've got the your premium ranges like Liz Earle etc, but the budget range is excellent now as well. All Superdrug own branded products are approved as well as the likes of Faith In Nature, Bulldog and even Aldi.

Cleaning products are so much easier now as all Co-op products are also approved, so I do feel like I'm making a small difference in my own little way.

They've also got a good website that I use for reference sometimes, but to be honest, if a product is approved, it nearly always states it on the bottle anyway.
Try and buy something that is not ā€˜Made in Chinaā€™.The vast majority of people will just not pay the money, just look at the queues outside Primark, many of those people will be supporting the Black Lives Matter movement but are they thinking of where their cheap garments are made and under what conditions?We have allowed the Chinese to take over too much,I have never been and never will.They have wrecked havoc on the world with this virus, start by selling off the Terracotta Army to pay compensation!It is not just their animal rights record which is disgusting but their treatment of humans too.
China is getting too expensive now manufacturing is moving to even less developed countries. Even banglasdesh is making some of the more expensive items now: coats that retail for several hundreds of pounds
I try to only buy products that are BUAV approved and have done for a long time it is getting easier to find most things that it was even just a few years ago.
You've got the your premium ranges like Liz Earle etc, but the budget range is excellent now as well. All Superdrug own branded products are approved as well as the likes of Faith In Nature, Bulldog and even Aldi.

Cleaning products are so much easier now as all Co-op products are also approved, so I do feel like I'm making a small difference in my own little way.

They've also got a good website that I use for reference sometimes, but to be honest, if a product is approved, it nearly always states it on the bottle anyway.

The co.op have started to discontinue quite a few of their own brand products. I have gone looking for a product to be told sorry we have stopped selling that.

Emma Hardie has the leaping bunny.
The co.op have started to discontinue quite a few of their own brand products. I have gone looking for a product to be told sorry we have stopped selling that.

Emma Hardie has the leaping bunny.

I think Iceland are cutting various own-brand items too for similar reasons, including some containing palm oil.

For me this lockdown has reinforced my intention to reduce the amount of stuff I buy on impulse just because I like it. I will choose carefully in future, based on need, quality and price, but above all origin of manufacture. I think this will prove difficult.
Lots of brands and websites now sell cruelty free toiletries, skincare, makeup, cleaning products etc but the hard part is finding clothing and household items which aren`t made in China or made by slave/child labour in Bangladesh or some such.
I think websites should have to write underneath an article`s description where that article is manufactured or its Country of origin so you know before you order. They should also have to state a pledge if something is made in a place like India that the workers have been paid a fair day`s wage or are part of a local enterprise run by local communities.
It isn`t only China or India which have their workers being paid peanuts or working under terrible conditions, places like Turkey, Egypt, Vietnam, Romania , Taiwan and so on, often have a poor record too.
Try and buy something that is not ā€˜Made in Chinaā€™.The vast majority of people will just not pay the money, just look at the queues outside Primark, many of those people will be supporting the Black Lives Matter movement but are they thinking of where their cheap garments are made and under what conditions?We have allowed the Chinese to take over too much,I have never been and never will.They have wrecked havoc on the world with this virus, start by selling off the Terracotta Army to pay compensation!It is not just their animal rights record which is disgusting but their treatment of humans too.

Exactly ! Its the British culture who clamour for cheap fashion. A sequin top for a tenner or less ? so to make a healthy profit the actual garment probably cost Ā£1 to make, at what cost to the labourer ? Go to any haberdashery shop and you'd never pay a tenner for the amount of sequins on that top.

Go to Europe and there's no wonder all the women look stylish, elegant and put together, because they're not buying cheap throwaway rubbish. They pay good money for quality wear that will last years rather than something that will end up as a duster after a week. So its no good crying over the pittance that workers for Primark are paid when we are to blame for it. Even M & S were taken to task about the moral cost of some of they're fashion.
Itā€™s extremely difficult to find out if China is involved to the point itā€™s fair to assume it IS involved in 99.9% of what we buy and the other bit comes from other countries with terrible conditions.

Cosmetics are probably the easiest to check due to the Leaping Bunny etc but as said unless all the components of an item are listed individually how do you know that say the valves and leads of your air compressor for example arenā€™t from China but has a made in France on the packet.
I wish it was easier but I donā€™t think it will change any time soon. Itā€™s like the health service we want premium se4vice but only want to pay Poundland money for it.

i suppose we can only do as much as we can but it might be just peeing in the wind.
Itā€™s extremely difficult to find out if China is involved to the point itā€™s fair to assume it IS involved in 99.9% of what we buy and the other bit comes from other countries with terrible conditions.

Cosmetics are probably the easiest to check due to the Leaping Bunny etc but as said unless all the components of an item are listed individually how do you know that say the valves and leads of your air compressor for example arenā€™t from China but has a made in France on the packet.
I wish it was easier but I donā€™t think it will change any time soon. Itā€™s like the health service we want premium se4vice but only want to pay Poundland money for it.

i suppose we can only do as much as we can but it might be just peeing in the wind.

Excellent analogy LATI ! and so true. If I thought I could get private healthcare service and treatment on the NHS I would willingly cough up an extra fiver a month on my N.I contributions, and so would many others I suspect.
I personally have never been inclined to visit Spain, but I know they get rid of their hunting dogs very quickly. The
phillipines, vietnam and South Korea too have terrible animal cruelty. The problem in Romania is that they donā€™t understand neutering and speying.

But for me it is the Chinese who top the leaderboard, anyone who has never heard of the Yulin dog meat festival should look it up. They believe the dog meat tastes better when the dog and puppies are tortured first. The dogs are skinned alive and cooked alive. I cannot bear to look even at photos, but it us all well documented. If they see a dog in the street, they whack it silly with an iron bar, I saw recently where 3 men were doing this to one little dog. I am on Facebook and stumbled on that image. I wish people would not share images they can do nothing about. I never share these and none of my friends would.

I have been an animal lover all my life, and canā€™t understand why people do this, even if for them it is a cultural thing. China has put a lot of our guys out of work over the years, while the Chinese prosper. Greedy manufacturers outsource all their work to China, we have lost a lot of our industry to China. But it is their treatment of animals of every kind that gets me. I have bought things I adore but when I discover ā€œmade in Chinaā€ it goes right back to where I bought it from.

I have also today left a review on QVC on an item which arrived this morning! Only to discover it was from China. I await the ā€œyour review has been rejectedā€ because I was more than a little scathing, and said they should consider their ethics. As you all know it us an independent company who read their reviews, so it will be interesting if it goes live. If it does not, I intend taking it as far as I can. On top of all of this they gave us Covid-19.
I visited China a couple of years ago and found the people very welcoming and they all wanted their photo taken with me....heaven knows why. What I didn't like was the fear the people had of speaking out of terms about the government. Our guide begged us not to ask where the tank was when we were in Beijing as he didn't want to get in trouble.
What I hated most was the lockdown of the internet, my brother had tried numerous times to contact me that my mum was seriously ill in hospital but due to the internet being blocked I didn't receive his messages. The Chinese people are so friendly and welcoming and these days it's the girls who pick and choose as there is something like 3 boys for every girls. Don't even get me started on the food markets. I don't want to buy anything made in china and I feel the Chinese should be held accountable for the state we are currently in. Stay safe everyone we will get through this.

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