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I must be quite thick because I don't understand how the test will make a difference. If I get tested & I've got antibodies does that mean I behave as pre-coronavirus? Will we be given badges to show our status - echoes of far worse times & human rights infringements? Do they hope to test every person in the UK?

Unless I’ve misunderstood what they said (because they do tend to waffle during the briefings 😳,) those who are found to have antibodies might be let out, with less restrictions, than those who haven’t got them or who haven’t been tested. They’re intending to test those in the NHS and careers first, so the rest of us could have a very long wait to enjoy a more “normal” way of life again.
Unless I’ve misunderstood what they said (because they do tend to waffle during the briefings 😳,) those who are found to have antibodies might be let out, with less restrictions, than those who haven’t got them or who haven’t been tested. They’re intending to test those in the NHS and careers first, so the rest of us could have a very long wait to enjoy a more “normal” way of life again.
As an ex NHS worker, I see this as using this test to be able to send NHS and careers back to work if they have the antibodies.
I am not sure I want a vaccine that has been rushed through, though most experts are not sure one will be found.
I agree that the antibodies test means that NHS workers and carers will be able to get back to work if the test shows that they have had the virus in the past, but presumably those who have antibodies in the general public will also be able to be “released” as well. From reports this morning, the antibodies test will be rolled out soon.

As for the vaccine, I think it’s going to be quite a long time before an effective one is produced, if at all.
As a lay person with no medical expertise I`m hoping the antibody test will mean a quicker return of some services and an aid to getting the Country up and running again. One of my sons works with children in care and last week one of the kids, a 14 year old boy had raging toothache and it took almost 2 days to manage to get the boy seen and an hour`s drive to an emergency dentist instead of their own local dentist.
When my son finally got the boy seen to and only after many phonecalls and having to emphasize the other behavioral/mental health problems this boy had, he was told by the dentist that the only treatment he would be given was a quick and immediate extraction and had it been something like an abscess then the only treatment he would have been given was antibiotics. The dentist was in full PPE and whipped out the tooth in seconds.
I had similar battles just over a week ago when my husband was due for nail surgery for very painful ingrown big toe nails which were inflamed and as a diabetic he`d been told it was essential he had them done ASAP. The nail surgery had already been cancelled twice and they rang and tried to cancel again even though the department was open but only seeing what they classed as "emergencies". I had to argue his case that at almost 70, with painful inflamed toes, diabetes, heart disease and inability to sleep at night let alone wear proper shoes during the day, and after 2 cancellations and almost 12 months waiting to have it done, that we`d been patient enough.
We went along, the waiting room was empty and when we went into the treatment area there were several staff sitting around chatting and not another patient to be seen. En route to the department we`d passed other sections in the hospital which were also shut down and the hospital corridors were empty.
Now I`m not saying hospital staff shouldn`t be protected, they should, but every one of those closed departments will have umpteen people waiting to be seen and treated by them and if antibody tests means staff can return quicker and patients can once again be seen then bring it on.
I see in Amsterdam a restaurant is trying out pods (like a greenhouse) to enable couples or small groups to eat in isolation.
In Germany an outside cafe makes people wear hats with swimming noodles attached to enforce the social distancing recommendations.

Not sure I’m that desperate yet - I can make a nice meal or coffee in the comfort of my own home and garden.
I saw that, but the whole part of going out into a nice restaurant or bar is to be amongst other people and enjoy the atmosphere and "noise ", to be stuck in a little pod or mini greenhouse would ruin all that and I just wouldn't want to bother, but I can understand some people might like it
I imagine those pods are expensive and would have to be thoroughly cleaned between sittings. If this goes on for years might be worth it but the ones I saw were outdoors so not sure that just spreading the tables out wouldn’t have been enough.
Pods are just another place for germs to settle imho. I don't fancy sitting in a stuffy pod in a cafe, either.

The problem is with all of this is that this country doesn't have money trees and at some point the cash to pay for all of this will run out if the country isn't working to capacity. Then we'll be left in the unenviable position if the infection goes on, of having to get back to normal life whatever the health of the nation and borrow up to our eyeballs for generations to come. The sooner they get a vaccine, the better, so that's where I think the smart money should be put.
Just back from a walk. amazing how many lockdown walkers and runners have appeared. Our area is very bad for dog poo at the best of times but I think there must be households where a non walker is taking them out as it is nigh impossible not to wade knee deep in the bloody stuff.

What the hell is wrong with people and what must their houses be like......oh I forgot they are taking them out to s&&t all over the footpaths so they don’t have to clean their own house.

Rant over (not dogs they only do what’s natural, it‘s their owners).
It’s got closer to home for me. 😳 My next door neighbour texted this morning to tell me that one of her twin boys, aged 9, is currently in hospital being tested for a Covid-19. She’s obviously with him.

Fortunately, I’ve only seen her once recently because I’ve stayed in, except for popping out for food, but spoke to her at a 2+ metre distance the day before yesterday. If, heaven forbid, he does test positive then she’ll have to go into quarantine for at least a fortnight with her three children. Her ex husband had the children over the weekend so he’ll have to self-isolate as well.

For her sake, and the children’s, I really hope the test will come back as negative.
It’s got closer to home for me. 😳 My next door neighbour texted this morning to tell me that one of her twin boys, aged 9, is currently in hospital being tested for a Covid-19. She’s obviously with him.

Fortunately, I’ve only seen her once recently because I’ve stayed in, except for popping out for food, but spoke to her at a 2+ metre distance the day before yesterday. If, heaven forbid, he does test positive then she’ll have to go into quarantine for at least a fortnight with her three children. Her ex husband had the children over the weekend so he’ll have to self-isolate as well.

For her sake, and the children’s, I really hope the test will come back as negative.
What a worry for them, hoping he'll test negative
Just back from a walk. amazing how many lockdown walkers and runners have appeared. Our area is very bad for dog poo at the best of times but I think there must be households where a non walker is taking them out as it is nigh impossible not to wade knee deep in the bloody stuff.

What the hell is wrong with people and what must their houses be like......oh I forgot they are taking them out to s&&t all over the footpaths so they don’t have to clean their own house.

Rant over (not dogs they only do what’s natural, it‘s their owners).
I used to call where I live 'the dog poo capital'. It is now not too bad, although you do have to keep your eyes peeled when walking.

My next door neighbour, who is also known as the village gossip, used to have 2 dogs and I would regularly see her letting her dogs foul outside on the grass verges. She would deny it if you said something.
Years ago when my first husband was still alive we lived in a house which had open plan front lawns. A woman 2 houses down from us used to open her back door every morning and her terrier would make his way up to our front lawn and leave his poo on it. I got sick of seeing it using our lawn as a toilet especially as we had 2 dogs of our own and wouldn`t have dreamt of allowing either of them to do the same on someone else`s lawn. Anyway one morning the terrier did as he usually did so I went out, bagged it up and took it to his owners house and knocked on the door. When she answered i held out the bag and told her I thought it belonged to her and if it happened again I`d push the next bag through her letterbox and the bag wouldn`t be sealed.
It did happen one more time and she was at her front door and the dog must have got past her and was shouting for the dog to go back which he didn`t. Before I could say or do anything she came rushing up the street in her nightie and dressing gown and as if her backside was on fire with a bag in her hand and apologizing at the top of her voice.
I love dogs but detest selfish dog owners. We're generally quite lucky because there are a number of poo bins locally & considerate owners so it's a mystery how I always manage to find a deposit when pushing little granddaughter's pushchair ☹
Vienna, I had to smile at your post. My departed Border Terrier saw a newly mown lawn as a freshly cleaned toilet (for him!) He was easy to keep away from them as he was always on the lead but one time when I was chatting to a man I knew who had been mowing away, my dog strayed off behind me onto his lawn and did "his business". I don't know who's jaw dropped the lowest :LOL:

I cleaned it up of course :oops:
What gets me is that our road has poo bins all the way along. Please will someone tell me why do people tie used poo bags to railing etc especially when there is a bin just a few yards away.
I see in Amsterdam a restaurant is trying out pods (like a greenhouse) to enable couples or small groups to eat in isolation.
In Germany an outside cafe makes people wear hats with swimming noodles attached to enforce the social distancing recommendations.

Not sure I’m that desperate yet - I can make a nice meal or coffee in the comfort of my own home and garden.
A pub in my area has had clear pods for dining in their garden for a couple of years.
I love dogs but detest selfish dog owners. We're generally quite lucky because there are a number of poo bins locally & considerate owners so it's a mystery how I always manage to find a deposit when pushing little granddaughter's pushchair ☹
we used to have poo bins and some thugs set them alight so our council had to get rid of them
Just back from a walk. amazing how many lockdown walkers and runners have appeared. Our area is very bad for dog poo at the best of times but I think there must be households where a non walker is taking them out as it is nigh impossible not to wade knee deep in the bloody stuff.

What the hell is wrong with people and what must their houses be like......oh I forgot they are taking them out to s&&t all over the footpaths so they don’t have to clean their own house.

Rant over (not dogs they only do what’s natural, it‘s their owners).
This really gets my goat. People who don't clean up after their dogs should be made to roll in piles of it. Worst is the bags hanging on trees! WHY?????
Always seems to be the dossers who don't clear up. Council needs to catch these people & fine as a means of revenue instead of going after motorists.

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