Do we need a reminder?


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Apr 23, 2015
I had the misfortune of catching Claire Sutton on this morning's EEK show.

She urged viewers to buy a ring as a piece of lock down jewellery to keep as a reminder of what happened.

Yeah I really want to wear a reminder that 1000's died, that 1000's lost their livelihoods, that 1000's had mental a breakdown...

I'm the sort of person that shoos flies out of the window rather that swat them but right now I could happily give that poor excuse of a human being a darn good slap!!
I couldn’t agree more b, why she thinks a piece of silver and cut glass would be a reminder of the atrocities we’re all facing but like you say mores the point, why would you want to remember. Mind you, this is a grown woman that still calls her mother “mummy” and talks like a five year old, that mixed with her tits on show, wouldn’t expect anything less from her.
Caught a very few minutes of Claire Sutton and had to switch off. Her whole act is, to say the least, nauseating and that can be said of a number of other presenters. They are so deluded and have very little, if any, self awareness. For me there are some horrible presenters employed at QVC. That sounds a bit horrible but that’s how they make me feel. Desperate, greedy, shallow, attention seekers.There, I’ve said it!
I’m sure that Claire is very nice in real life, but I really cannot be bothered to listen to her “twee wee” voice. I’m not in kindergarten any more.
I had the misfortune of catching Claire Sutton on this morning's EEK show.

She urged viewers to buy a ring as a piece of lock down jewellery to keep as a reminder of what happened.

Yeah I really want to wear a reminder that 1000's died, that 1000's lost their livelihoods, that 1000's had mental a breakdown...

I'm the sort of person that shoos flies out of the window rather that swat them but right now I could happily give that poor excuse of a human being a darn good slap!!
well its the Paris bombings all over again isnt it? People lying dead in the streets and that dreadful woman (is it Alison someone?) guesting with Del Boy told us to buy a bloody Eek angel's wing pendant to keep us safe. I mean WTF was that about!? Even Del Boy looked taken aback. I did complain about that but obviously had no lasting effect! Shameless. Just shameless.
Caught a very few minutes of Claire Sutton and had to switch off. Her whole act is, to say the least, nauseating and that can be said of a number of other presenters. They are so deluded and have very little, if any, self awareness. For me there are some horrible presenters employed at QVC. That sounds a bit horrible but that’s how they make me feel. Desperate, greedy, shallow, attention seekers.There, I’ve said it!

Yes, spot on Evie I feel exactly the same, the whole desperation makes your skin crawl.
I couldn’t do what they do, talk tripe about tat I just couldn’t. If you can’t be genuine in life what else is there? And that goes for trying to sell something to the masses.
I caught a bit of Julia Roberts today. Julia said that Chloe (in make up) had done her hair today in a 40s type style. I’m furious. So much for social distancing. I’m in a bad mood anyway cos my neighbour has moved his girlfriend in for a week “cos he’s lonely”. What makes it worse is she’s a carer. I let him have it and said what about the NHS staff who can’t see their families?

Going to see what the CEO has to say about it.😡😡 😡
After more than six weeks I'm still not sure it the concept of social distancing is legally enforceable or just for guidance.

Really? I can’t go to my parents house or see my friends. I would love to have my hair done and attend my dance classes but they’re all off.
I couldn’t agree more b, why she thinks a piece of silver and cut glass would be a reminder of the atrocities we’re all facing but like you say mores the point, why would you want to remember. Mind you, this is a grown woman that still calls her mother “mummy” and talks like a five year old, that mixed with her tits on show, wouldn’t expect anything less from her.


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