Debbie Flint dress


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Nov 5, 2015
Is the dress Debbie Flint is wearing in the Elemis hour a forthcoming TSV? I know QVC isn’t renowned for its fashion but that dress is dreadful both in style and pattern. It’s like a pair of curtains you’d find in a house that’s up for sale because the elderly owner has moved into a home. Debbie must be mortified having to be seen it, it doesn’t do anything for her but I doubt it would do anything for anyone.
Just looked and words fail me. The style isn't too bad on DF but the fabric!!! I mean, who would buy that?

she never wear ingenue on QVC but thats what she wore at the beauty bash. I can't understand why someone so small and short would wear a dress that shape
Oh my goodness - that whole getup makes her look like she's auditioning for an Ada and Cissie/Les Dawson sketch :mysmilie_506:
Even Catherine Huntley struggles with the Onjenue dresses. The necklines are too high and make busts look huge. As for the patterns! There's worse though, those Jolie Moi monstrosities :mysmilie_11:

Good grief that`s one awful frock. It looks like its been cobbled together from a load of old sofa covers and probably smells of eau de charity shop musk. She looks almost as wide as she is tall and reminds me of that old Roses chocolate advert which Norman Vaughn did way back in the days of black and white telly and he used to say "Roses grow on you " and then poof a load of rose flowers grew on him as if by magic. At least he meant to be a comedy act unlike DF who`se just dressed as a comedy act !
I have never understood the sales of Nina Leonard clothing in the UK

I've got a few NL dresses, but they are column dresses. I bought others I never reached for in more a-line styles, or with embellishments, but I find the dresses I've kept look good on me and get me compliments.

The light blue dress linked earlier looks like a nightie to me! It looks vile on the model. Debbie can look fantastic in a dress, but it has to be the right proportions and colour... And she always seems to need shapewear, so I can't say it she would still look good in them without.

Debbie doesn't seem to me to be blessed with a sense of style and taste, so generally will happily wear QVC items, regardless. Many of the others are aware when they look a fright, and you can spot them trying not to turn to expose tums, bums and ****s being trusted up or made to look humungus by an unflattering cut or embellishment.
Is the dress Debbie Flint is wearing in the Elemis hour a forthcoming TSV? I know QVC isn’t renowned for its fashion but that dress is dreadful both in style and pattern. It’s like a pair of curtains you’d find in a house that’s up for sale because the elderly owner has moved into a home. Debbie must be mortified having to be seen it, it doesn’t do anything for her but I doubt it would do anything for anyone.

Oh phew! When I saw this thread I clicked on it out of curiosity because I feared someone had started it asking what the dress was because they liked/were interested in it..!

Not watching QVC much at all these days, so I hadn't seen any recent presentations, especially beauty, so I was sure how new was the format I saw in the 11pm Elemis hour. It had Debbie (in aforementioned dress) and Keeley in a sort-of matronly blouse with trousers.. But having them walking - pointlessly - around the studio/set was so distracting and also seemed to draw more attention to what they were wearing.

Debbie's dress - especially with some nasty white shoe/sandals - wouldn't have been quite so noticeably poor if she'd stood still, but sitting awkwardly on a high stool, or beside the model made it look even less attractive!
Turned on QVC just before 9pm and caught Debbie Flint flogging the “not really a bargain hunter it’s the price we were originally going to charge” and I could’ve swore she said in a few weeks TSVs will start at 9pm not midnight, I could hardly hear her over that dress but I’m almost positive that’s what she said.

Saying that though it’ll be no great shakes, they’ve been selling them days before for ages.
I flicked over at 11 pm to see if the Elemis TSV has sold out?

Agree with everyone, first thought was bloody hell that dress is awful from the giant purple flowers to the blinding white background and no shape to it.
There's a thread started on 6th April about DF wearing an awful dress & it's the same one. In the interests of market reasearch I watched the clip & heard Jacqui Joseph say the usual banal comment that if DF added a cream jacket she could wear the ensemble to a wedding. I'd photoshop her from the photos if she turned up in that monstrosity.
I have seen Jacqui Joseph several times and until QVC fashion hours I had never seen or heard of her. I think these people must appear on shows in England and Wales that are not broadcast in Scotland. I’ve seen this with several guests. I loved watching Nina Leonard when Lenny was on he was such a good salesman and funny. I wonder what he died of, just a shame.
Apart from the print DF and trapeze style dresses should never be teamed together! Comes over as wide as she is tall. A number of years ago I was dragged along to a beauty bash event by one of my daughters. It was in a depressing hall, there was no hint of glamour and I also found myself standing very near to DF. She is small in height and on that particular day a size 16. Whatever she was wearing was poorly put together. I found the whole morning depressing and my daughter, who had wanted to go, agreed with me. We headed off for lunch at the Sky Garden, 20 Fenchurch Street (the Walkie Talkie Building) which proved an expensive way to try to cheer ourselves up.

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