Am I alone......


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Apr 27, 2009
in not knowing what the hell Lee Holbein talks about ???? quad core ?? I thought that was an area around the tummy area. So many gigabites, and then its waffle waffle waffle about what ? who in God's name does he think he's talking to, because the Presenters appear to be baffled by it all let alone his mainly middle aged women audience.

Most of us don't even use all the facilities on a mobile phone - I'm still struggling with a Doro dumb phone. Yes, I use my Lenovo laptop, but it clearly does more things that I'm aware of or can master.
He talks a lot of figures without really saying much. Other than the fact he is a massive Apple fanboy and thinks a "really powerful mothership" desktop computer, is an Apple costing over 2 grand and has an i5 processor and a 2tb HDD. That's what he considers the be all and end all of computing.... Suggesting that really he knows bugger all, as that really isn't very powerful at all, especially when it is using unnecessary resources running a 5K screen.

I saw him on twitter answering a guy, and telling him that computers don't have fans much these days because they switched to SSD's, which isn't really the case. Some computers now use the M cpu's that don't consume as much power, so don't generate the same kind of heat.

Or when he was telling Katy P about how many billion operations a second an iPhone X can do. "but what does that mean for us?" asks Katy. "it just means it's faster" says Lee Hohbein. And then tells us how he likes to wind it back and explain things in simple terms :/ In other words he probably hasn't got a clue!

It is amazing how he is considered an expert, when I'm sure a day old foetus knows just as much about computing as him.

Best bit is when he tries to convince people that the tech support really is worth the supposed £200. But that really Apple tech is really easy to use (my aunt and uncle suggest otherwise, as they are always asking me questions) but while he is saying that, the presenters are always pointing out that they call him day and night asking for help. So much for it being intuitive!!

My rant didn't really address the OP's concerns, other than letting me get stuff off my chest :)
It’s all waffle and even with the sound down, my usual way of watching Q, he is just so unconvincing and enjoys his screen time far too much.
Just channel hopped on and the first thing I heard was the "expert" say "don't quote me on this but I've not seen anything like this"......hmm expert you say? :mysmilie_17:

Ooops now Matt Trim (sp?) who can bore the nation and send a glass eye to sleep, so yes, over the channel goes. :mysmilie_3:
I'm glad it's not just me who finds him an expert on waffle & self-importance but nothing else. A few months ago he said he was about to go on a 'world tour', as though he was a megastar (I haven't got much time for them either). Doesn't Fibby call him her husband at work?
I have not watched him for a while but he never used to say anything that i wanted to know.
I'm glad it's not just me who finds him an expert on waffle & self-importance but nothing else. A few months ago he said he was about to go on a 'world tour', as though he was a megastar (I haven't got much time for them either). Doesn't Fibby call him her husband at work?

Yeah she calls him her "work husband" if they ever got "work divorced" I wonder who'll get the iPads and who'll get the Amazon dots/towers/fires/Kindles? :mysmilie_17:
Yeah she calls him her "work husband" if they ever got "work divorced" I wonder who'll get the iPads and who'll get the Amazon dots/towers/fires/Kindles? :mysmilie_17:

He's more "I live in a converted warehouse/wharf apartment" & there's her in her Devon retreat that I imagine must smell like a secondhand book shop. To use an old term it would be lavender marriage.
He's more "I live in a converted warehouse/wharf apartment" & there's her in her Devon retreat that I imagine must smell like a secondhand book shop. To use an old term it would be lavender marriage.

:mysmilie_19: Judging by what I've heard about Fibbys slutty "novels"........they'd be chalk and cheese.
its a real shame but Lee's presentations are getting worse. absolutely no information on any technical level. when Q first started I bought a lot of tech from them now I dont even watch the tech shows. they are cringeworthy. its a Shame really as I think Lee seems like a nice person
Certainly you are not alone on this one! I switch him off immediately but stuck it out for a few minutes yesterday for a laugh.He prattles on at about 100 miles an hour dropping in what sounds like technical info. that nobody understands.I would love it when he ‘talks’ to Alexa if it would answer and tell him in words QVC couldn’t broadcast exactly where to go.
He annoys me most when he does Alexa, the patter hasn’t moved on from the old mobile phone mantra, “do I need an umbrella today”.

I don’t mind Matt Trim he seems a nice man.
He annoys me most when he does Alexa, the patter hasn’t moved on from the old mobile phone mantra, “do I need an umbrella today”.

I don’t mind Matt Trim he seems a nice man.

I agree Lati he does seem like a nice man, I was just commenting on his presentations the way he drones on with his monosyllabic toned voice. :mysmilie_3:
Pass the sick bucket.

Lee and Chuntley are rabbiting on about his 6 Alexa speakers in his home and Chuntley being round there dancing to the wee small hours.

His demo has gone to hell in a handcart and Chuntley was asked to mention a city and she answered Texas all whilst Alexa was rabbiting on about Strictly.

Hells bells he’s on about the bloody umbrella
Am i alone in being sick to death listening to alexa jesus i sometimes think life was much better without all this tech i know its an old fashioned view but i am old fashioned so there:mysmilie_1:
I am sure all this technology is very useful to some but wonder if it is mainly a novelty.If I had to keep saying ‘Alexa—-?, Alexa,Alexa it would drive me mad.It might have been useful when I was working & trying to get through miles of endless traffic?Alexa how long will it take me to cover the 12 miles to work? Answer 2 to 3 hours.Alexa are the trains running to time? No.
Mr L is a real Techy but I could quite happily live without it (he reckons I only think that in reality I would miss it).

Now a days technology isn’t an answer to a problem but rather “here’s something we have developed now how can we persuade the mugs out there that they can’t live without this extortionately overpriced thing”

Mobile phones apps are the one thing I would put in room 101. The phone itself is okay to communicate WHEN NECESSARY but it’s all this looking at it 24 hours a day that really bugs me. Talking down a street, having a meal, shopping etc is now impossible without idiots on mobiles.

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